Last week I noted the youthful pro-life glow so evident at the Supreme Court when we were celebrating the Hobby Lobby decision that a photo of one of the our groups ended up in Cosmopolitan.
Pro-life movement doesn’t kill its young
Dave Weigel at Slate also noted the phenomenon - with a twinge of jealousy perhaps? “The abortion rights protesters ran the square, with their most camera-friendly interns and staffers lofting signs….”
So here’s another – of many – exuberant victory shots, this one via Reuters. (click all photos to enlarge)…

Police protect abortion
On the flip side, Reuters posted another photo steeped in irony – police protecting Planned Parenthood, the United States’ largest abortion provider, in the wake of the Supreme Court’s buffer zone decision. This ruling freed pro-life advocates to once again approach mothers planning to kill their babies with a message of hope and help.
I expect this photo will end up in the Abortion Holocaust Museum some day…