Not so smart: Planned Parenthood holds Truth Truck hostage
Here’s a good one, as reported by Operation Rescue Saturday:
Operation Rescue’s Truth Truck, driven by Mark Gietzen, caused a stir the St. Louis Planned Parenthood abortion mill on Saturday, July 19, when he drove onto their parking lot and parked near the front door as abortion-bound women entered the facility.
Security guards for PP immediately rushed to close the parking lot’s iron gates to prevent the Truth Truck from leaving while they summoned the police….
But this action turned out for the good, allowing the Truth Truck to witness to the women in the parking lot for longer than it would have otherwise.
Gietzen was convinced that his actions were completely legal.
“They did not have the proper signage to keep me off the lot,” he said.
Apparently the police agreed. Officers made the PP security guards open the gate and allow the Truth Truck to leave as over 300 pro-lifers cheered….
[S]aid OR president Troy Newman… “By locking the Truth Truck into their parking lot, they were accomplishing our work for us!”
[Photos courtesy of OR, taken by Tracy Mathews]
Planned Parenthood could be summed up in the words of Forest Gump, “Stupid is as stupid does”
This strikes me a little bit as kidnapping as the driver was not free to leave.
Quite unimpressive of PP. It would have been one thing if they would have at least gotten someone arrested or fined, but this is just embarrassing.
haha, this is awesome…
This is what they get for security guards who probably only get paid $7.00 per hour !
This whole thing is hilarious, yet priceless.
I love it.
Do you think if we pay them they would do this on a a regular basis???
LOL!!! ROFL!!!
I have to admit that if I was pro-abortion, working at that abortion mill and a box-truck pulls in right next to the building… I’d probably be running for my life. Because I would have NO IDEA what’s inside that truck.
That’s a really good point. When you put it that way, I can see why we look like scary people…Of course, that just makes it even dumber that they locked a truck with a potential bomb in it onto their property…
I was picketing with Ann Schiedler for most of it…my parish priest was right behind us. I was looking for anyone that was looking like they were looking for someone…lol. I don’t even know if you’re a man or a woman. I kept thinking guy…don’t ask me why. What do you look like? I kept asking all the women if they were named Janet!
Next time this happens with a box-truck, leave the back door open.
HI Mk,
I’m a family Man…I remember the priest (i think there was only one there)..we definitely passed by each other…
I was the one wearing a black shirt with the image of the Supreme court bldg “Tomb of the Unborn”…
We’ll try again next time…
Dang! We were so close! Yes, there was only one priest. I was right in front of him with Ann and her grandkids…My pic is on the right under “Snap, who we are”…my hair is shorter now tho. You should send Bethany a picture of yourself so we can put it up there as well. Do you even know that there are pictures of a lot of us that post here…on both sides???
I think Janets is up there by now too.
Wow. What
Hi Bethany,
When you get a chance, please remove my photo from your website.
CC, that’s a good idea. Or just move the images around so you could have an open back truck, although I like the ‘one dead one wounded’ thing on the back..
Sherri Sherpherd believes the Earth might be flat, and that “nothing predates Christians” (not even say…Jesus? The Greeks and Romans and Egyptians?). She also advocated beating her child in public, and stated that men should be able to hit women if the woman hits him first.
Anyone who takes her seriously enough to put her on the cover a magazine as anything other than the complete joke that she is needs to get their head examined.
The fact that she is on TV is the only proof you need to know that our media outlets are pandering to ignorance and sensationalism (IE: SHERRI SAID SOMETHING ELSE COMPELTELY STUPID!!) instead of focusing on actual issues and looking to people who actually KNOW THINGS to allow us to form educated opinions.
I don’t know who “Amanda” is, but I think it’s really, really sad that anyone would write three paragraphs like that on a public forum. I hope she finds the help she needs.
Tell me what I said in those 3 paragraphs that is so offensive or untrue Doyle.
Have you ever watched The View?
The other hosts literally BAIT her, trying to get her to say stupid things and mention all the abortions she’s had, because it gets ratings and media buzz. They are using her ignorance as a ratings tool. It’s pathetic and the producers should be ashamed – but not while the clips of her vapid banter keep making “Talk Soup” and “Entertainment Tonight”.
