If Todd Akin pulls this off, it will be more than he who is vindicated. It was also be the pro-life community.
After supposedly suffering a nine point drop following his infamous rape remark, to fall behind Claire McKaskill 49-44%, could it be that Akin has already recovered? Yes, according to a new poll commissioned by Family Research Council.
If Akin regains his foothold, it will put knee-jerk Republicans in a deservedly tough spot. Two days ago RNC Chairman Reince Priebus insanely declared, “He can be tied, we’re not gonna send him a penny.” Priebus, pictured right, has said he believes life begins at conception, although he must also believe babies whose fathers are rapists can nevertheless be murdered.
Seriously, are Republicans so afraid of feminists, and so afraid of defending the pro-life issue, that they’ll throw themselves under the same bus they threw Akin?
Reported Politico, yesterday: