Jivin J’s Life Links 1-7-10
by press release, you’d think voters in the 4 districts they surveyed favor abortion services being part of the government’s subsidized health care plan. But if you read
by press release, you’d think voters in the 4 districts they surveyed favor abortion services being part of the government’s subsidized health care plan. But if you read
Sell-out Senator Ben Nelson was the well-deserved brunt of multiple political cartoons this week… by Michael Ramirez at Townhall.com…
On December 22 at 4:45p, pro-life traitor Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE) gave a speech on the Senate floor. Obviously, he had read the voluminous critiques of his “compromise” that enabled a socialized healthcare bill to pass in the Senate that included public funded abortions. He had something to say about that… I think my colleagues […]
by The Washington Times has a scathing editorial on Senator Ben Nelson’s sell-out: On Page 41 (lines 5-8) of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s manager amendment, the proposed rules mandate that everyone buying insurance through new exchanges or through the new government-run plan must pay a monthly abortion premium to be used for elective abortion […]
Very interesting Purposefully shunning input from any pro-life leader or organization about his supposed barrier-breaking brainstorm, Nelson is supposedly complaining, according to the piece, “He… feels like he’s been bitten by the family dog.”…
by Michelle Malkin reports what Nebraska Right to Life is hearing from Senator Nelson’s office about “compromise” language which might be added to Senator Reid’s health care reform bill. According to California Stem Cell Report has an interesting post on how much their stem cell institute’s loans are costing CA taxpayers. Right now it’s $192k […]
UPDATE, 12:50p:
by has been indicted for the death of a pregnant woman. Zachary Littleton allegedly killed Samira Watkins after she refused to have an abortion. This is truly odd. A VA woman allegedly