“Sherri Sherpherd believes the Earth might be flat, and that “nothing predates Christians” (not even say…Jesus? The Greeks and Romans and Egyptians?). She also advocated beating her child in public, and stated that men should be able to hit women if the woman hits him first.”
This is true, Amanda. One can find these clips of her saying the above things on YouTube. It is VERY strange, especially that clip where she says the earth could be flat.
Whoopi: Is the earth flat?
Sherri: I don’t know, I’ve never thought about it.
I mean, don’t get me wrong; it is wonderful that she has given her life to Jesus. It also should be noted that the graces and virtues she receives from giving her life to the Lord are infinitely superior to intelligence and knowledge. I don’t mean to belittle her.
Was the man in the Truth Truck making a quick stop for condoms?
I hear you Bobby, there are certainly worse things to be in life than ignorant, but that aside, it doesn’t mean being ignorant should end up being a media spectacle. There are plenty of very intelligent and deeply religious people out there – there’s no reason to choose an ignorant person to represent the religious side of things – except for sensationalism.
Bobby, have you ever thought about becoming a Deacon? Maybe after you’ve raised your children?
(also – I thought her statements on domestic violence – towards children AND spouses – were far more strange and shocking than thinking the Earth is flat. I mean thats obviously silly and foolish, but at least that belief does not condone physical harm to anyone.)
Charles, 11:31a: Great point.
Well if they ever allow married priests as the norm in the Western rite (which they never will), I would be the first one in the seminary.
But that aside, I do think about it sometimes but always realize that I need to be a father and provide for and be there with my family first.
But believe it or not Janet, the thought of becoming a Deacon after the children are raised has NEVER crossed my mind! I think that’s a great idea. It’s a good 20-25 years down the road, but if the Lord is calling me to it, I would love it. Whatever his will is for me, I’ll follow.
Bobby –
Oy vey, Amanda… This happens all the time, unfortunately. This is my favorite line from the article.
“But the women who participated in the event, along with the several hundred people who spent nearly three hours in the sweltering Church of the Covenant, said they rejected the excommunications and believed that the women had been validly ordained.”
So apparently you can will yourself to not be excommunicated…
Well, the thing that annoys me is how often I hear UUism being bashed as an extreme uber liberal joke religion, and yet people feel entitled to do things that are intrinsically against the basic guidelines of their own religions but still refer to themselves as whatever religion that may be. How is that NOT making a joke of religion? As opposed to being a UU and saying “we can do this because we are UUs and its within our guidelines” ?
A woman defying the guidelines of the Catholic faith and then still proclaiming she is a proud Catholic makes about as much sense to me as a homophobe joining a UU congregation and then saying we, as a religion, should stop being so accepting of gays.
Amanda, for once, I agree with you….
Oh man, Amanda, I could not agree with you more! I think no matter what one’s leanings are, it seems to me that all reasonable people should be able to at least agree that if you’re going to belong to a certain group, you have to adhere to the rules of that group. But apparently this is too much to ask.
“..they rejected the excommunications and believed that the women had been validly ordained”
The MAIN reason why the Catholic Church does not ordain women is for the plain and simple reason that it does NOT have the authority nor the power to do so…even if the Church hierarchy wants to ordain women, they cannot.
The authority/ power to ordain only male priests has been handed down from Christ Himself…the Church is just being obedient to it’s mandate.
As I mentioned before, ‘obedience’ was one of the vows taken by the religious…and these so-called women-priests reject the excommunication because they deem their ordination valid??
Dang…we really live in an upsdide-down world.
Janet’s picture has been added today…I’m looking forward to other pictures. Amanda, your picture has been removed per your request. Hope you’ll reconsider sometime. Alexandria, and RSD, I would love to have your pictures up there!
Janet, You’re next to ME! Yay!
Bethany, its nothing personal.
After the recent weeks of comments on here, ranging from support for the execution and/or criminalization of homosexuality, to the repeated baseless attempts at trying to blame HIV on gay sex, to the blatent bigotry towards Muslims, I do not want my full name, image, or any identifying factor anywhere amongst some of the hateful nonsense published in some of these comment threads.
Also partly because someone thought they’d be REALLY funny after LTL commented to me about watching out for wierdos when I linked to my Facebook, and sent me a LOVELY message there.
And yes, I’m aware I’ve put pictures in the threads before – no need to remind me. It won’t be happening in the future.
Amanda (3:34),
I understand where you are coming from. A little anonymity is a good thing!
The picture I put up is actually twenty years old, like Doug’s! Lol.
Elizabeth (3:13),
Yay! You’ve got the coveted middle square. (Are you old enough to remember Hollywood Squares?)
Oh that’s not good, Amanda…sorry to hear someone pulled a stunt like that. I hope it wasn’t a threatening email. I may be able to go into your previous posts and remove any links or pictures, if you want me to. (when I’m feeling better)
Eww, I’m sorry somebody sent u a bad facebook message Amanda.
People send me ridiculous honesty box messages all the time. Which is annoying cause they’re anonymous and I would just like to delete them from my friends.
As far as the comments on here are concerned, to each his own, but I can’t see anyone confusing YOU for the commentors you are speaking of.
Just because I post something you don’t like, you don’t have to take it out everybody here.
I though we were buddies…you need to laugh a little bit.
Btw, you’ll get a kick out of this; I just took a flight to Germany (where I am know), so I’m going through the first step of security, and guess who’s there to check my passport? A muslim lady with a head-scarf. I thought of you. LOL…. She was very nice btw.
No worries Elizabeth, based on the format/style of the message, I am 99.9% certain of who sent it to me, and I’m not too impressed/ intimidated/ bothered by it – as its nothing different from what this person said to me on here.
Basically, to summarize, my boyfriend doesn’t love me, he’s using me for sex, and I am doomed to be a complete failure in life and kill lots of babies and be happy about it until I go to Hell where I’ll find all of my gay friends and relatives.
Also, my name has the word MAN in it. This was pointed out to me for the first time when I was probably 5. But it’s always good to be reminded of important things like that. So that’s appreciated at least.
Wait – the people saying nasty things to you are on your friends list?!? Eeeek… see… that would creep me out WAY more than just getting some stupid message from someone who is most certainly NOT on my friends list…I guess you can’t win either way. Uhg.
“guess who’s there to check my passport? A muslim lady with a head-scarf. I thought of you. LOL…. She was very nice btw.”
LOL, that is HILARIOUS, Jasper! Who says God doesn’t have a sense of humor? :)
You have GOT to message me that message and tell me WHO that is. lol WOW.
People are so funny..and I’ll message you what the honesty box said..I won’t repeat it on here!
Jasper: “guess who’s there to check my passport? A muslim lady with a head-scarf. I thought of you. LOL…. She was very nice btw.”
Have you seen any nuns being frisked?
“No worries Elizabeth, based on the format/style of the message, I am 99.9% certain of who sent it to me, and I’m not too impressed/ intimidated/ bothered by it – as its nothing different from what this person said to me on here. ”
I hope you don’t think it’s me, I’ll give you my home and work IP address if you like and you can check it. (If you can get access to the commenters IP address). Plus, I don’t know about FB anyways, I think I may have an account but never used it. Good luck, let us know if we can help at all.
“Have you seen any nuns being frisked?” -No LOL
haha, nooo Jasper I know it’s not you. It was someone with a far more…uhh…”unique” I guess would be the right word… writing style.
I actually saw three nuns get moved aside at the airport a few years ago when they went through the metal detector. They weren’t “frisked” but security had to pass that wand mechanism around them when the original metal detector “detected something” on each of them.
They were elderly, dressed in traditional habits, and as it turned out, it was the metal on their rosaries and hat pins in their veils that was causing the “problem”.
They complied and were not detained and were allowed to board the plane. The secirity guard was very apologetic and one of the nuns said, “Oh, we completely understand young man. You’re just doing your job” ! LOL
That’s a pleasant story Jasper. ;)
I was about to make the same guess, PIP. That person has thought patterns which lead me to believe they are disturbed, and really gives me the creeps. I’m sorry that happened to you Amanda. I was thinking about asking to have my pic posted here after my lip heals…maybe a pic with me and the band…but if something like that happened, I don’t know.
