by JivinJ
The Cincinnati Enquirer has an editorial opposed to an attempt to ban human cloning in OH. While the editorial ridiculously states that a ban on human cloning “would weaken the state’s push, through its new economic stimulus package, to attract top biomedical researchers,” it does admit the legislation “would prevent the artificial creation of a human being.”
UK abortionist Rashid Sandhu has been found guilty of sexually assaulting a 13-year-old girl:
During the trial, the court heard how Sandhu rubbed the girl’s breast with gel during an illegal medical procedure in an office at the hospital last June, telling her she needed an abortion after falsely informing her she was pregnant….
UK’s Telegraph has an opinion piece by ultrasound pioneer Dr. Stuart Campbell, who calls for the legal limit for abortion in Britain to be reduced from 24 weeks to 20 weeks and the 2nd doctor requirement be scrapped. The Telegraph also has the thoughts of two young women who became pregnant as teenagers, one who had an abortion and another who choose life.
Induced pluripotent stem cells from mice have been converted into three types of heart and blood cells.
S. at Out of the Looking-Glass World describes events surrounding her abortion experience and her ability to find forgiveness:
One of the hardest things for me as I came to believe in God was that I couldn’t be forgiven for my abortion. I owe an enormous debt to a Catholic friend who helped me with this. I had never thought much about it until I became a Christian and then became increasingly tormented by what I’d done. Every moment of every day, I thought of my children. Grief over our sins is good, but not like this. I finally told this friend and he said, without hesitation, “You are forgiven” and I knew that I was. I’d just needed to hear it.
[Rashid photo courtesy of Alban Donohue and BBC News]

When are people going to realize that abortionists are paid assassins hiding behind a medical degree? The personification of evil? Those who support the abortion industry are seriously deluded.
Oh brother….
You’re related to this guy????
When are people going to realize that abortionists are paid assassins hiding behind a medical degree? The personification of evil? Those who support the abortion industry are seriously deluded.
Posted by: Janet at May 2, 2008 10:19 AM
When they become as out of touch with reality and unable to cope with the truth as you are?
The only ‘delusions’ crop up on the antichoice side – regularly.
Doug, Interesting etymology of the word assassin:
Medieval Latin assassinus, from Arabic ḥashshāshīn, plural of ḥashshāsh worthless person, literally, hashish user, from hashīsh hashish
Date: circa 1520
During the trial, the court heard how Sandhu rubbed the girl’s breast with gel during an illegal medical procedure in an office at the hospital last June, telling her she needed an abortion after falsely informing her she was pregnant….
This guy is a creep.
He would be a creep if he was performing plastic surgery or removing bunions or changing the oil in your car.
ignoring TR today……
ignoring TR today……
Posted by: Janet at May 2, 2008 11:42 AM
of course you are – hiding from the truth is your favorite passtime
Good for you, Janet!
I was sexually assaulted by my piano teacher. Therefore all piano teachers are nasty and vile, evil people hiding behind the protection of music-lovers. Isn’t that right, Janet?
Doug, You’re related to this guy????
MK, LOL! (and I darn near never say that.)
Great timing and I did laugh out loud. Great finish to a week.
Doug, Interesting etymology of the word assassin
Janet, no doubt. They used to get smoked up (for courage?)
Edyt’s point about anecdotal evidence is sound, but I get drug-tested for work a lot, so I can’t do any drugs.
I did some when I lived in Canada. Hash and “hash oil.” You got a tiny little bit of it on the tip of a knife, say – it looks like clear olive oil – then heat it over a flame or touch it to a hot electric burner.
We did the burner deal, inhaling through a toilet-paper tube with sandpaper glued around the outside for a good grip. The people whose house I was at had their ducks in a row.
My sides, diaphragma and stomach were so sore the next day from all the laughing I’d done.
Edyt: 3:27: I was sexually assaulted by my piano teacher. Therefore all piano teachers are nasty and vile, evil people hiding behind the protection of music-lovers. Isn’t that right, Janet?
I am sorry, if that is not a hypothetical statement. Sometimes I can’t tell.
If all piano teachers sexually assaulted all of their students like all abortionists kill the babies of all their patients, they would all be nasty and vile, evil people hiding behind the protection of music-lovers. YES, that would be right, Edyt.
Doug:4:09: I did some when I lived in Canada. Hash and “hash oil.” You got a tiny little bit of it on the tip of a knife, say – it looks like clear olive oil – then heat it over a flame or touch it to a hot electric burner.We did the burner deal, inhaling through a toilet-paper tube with sandpaper glued around the outside for a good grip. The people whose house I was at had their ducks in a row.My sides, diaphragma and stomach were so sore the next day from all the laughing I’d done.
I’m sure the bored teens reading this site are thrilled you are posting today. (Shame, shame:)
And another pro-lifer misses the point. Why am I not surprised?
Oh, and yes, that actually happened. He was married, and had a one and a half year old daughter.
He wasn’t the first or last, but he’s one of the reasons I don’t give a damn about what anyone says about marriage.
And why I don’t feel joy playing piano anymore. That’s what hurts the most, I think.
On one hand you say that one piano teacher does not represent all piano teachers and you don’t judge them all by the actions of one…
And yet, you gave up piano (why? The piano didn’t do anything to you…you’re saying, in essence that all piano playing is bad because of one bad teacher.
You do the same thing with marriage. One bad marriage, and you no longer respect the institution of marriage…
How is this different than pointing to a number of abortionists that have raped and molested their “patients” and deciding that abortion is bad?
And yes, we do get what you are saying. The counter point was that piano is a good thing, and one bad piano teacher shouldn’t represent all piano teachers BUT abortion is a bad thing, therefore all people who do them are bad. Some, the ones who molest and rape, are just worse.
I didn’t give up piano. I’ve been playing for over 16 years. But I don’t feel joy anymore. I have, however, found solace in listening to and reading about Amanda from the Dresden Dolls, who was molested by her piano teacher at the age of 14 (reflected in her song: Missed Me).
My piano teacher is but ONE of many reasons why I no longer respect the institution of marriage, and I could write a book about all the reasons I don’t respect it.
Janet was making the point that that abortionist just illustrated the larger point that all abortionists are evil. And I compared it to my own experience. I don’t consider all piano teachers evil because one took advantage of me. Because I don’t see abortion as evil, I don’t see abortionists as evil. That man, however, is because he took advantage of a woman in his care.
I’m sure the bored teens reading this site are thrilled you are posting today. (Shame, shame:)
Janet, I heard that 38.2% of bored teens can easily change into assassins hehehhehehee.
Check it out – Google “assassin” and it’s that game where people try to “kill” you anytime, anywhere. Lots of college kids involved so there’ll be some post-teens too.
And why I don’t feel joy playing piano anymore. That’s what hurts the most, I think.
Ouch. Oh Edyt, I am sorry. That does hurt.
I wasn’t trying to downplay your experience. Just pointing out that we, unlike you, DO see all abortions as evil and when an abortionist does something like this, it just fits the way we see them anyway.
It would be like saying a Nazi raped a Jewish grandmother. We would be horrified, yes, but not surprised because Nazi’s were notorious for doing all sorts of heinous things…
To us, an abortionist is exactly like a Nazi. You view abortionists the way many people viewed the Nazis. They didn’t think that what the Nazis were doing was bad. They thought it was good to make a super race. Some people recognized them for what they were. Or slave owners. Most people thought that owning, beating, mistreating slaves was due course…but some, saw it differently. They thought owning slaves was evil.
You think abortion is fine. We see it a different way. We think it is bad, bad, bad.
One bad abortionist? To us, they are alllllll bad.
@Edyt: Oooooh! You like the Dresden Dolls? There is another song by the Dolls that I think is loosely based on a similar incident as that in “Missed Me”. The song is called, “Lonesome Organist Rapes Page Turner”. I think it’s a rare b-side that was only released in Japan on “Yes, Virginia”.
In fact, I went to see the Dresden Dolls in Chicago in January. If I recall correctly you’re from the Chicagoland area? Did you go to the show?
“I did some when I lived in Canada. Hash and “hash oil.” You got a tiny little bit of it on the tip of a knife, say – it looks like clear olive oil – then heat it over a flame or touch it to a hot electric burner.
We did the burner deal, inhaling through a toilet-paper tube with sandpaper glued around the outside for a good grip. The people whose house I was at had their ducks in a row.
My sides, diaphragma and stomach were so sore the next day from all the laughing I’d done.”
Thanks Doug, that’s just what a bored not-so-much-a-teenager-anymore like me needs to see. lol.
Rae, no :( I was in Honduras at that time. However, I did see them in Chicago on my birthday a couple years ago, October 15. :D They were touring with Devotchka, who I also fell in love with that night. And after the show I got to take a picture with Amanda and Brian, and some random guy on the street gave me a flower. It was one of the best birthdays I’ve ever had.
I keep hoping they’ll tour here again soon, but it looks like they’re visiting the west coast then heading over to Germany. Ah well… next time.
Oooh and I found out about Mucca Pazza and Panic at the Disco through them as well. Sometimes to find good music, I just check who they’re touring with. Usually it’s music I’ll like!
@Edyt: Awww, that sucks, but at least you got to see them once before. :) They didn’t have much for opening acts when I went, it was a tour with just them, Two Ton Boa (the singer is a total spook live…but she has a great voice), and a pole-dancing burlesque act called “Gravity Plays Favorites”…they were amazing! They had *strong* thighs and arms to do some of the moves they were doing!
It was a great show, and the Dolls played a lot new stuff from their future album which is an amalgamation of old b-sides that were re-recorded and a few new ones.
Amanda Palmer is going to have a solo album soon, I’m so friggin’ excited!
Oooh! Do you know what it’s called? And when it’s coming out? I’ll have to look for it. ^.^
Oh! I just remembered, I saw them at Lollapalooza too. Not as good, but I think that’s partly because there were SO many people there. I nearly suffocated to death during the Red Hot Chili Peppers set. Ugh. Too bad ticket prices are way too expensive these days.
Gravity is one of my favorite songs, but I also like Girl Anachronism (SO intense) and My Alcoholic Friends.
Amanda’s album will be called, “Who Killed Amanda Palmer?” Ben Folds produced it.
The new Dresden Doll one is unknown at this juncture.
You must go! They’re amazing in concert. When I started seeing previews for Little Miss Sunshine and I heard How it Ends, I was so excited for them. It’s fantastic that they got noticed and put in a movie. I bet they’re thrilled with the rise in fans. :)
Oooooooooooh, I love “How it Ends”. Beautiful song.
Are you ignoring me?
Thanks Doug, that’s just what a bored not-so-much-a-teenager-anymore like me needs to see. lol.
:: evil laugh ::
Amanda Palmer.
Very interesting story.
A BABE too.
Amanda Palmer is totally awesome.
She’s a bit overly feminist for me (shaving your pits and legs is NOT oppressive, it’s CLEAN!), but she’s a fantastic singer and pianist.
Dr. Campbell’s essay is interesting. If you crunch the numbers at the end, it turns out less than 2% of abortions are done after 20 weeks of pregnancy in England.
That’s a good number, a number for England to be proud of.
He’s right that requiring two docs to sign off on an abortion is pointless, wasteful of the two docs’ time and could be delaying abortions, causing them to be done later in pregnancy than necessary.
Dr. Campbell’s essay is interesting. If you crunch the numbers at the end, it turns out less than 2% of abortions are done after 20 weeks of pregnancy in England.
That’s a good number, a number for England to be proud of.
If just 2 percent of 2 year olds were being murdered legally in England, would that be a number for them to be proud of? What about infants?
Bethany, that’s a completely different question.
I’m curious: do you agree or disagree that if an abortion is going to be done, it’s better for it to be done earlier in pregnancy rather than later?
SoMG;10:47: I’m curious: do you agree or disagree that if an abortion is going to be done, it’s better for it to be done earlier in pregnancy rather than later?
I’d love to answer that question. There’s no difference.
Take this scenario: You are taking a 2 week vacation and leaving in two days. You are at your veterinarian’s office with your dog and he tells you the dog is very sick and needs to be put to sleep. He asks if you want to do it tomorrow or wait until after you come back from vacation in two weeks. You say neither, I don’t want my dog to die. – That’s how it feels to a pro-lifer when you ask a question about whether it’s better to do an abortion earlier or later in a pregnancy. The answer is neither, because we don’t want the baby to die.) A life is a life is a life is a life is a life!
Really, Janet? So the abortion of an eight-week embryo is the same to you as a 36-week D&E? Then why the special venom for Dr. Tiller?
Janet, the idea that you don’t want the baby (or the dog) to die implies a kind of selfish notion of life. If I knew my cat was suffering and in a lot of pain, it would be selfish of me to try to keep him alive for my own pleasure, if the best option for him would be a quiet death.
Yes, he’s precious and special and wonderful and alive, but I would rather him not be in pain than have to suffer for my own pleasure.
