Stanek one of “7 women working tirelessly to attack equal rights for women”
Affirmation comes from the strangest places.
Actually, the sort of affirmation I might strangely prefer is acknowledgement from the other side, backhanded as it may be, that I’m being heard. The hope is the messaging is getting through to someone over there, somewhere, and that I’m not just preaching to the choir.
Most here know of Amanda Marcotte, a militant pro-abortion feminist who writes some of the most acerbic, jaw-dropping stuff out there. Amanda may be exasperating and even infuriating, but she is refreshing in that she takes her movement’s beliefs to their fanatical conclusions, which they more often than not try to hide.
That’s the set-up for a piece Marcotte just had posted on Salon entitled, “7 women working tirelessly to attack equal rights for other women” (same piece at AlterNet: “7 women working tirelessly to screw over other women,”) with the subtitle, “Sadly, these women find it personally advantageous to reject feminism and continue perpetuating sexist social norms.”