Basically, to summarize, my boyfriend doesn’t love me, he’s using me for sex, and I am doomed to be a complete failure in life and kill lots of babies and be happy about it until I go to Hell where I’ll find all of my gay friends and relatives.
I am sorry you received a nasty scary email Amanda. You have to be careful even on Facebook. BTW, I never noticed that about your name – it’s Amanda to me!(even though I have problems typing it sometimes!!)
Oh yeah, where is yllas? She’s been banned for some time now, I think?
Although I am happy that they held the truck hostage, this is false imprisonment and there should be a law suit against PP.
Anytime PP does something illegal, no matter what it is, we must harnass and exploit it as best we can. Take that money they use to kill babies and use it to save babies, until the wonderful day when everything PP does is once again illegal.
I think you have to pick your battles. PP has a bottomless barrel of tax payer money. Prolife orgs do not.
I don’t think OR would win nor do I think they have a legal case.
“PP has a bottomless barrel of tax payer money.”
That may not hold true anymore if the US Gov’t has the b*lls to remove gov’t funding from PP.
Jacque – you can’t charge someone with “false imprisonment” of a vehicle. Unless they were preventing the driver himself from leaving, which it doesn’t say they were, thats not “false imprisonment”. Otherwise you could sue anyone who tows and impounds your car with false imprisonment.
Wasn’t the driver in the vehicle and unable to leave unless he/she left the vehicle?
“Take that money they use to kill babies and use it to save babies, until the wonderful day when everything PP does is once again illegal.”
You don’t want EVERYTHING they do to be illegal do you?
Making the killing of babies illegal would be a good start.
Hal, of course they want everything PP does to be illegal. They don’t want any contraceptives or medical services to women. Without PP, more women will be barefoot, powerless and pregnant, which is exactly what the extremists want.
“Without PP, more women will be barefoot, powerless and pregnant, which is exactly what the extremists want.”
LOL! Right. That’s exactly what we “extremists” want. So, what you’re saying is, if abortion’s not legal, then apparently women will be POWERLESS? They will not have the right to vote, or hold jobs, or drive cars or marry whom they wish? (Oh, wait a sec. yes, they will!) The only “power” that legal abortion gives them is the power to terminate an innocent human life at will.
The early feminists were pro-life. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, a mother of several children and the founder of the women’s movement, said: “When we consider that women are treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to be disposed of as we see fit.” I happen to agree strongly with that. Elizabeth Cady Stanton used to fly a flag at her home upon the birth of each of her children. She celebrated motherhood, unlike the feminist movement of today.
Motherhood is a very empowering thing…bringing my two children into this world was the most exhilarating and empowering thing I have ever done.
Oh, BTW…I laughed when I read this story about the Truth Truck. Talk about shooting themselves in the foot!
Motherhood is a very empowering thing…bringing my two children into this world was the most exhilarating and empowering thing I have ever done.
Posted by: Kel at July 22, 2008 12:48 PM
Kel, how beautiful!
You know, one of the many casualties of the rabid feminist and pro-abortion movements is the suppression of the maternal instinct. Women have been given a gift of an innate desire to love and nurture. Even women who have never gone through childbirth can exercise spiritual motherhood in their relationships with those they encounter in their personal lives or professional lives.
You don’t want EVERYTHING they do to be illegal do you?
Aside from a few token pap smears, yes.
They don’t want any contraceptives or medical services to women. Without PP, more women will be barefoot, powerless and pregnant, which is exactly what the extremists want.
Yes, Planned Parenthood is the world’s only provider of women’s medical care and women’s shoes.
Secondly, I love how you think so lowly of women that you don’t think we can make wise choices and how we have to have sex with chemicals/hormones/latex/goo or have surgery to kill our children in order to have power. I’ve never visited a Planned Parenthood (besides to sidewalk counsel and pray) or used any such poisons/devices/dismemberments and I’m quite powerful, thank-you-very-much.
I’ve gotten plenty of medical care, never at PP. So if PP shuts down and women are no longer exploited by contraception, poisoned by steroids or wounded by abortion, I think we’re all the better off.
Cheers Jacqueline!!
And Kel, I agree about having babies. I have never in my life felt more empowered than when giving birth!
“You don’t want EVERYTHING they do to be illegal do you?
Posted by: Hal at July 22, 2008 11:48 AM”
Sure, Hal, we do. The very little good that they do will NOT be missed and would be provided for by ‘real’ medical clinics and healthcare centers.
These would be the clinics that abide by certain medical rules and regulations and help people, in the true sense of the word.
Eileen:1:08: You know, one of the many casualties of the rabid feminist and pro-abortion movements is the suppression of the maternal instinct. Women have been given a gift of an innate desire to love and nurture. Even women who have never gone through childbirth can exercise spiritual motherhood in their relationships with those they encounter in their personal lives or professional lives.
Posted by: Eileen at July 22, 2008 1:08 PM
Amen! I think our boys need to be encouraged that fatherhood and marriage are good things too. Boys need strong father-figures to provide the example.
This raises an interesting question. I understand “abortion bad, should be illegal” mindframe of some here (as opposed to “abortion bad, should be discouraged”).
So here’s the question: In the opinion of those who “oppose” birth control, should it be made illegal? Or simply discouraged?
I remember an advice (can’t remember who said it though) given to my female friends when we were in college:
‘If you want to know how you’ll be treated by your current bf IF you do get married…check out how he treats his Mother’
…looking back, I see a lot of truth in that advice…
Kel, 12:48, awesome post!
In the opinion of those who “oppose” birth control, should it be made illegal?
Those methods abortive in nature (hormones, IUD, etc.) should absolutely be illegal. Those mechanical devices (condoms, diaphragms, spermicide), although they exploit women, hurt children and society- should remain legal since they don’t violate anyone’s civil rights directly, although we’d all be better off if it were illegal.
@Jacqueline: I use hormonal birth control and I don’t have sex- so it’s never acting as an abortifacient for me. Would you make it illegal for people who use the pill for non-contraceptive purposes?
About the barefoot and pregnant thing: cliches come from somewhere, and there is a vulnerability in being a pregnant woman that limits our ability to care for ourselves. We can often need bedrest and to be otherwise provided for, especially immediately after birth when we barely sleep and must care for the child constantly. Holding down a job and motherhood/pregnancy are difficult to incompatible at times, which is why we can get barefoot and helpless when pregnant, if we don’t have the support God intends for pregnant women to have: a husband, the father of the child.
It stands to reason that if you fear vulnerability and shoelessness: ONLY GET PREGNANT BY YOUR HUSBAND! Husbands are not boyfriends or one-night stands, but legally committed partners that are obligated to both you and the baby (vs. boyfriends/sex partners that only have obligations to the baby which they regularly skip out on).
Husbands are given to provide, protect and care for pregnant women and mothers. And most of them care for us quite well, as no pregnant wives I know are forced to endure without shoes. So those that complain that abortion is needed as not to be barefoot and pregnant forget that it takes steps to become pregnant in the first place.
So how do you not become pregnant by someone that is not your husband? Simple: DON’T HAVE SEX WITH ANYONE WHO IS NOT YOUR HUSBAND! This way, you’ll never be in a position of feeling so vulnerable that you’ll pay someone to shove metal dialators and looped knives in your lady business, you also won’t have to worry about going without shoes!
So, LTL, it’s pretty easy not to be barefoot and pregnant without Planned Parenthood. Should PP’s evil-doing become illegal, women have the wonderful option of not condemning themselves to bare-feet pregnancies by simply not sleeping with men who have no obligations to them. It’s as simple as that!
@Jacqueline: I use hormonal birth control and I don’t have sex- so it’s never acting as an abortifacient for me. Would you make it illegal for people who use the pill for non-contraceptive purposes?
