Outlawed bizarre ritual of “baby dropping” continues
From OddityCentral.com, April 9:
Great opening line in this MedPage Today article, August 24: There may be fewer obstetrician/gynecologists performing abortions than previously estimated, researchers said. The good news is that only 14% of 1,031 ob/gyns responding to a new survey said they commit abortions, down from 22% in 2008. The results were published in the September issue of […]
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat The Phoenix FOX News affiliate has the story of a woman whose child had been growing in her abdomen, outside of her uterus: Nicollette Soto’s son weighs just 2 pounds, 14 ounces. She had what’s called a cornual pregnancy, and doctors are amazed he survived. He was born […]
Backstory, from