Here’s a good one, as reported by Operation Rescue Saturday:

Operation Rescue’s Truth Truck, driven by Mark Gietzen, caused a stir the St. Louis Planned Parenthood abortion mill on Saturday, July 19, when he drove onto their parking lot and parked near the front door as abortion-bound women entered the facility.

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Security guards for PP immediately rushed to close the parking lot’s iron gates to prevent the Truth Truck from leaving while they summoned the police….

But this action turned out for the good, allowing the Truth Truck to witness to the women in the parking lot for longer than it would have otherwise.

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Gietzen was convinced that his actions were completely legal.
“They did not have the proper signage to keep me off the lot,” he said.
Apparently the police agreed. Officers made the PP security guards open the gate and allow the Truth Truck to leave as over 300 pro-lifers cheered….

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[S]aid OR president Troy Newman… “By locking the Truth Truck into their parking lot, they were accomplishing our work for us!”

[Photos courtesy of OR, taken by Tracy Mathews]

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