Pro-life blog buzz 11-14-14
- Down on the Pharm reminds us that the old “hCG in the tetanus vaccine” scandal happening in Kenya right now is nothing new:
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
And this begs the question, do liberal women not understand the difference between a living, developing baby and vaginas? Do we need to sit down and have a basic anatomy lesson? There is a big difference between a child growing in your womb and your “ladyparts.”
Contrary to Silverman’s preposterous claim to Chris Hayes, people are not scared of vaginas. But thinking people are perplexed by the inability of liberals to differentiate between a vagina and a child. Because when a separate and distinct human being enters the picture, the picture is about more than your ladyparts.
The Center for Reproductive Rights blurs countries and causes, so where one woman in Kenya can’t take her baby home because she’s in debt for the delivery, this is compared to America being hostile to very late-term abortions in the former George Tiller clinic in Kansas… The Center’s staffers were quite clear they wanted to […]
China has joined Kenya’s family planning campaign by donating contraceptives worth Sh4 millions to the Kenyan government…. “We are handing the contraceptives to the ministry of health which will contribute towards achieving aspirations of Vision 2030,” [Minister for Planning Wycliffe Oparanya] said on receiving 5000 contraceptives…. [Oparanya] said that Kenya and China are cooperating in […]
Republican Congressman… Chris Smith provided indisputable evidence of the victory: AIDS prevention events in African countries achieve successful results when they are founded upon abstinence and fidelity. From the House of Representatives, Smith drew a bill to revive the President’s Emergency Plan for HIV/AIDS. After citing the reports of the U.S. State Department and the […]
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat Presidential candidate Herman Cain further clarifies his position on abortion during an interview with CBN’s David Brody: Brody: Are you for some sort of pro-life amendment to the Constitution that in essence would trump Roe v. Wade? Cain: Yes. Yes I feel that strongly about it. If we […]
On December 21 the “worst nightmare” of abortion proponents was realized when pro-life leader Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ) was named chairman of a House subcommittee that is very important to pro-lifers. I’ll let pro-abort Jane Roberts explain their fears, who wrote at RH Reality Check right after the November election: And if Chris Smith (R-NJ), […]
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Fr. Frank Pavone discusses “settled law” assertions as Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan readies for her confirmation hearing. Though Kagan considers abortion rights to be “settled law,” America’s courts and legislatures have a history of changing such laws when new evidence is brought forward that makes it clear […]