(HT to Erick Erickson at RedState.com for the headline. I’ll get to Erick’s excellent post in a sec.)
Right now I am in Sioux City, Iowa, preparing to begin a 10 day, 30 city, 6 state bus tour today with the Susan B. Anthony List team.
My entire focus and role on the tour is to expose Barack Obama’s radical support of infanticide as part and parcel of the Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion, as he saw it and said it. As Illinois state senator Obama opposed the Illinois Born Alive Infant Protection Act, designed to give abortion survivors constitutional rights. Obama said giving premature born babies rights would be unconstitutional. Period. That’s what he said. Read page 86 of the senate floor transcript, when Obama was the only senator to speak against Born Alive. Read what Obama said very carefully: