Join “Where’s the Freedom” webcast tomorrow night
Students for Life of America will host a live webcast tomorrow night, March 13, at 9p EST, to discuss the Obama Administration’s attack on religious liberty via the HHS contraception mandate.
Students for Life of America will host a live webcast tomorrow night, March 13, at 9p EST, to discuss the Obama Administration’s attack on religious liberty via the HHS contraception mandate.
This morning Family Research Council will host its annual event geared for online pro-life activists: ProLifeCon. ProLifeCon is always a fascinating, fast-paced three hours, packed with great speakers and information specifically for those of us with a passion to spread the message of the sanctity of life through blogging and social media.
While Indiana Planned Parenthood cries it will have to close clinics and fire staff if taxpayers stop bankrolling it, Planned Parenthood Action Fund is frittering money buying Twitter followers.
UPDATE, 7:20p: Add Club for Growth and Heritage Action to the list of groups opposing any more short-term CRs whatsoever. Today, together with Family Research Council, they issued a joint press release stating they will score votes on short-term CRs. 7:15p: The Republican-controlled House Appropriations Committee today released another proposed short-term Continuing Resolution, to commence […]
by JivinJ, host of the blog, Ross Douthat on the differences between teen birth and teen abortion in red and blue states: More important, Cahn and Carbone also acknowledge one of the more polarizing aspects of the “blue family” model. Conservative states may have more teen births and more divorces, but liberal states have many […]
by JivinJ, host of the blog, Tom McClusky lists the top 8 reasons abortion is in the health care overhaul. A MI jury has rejected Harlan Drake’s insanity defense and found him guilty of 1st degree murder for killing abortion protester James Pouillon and businessman Mike Fuoss.
by Dan Gilgoff at
UPDATE, 10:10a: A Senate source has emailed, “Looking into this. Confirmed not a perjury issue as questions for the record are not answered under oath.” _______________ Tom McClusky of the Family Research Council’s blog