I’m curious: do you agree or disagree that if an abortion is going to be done, it’s better for it to be done earlier in pregnancy rather than later?
I can unequivocally say that no, it is not any better! Not one bit.
I personally have no extra venom for Dr. Tiller, than I do for other abortionists.
I think that the people who do early abortions are equally as guilty as Tiller is for murdering children routinely and callously, all for money.
Bethany, money is not the only motivating factor for abortion docs.
Patient gratitude is a strong motivating factor for (nearly) all docs (except pathologists and radiologists), including abortion docs.
It may be difficult (or painful) for you to learn this, but the fact is that most abortion patients–the large majority, in my experience– are very grateful for their abortions.
Do you ever check on your patients, SOMG, after say, a year, or two years, to see how they’re doing?
No, but some of them send Christmas cards.
Well let me qualify that “no”–patients who elect to participate in clinical studies on abortion are sometimes followed afterwards for as much as two or three years. Depending on the study protocol. But not routinely.
How late/early were your siblings’ terminations?
Has anyone thanked you personally for their abortion? Do they thank you right away or later?
Carder, my goodness, all these personal questions. Well I don’t know for sure but knowing my mom I bet she got them done early in pregnancy. She has never been one to procrastinate or avoid facing problems.
“Has anyone thanked you personally for their abortion? ”
“Do they thank you right away or later? ”
Well immediately afterwards most patients are doped up, busy barfing. Some say thank you while the procedure is being explained to them. Some send thank you notes shortly afterwards. And as I said, some send Christmas cards.
The majority don’t bother (which is true generally in medicine and doesn’t mean they’re not grateful).
I should add that ALL the women who have told me that they regret having an abortion–I cannot recall even one single exception–have been members of right-to-life, Jesus-freaky cults. This causes some of us to speculate that their Christianity, rather than their abortions, might be the true source of their feelings of guilt and regret. There can be no forgiveness unless there is guilt to forgive, right?
SoMG: 2:12:Really, Janet? So the abortion of an eight-week embryo is the same to you as a 36-week D&E? Then why the special venom for Dr. Tiller?
I don’t have any special venom for Tiller. His name is mentioned a lot here, so it may appear that way. I’m sure there are some here who might say they do. That said, I surely wouldn’t be friendly with him if we were neighbors.
As for your other question, to me the abortion of an 8 week old embryo is the same to me as a 36-week D&E. Really. I can see where this might not make a lot of sense for the fact that there is physically much more to look at when you see the results of a 36-week D&E than with an 8 wk abortion. But each of those little ones has a soul, it’s a real, living being which dies after the abortion. The end result is the same. I pray that some day you will realize this. I truly appreciate your honesty here. This is not an easy subject to discuss.
SoMG;10:47: I’m curious: do you agree or disagree that if an abortion is going to be done, it’s better for it to be done earlier in pregnancy rather than later?
Janet said: 12:15: I’d love to answer that question. There’s no difference.
Take this scenario: You are taking a 2 week vacation and leaving in two days. You are at your veterinarian’s office with your dog and he tells you the dog is very sick and needs to be put to sleep. He asks if you want to do it tomorrow or wait until after you come back from vacation in two weeks. You say neither, I don’t want my dog to die. – That’s how it feels to a pro-lifer when you ask a question about whether it’s better to do an abortion earlier or later in a pregnancy. The answer is neither, because we don’t want the baby to die.) A life is a life is a life is a life is a life!
Edyt: 2:58:Janet, the idea that you don’t want the baby (or the dog) to die implies a kind of selfish notion of life. If I knew my cat was suffering and in a lot of pain, it would be selfish of me to try to keep him alive for my own pleasure, if the best option for him would be a quiet death.
Yes, he’s precious and special and wonderful and alive, but I would rather him not be in pain than have to suffer for my own pleasure.
So anyone who is unhappy that a loved one is dying is selfish?
“I should add that ALL the women who have told me that they regret having an abortion–I cannot recall even one single exception–have been members of right-to-life, Jesus-freaky cults.”
How do you respond to them after they’ve confessed to you?
Do you leave the room immediately after the procedure’s done or do you stay for awhile for whatever medical/protocol reasons?
Personal questions? Yes. I’ts not everyday I can an ask an insider. Helps me to wrap my brain around the PC view.
And if you don’t want to answer, no problema.