Glamour Magazine laments “The mysterious disappearance of young pro-choice women”
Leon at has handsomely critiqued the biased article in this month’s Glamour Magazine entitled, “The mysterious disappearance of young pro-choice women.” As Leon says, the piece provides pro-lifers with encouragement in an unintended way. Here’s an example, a graph from the article:

Hmmm…the mysterious disappearance of young pro-choice women? Maybe the older pro-choice women killed them all.
Yeah- that must be it. Mystery solved. (Good one, Shaggy!)
Notice this:
“On his tours of college campuses, [Alexander Sanger, chaiman of the IPPC and grandson of Margaret Sanger] has noticed that numerous campuses no longer have a pro-choice group. But he has yet to visit one that doesn’t have a strong, vocal faction of pro-life women turning out to hear him speak. ‘It’s not just the numbers that are down among pro-choice women,’ he says. ‘It’s the enthusiasm.’ Conservative commentator and public opinion expert Kellyanne Conway has seen the same kind of drop in her own polling. ‘The intensity with which young women once marched and protested and gave money and time and engaged in spirited cocktail party debate — it’s just not there anymore,’ she says.”
Is it just me or are they trying desperately to spin a shift towards pro-life as simply a matter of pro-choice women being apathetic??
Sad to say, but I think you’re right Jaqueline.
It’s the “Roe Effect” in action.
Glamour Magazine Discovers the “Roe Effect”
Glamour Magazine Discovers the “Roe Effect”
From via Jill Stanek
Gee, you kill a third of their age-mates and wonder why they don’t buy into what you’re selling. Well, DUH!
Here’s the letter I sent to Glamour in response to that article:
In response to your article about the reduction in numbers of young pro-choice women—-guess what–young women are becoming more informed about what goes on behind those doors !! More young women have seen photos of aborted fetuses—severed limbs and decapitated heads and all. Much of this information gets out because people who work in the abortion industry have conversion experiences and leave it behind. If only abortion clinic employees could do a better job of keeping what goes on in there under wraps!!! Free speech has struck a mighty blow into the support of abortion rights.
I am post-abortive and I was never ever informed about what was going to happen to my baby during the “procedure.” I suppose I didn’t want to know so you could say I was willfully ignorant—I was also just a scared, 19 year old college student whose mother and family doctor told her this was the best solution to my “problem.”
I will not stop informing young people about what actually goes on in an abortion clinic. Will Roe v. Wade ever be overturned–I doubt it—but every woman should have absolute knowledge of what happens to her baby during an abortion. Many will turn around and walk out when informed; others may still go through with it.
It has been twenty six years since that abortion, and I still cannot forget the child that I never knew. I think about her every day.
Kimberly Wilson
St. Charles, Mo.
Yes, Jacqueline, you are right. Why do they think it’s so mysterious? It should be obvious.