Yes. Those steroids may have a fluke side effect that makes us with girly issues feel better (but only while we take the pill), but this means that doctors give us a pill with tons problems that we must be dependent on rather than giving us a treatment for the actual problem. BC has become a dangerous cop-out for those that don’t want to give women real treatments for real problems. It’s like they give us socks to put on our hands to help us with the cold rather than inventing gloves. The sad thing is we’re so happy about warm hands that we endure not be able to use our fingers. If BC became illegal, you’d be damn sure that they’d come up with a non-abortive hormone treatment that actually fixes our problems so they can make money from it, rather than making us with health problems make-do with whatever we can find.
They give you and I the pill to break several things in our reproductive systems that work correctly because a side effect is that is eases the pain of something that it not working correctly, rather than fixing the thing that is out of whack so we can be completely healthy. Women with real problems who want children are also screwed because their only treatment keeps them from having babies (because that’s what it was designed to do).
I found alternative treatments that worked and don’t enslave me to daily pills, side effects and risks of blood clots and stroke. If the pill were illegal, doctors would offer these alternatives, instead they prescribe the pill and cop-out and force people like me to find these things on my own.
@Jacqueline: Well, until that time comes, would you mind paying me oh, I dunno…$50 every time I have my period? Because that’s how much I spend on feminine products during the entire 3 week course of my curse.
Would you also like to hear about the 3 inch clot I had today? Dang near threw up.
And as for the fact that “it doesn’t help anything, only masks problems and that’s why it’s bad”, I hope beyond all hope you are also in favor of banning psychiatric medications like anti-depressants and anti-psychotics, because they essentially work the same way.
Well, until that time comes, would you mind paying me oh, I dunno…$50 every time I have my period? Because that’s how much I spend on feminine products during the entire 3 week course of my curse.
If BC became illegal, they would isolate the effects of the pill that have health benefits for those of us that need it. You’d not be left with a 3 week period and other pain. I refused BC and found other options. My periods are now every 28 days and last only a few days.
Since I think pills that cause the death of unborn should be illegal and women should have real treatments rather than secondhand side-effects that create their own troubles, I am 100% in favor of you getting a REAL treatment. I have my own health problems and found non-abortive treatments. Moreover, my period cost me less than bucks a year, so I’d be happy to buy your product(s).
I know you don’t want a 3-week period, but you can have a normal cycle without self-poisoning and taking a pill that kills unborn children. Furthermore, you will have to find another treatment if you decide to have sex, so why not find that treatment sooner rather than later? For this and countless other reasons, our treatments are unacceptable and inadequate.
What they give women with health problems is bullshit that we all recognize has so many downsides- Rather than just accepting it, why not find a real solution?
Would you also like to hear about the 3 inch clot I had today? Dang near threw up.
I’ve had those kind of clots. The pill didn’t help that anymore than it’s currently helping you. Shouldn’t we demand something better than a pill designed to break our reproductive organs rather than fix them?
And as for the fact that “it doesn’t help anything, only masks problems and that’s why it’s bad”, I hope beyond all hope you are also in favor of banning psychiatric medications like anti-depressants and anti-psychotics, because they essentially work the same way.
Mental health medications don’t kill unborn babies and, get this, are DESIGNED FOR THE PURPOSE OF MENTAL HEALTH. BC is not designed to help your reproductive system but break it and also kill children. You can’t compare a pill that works as designed for the purpose for which it was designed to BC used for legitimate health reasons when it was designed for a totally different and contrary purpose.
I have no problem with masking a problem for symptom relief if we’ve yet to find a cure. But that’s not the case with BC. BC is a cop out so they can not find a cure or even a specific treatment.
Mental health medications don’t kill unborn babies and, get this, are DESIGNED FOR THE PURPOSE OF MENTAL HEALTH. BC is not designed to help your reproductive system but break it and also kill children. You can’t compare a pill that works as designed for the purpose for which it was designed to BC used for legitimate health reasons when it was designed for a totally different and contrary purpose.
I have no problem with masking a problem for symptom relief if we’ve yet to find a cure. But that’s not the case with BC. BC is a cop out so they can not find a cure or even a specific treatment.
Posted by: Jacqueline at July 22, 2008 5:07 PM
Mental health medications most certainly can kill a conceptus. To deny women access to these drugs because she might become pregnant is ridiculous.
BC was not designed to ‘break’ reproductive organs but rather control the way they function. If this control is preferable over pregnancy to a given woman, it is her right to expert such control.
Pretending that the medical community has not found a ‘cure’ for painful menses and excessive bleeding because a BC pill is available is just ridiculous. Pharmaceutical companies remain in business by creating and patenting new drugs.
Absolutely no one is prevented from finding alternative solutions if they wish to do so. If you have found such a treatment that will work for every woman, why are you keeping it secret? You could make a mint and the undying gratitude of legions.
BC tricks the body into thinking it’s pregnant so it stops doing the normal, healthy things it is supposed to do, including ovulation and menses. Taking a pill that stops these normal, healthy functions rather than fixing them is not a medical treatment but a science experiment.
Alternatives to the pill exist that women don’t know of or having tried because they find the pill to be sufficient. I didn’t so I found an alternative that worked for me with the aid of a Catholic ob/gyn who has helped other women with different problems as well- so I know alternatives exist. It’s not a pill that I could patent.
BC tricks the body into thinking it’s pregnant so it stops doing the normal, healthy things it is supposed to do, including ovulation and menses. Taking a pill that stops these normal, healthy functions rather than fixing them is not a medical treatment but a science experiment.
Alternatives to the pill exist that women don’t know of or have tried because they find the pill to be sufficient. I didn’t so I found an alternative that worked for me with the aid of a Catholic ob/gyn who has helped other women with different problems as well- so I know alternatives exist. It’s not a pill that I could patent.
Oh my gosh, Jacqueline, I use a Diva Cup too. Actually I use a Lunette, but it’s basically the same thing, just a different company. Everyone looks at me like I’m crazy when I mention it (which, to be honest, I don’t do all that often) but I would never switch back.
Anyway, that’s my contribution to this conversation.
I’d never go back either. Cups are great. There’s not the risk of Toxic Shock, no nasty waste to pollute the environment and no monthly expense. I like that I can sleep in because there is no 8 hour time limit like tampons. It’s all the way around awesome.
Thanks girls. I have been thinking of getting one for the longest time!! :)
BC tricks the body into thinking it’s pregnant so it stops doing the normal, healthy things it is supposed to do, including ovulation and menses. Taking a pill that stops these normal, healthy functions rather than fixing them is not a medical treatment but a science experiment.
Alternatives to the pill exist that women don’t know of or have tried because they find the pill to be sufficient. I didn’t so I found an alternative that worked for me with the aid of a Catholic ob/gyn who has helped other women with different problems as well- so I know alternatives exist. It’s not a pill that I could patent.
Posted by: Jacqueline at July 22, 2008 8:25 PM
I see. You ‘know’ that alternatives exist. You just don’t know what they are or what they do for anyone but yourself. When were these alternatives discovered and by whom?
Everything about medicine is a science experiment. Life is a science experiment. It is up to the individual to decide whether or not to participate. And to what extent.
After the recent weeks of comments on here, ranging from support for the execution and/or criminalization of homosexuality, to the repeated baseless attempts at trying to blame HIV on gay sex, to the blatent bigotry towards Muslims, I do not want my full name, image, or any identifying factor anywhere amongst some of the hateful nonsense published in some of these comment threads.
Posted by: Amanda at July 21, 2008 3:34 PM
ok Amanda,
Homosexuality is abnormal for a lot of reasons; that doesn’t mean anybody should condone killing homosexuals. And arguing that gay sex leads to HIV not hate-mongering. You can disagree but your opinion is not universal and if you find it offensive then stay and say so. But you can only play the whining and threatening to leave
card so many times before it loses it’s bite.
And it is not hateful to state facts like ALL of the 911 hijackers were Muslim and AlQueda is a 100% Muslim organization that sponsors hate and terror of anybody who isn’t Muslim. And it is also not hateful to “profile” any non-US residents (including Muslims) who seek to enter our country as guests.
How stupid of PP.