Pro-life House members blast Planned Parenthood
Last night I reported the Republican U.S. House leadership allowed its pro-life members use its Special Order hour to publicly expose Planned Parenthood as a racist organization, which also stands accused of committing multiple crimes across the country, and demand Congress defund it.
You can view YouTube videos of clips of speeches by many stalwart and eloquent pro-life congresspersons here. One who particularly impressed me was Rep. Michelle Bachmann:
I picked 3 from this heroic group, looked up their DC office phone numbers online, and simply called them today to leave a message of appreciation. You might consider the same. All the better if you find 1 from your state.
Anti-abortion politicians don’t like Planned Parenthood? That is no surprise. PP just can’t win. It builds clinics in poor neighborhoods and it’s accused of being racist. It builds clinics in rich neighborhoods and it’s accused of being commercial. People are going to hate PP no matter what it does …except for the people who remember that it also provides sex ed, contraception, disease screening, prenatal care, and other women’s health services, and is sometimes the only organization in the area that does.
I just heard a line from the SIMPSONS movie that applies to this cynical waste of Congress’s time: “It’s not leaking, it’s overflowing!”
DRF, you forgot to mention one important characteristic of PP: part of its charter is to provide the services at minimal cost. Some abortion docs who are still able to charge per procedure resent having to compete with PP very much.
Yeah, DRF, an organization that makes a point of lying to people, defrauding the taxpayers, scraping out sexual abuse victims and returning them to their rapists, just can’t win for losing.
They kill children. Nothing can redeem them
Why don’t you work for PP anymore, SoMG?
Do you find your facility competing with them?
Carder, I never worked for PP I volunteered for them when I was premed.
The only time being wasted is your time SoMG.
You were not created to kill unborn children in the womb.
Someday, you will bow and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord either willingly or at the fierceness of His majestic countenance.
We despise PP because they dismember tiny human
beings for big $$$$.
They rip the arms and legs off of little people.
Remember little Ana Rosa, who is missing an arm
because her “abortionist” (aka: hit man) got the
arm, but somehow allowed her to escape the
The whole dirty business is despicable! A bloody stain
on the American psyche!!
QoTD: “The implication is that women aren’t smart enough to know what an abortion entails,” Hill said. “People are aware of abortion. They may look at these images but they still come to the clinic.”…
Hill said she thinks the graphic images affect well-educated women much more than women who are less educated.
~, July 10, quoting Susan Hill, CEO of the lone abortion mill in MS, National Women’s Health Organization, on her thoughts on pro-life protesters showing graphic images of aborted babies outside her mill
QoTD Comments:
(continued from above, was dropped for some reason):
Susan Hill covers the gamut with her comments, the well-educated and the less-educated. Should we be sorry for trying to communicate the horrors of abortion to women? No, we should be sorry for women who have no where else to turn. We should feel sorry for the babies who have never had a chance at LIFE. We should feel sorry for Susan Hill and her employees who have chosen such a dreadful course for their lives. Lord have mercy on them all.
There’s a five-and-a-half minute version of Rep. Michele Bachmann’s speech here.
I heard her speak yesterday. She’s fantastic. She’s also the mother of five and foster mother to 23!
Published Just called Michele Bachmann’s D.C. office to thank her!!! Awesome clip as well Cranky Catholic!!
Carla, I inadvertently deleted this comment as spam, So I copied before it disappeared and pasted it again……so sorry.
No worries when MK is on the job!! :)
Cranky, thanks for the link. I just replaced the first Bachmann video with yours.
Backmann has the talking points down. I bet United Way (another non-profit) makes even more than Planned Parenthood. Where’s the outrage? Harvard University is a non-profit and has a $34 Billion endowment. Non-profit doesn’t mean “no money.” It means no shareholders, and no taxes.
If planned parenthood didn’t offer abortions you guys would have no problem with it.
Don’t like abortion? Don’t have one.
If planned parenthood didn’t offer abortions you guys would have no problem with it.
You are right.
Harvard University and United Way don’t kill babies as far as I know. Maybe I am stating the obvious.
Hal, you are wrong. The RTL movement very strongly overlaps with the anti-contraception movement
CarlaUnited Way don’t kill babies as far as I know.
Last I heard, some chapters of UW do support Planned Parenthood.
SoMG: 5:05: Hal, you are wrong. The RTL movement very strongly overlaps with the anti-contraception movement
I bet 95% of pro-lifers are interested in abortion only – not outlawing contraception. One thing at a time…..
Janet, it depends whether you get them publically or privately. If you questioned RTLs under a truth drug I’d be surprised if fewer than half of them admitted that outlawing contraception is one of their goals. I would not be surprised if a lot more than half admitted it. Also I’m pretty sure the large majority of charitable RTL dollars come from sources who are also anti-birth control.
Don’t like abortion? Don’t have one.
Posted by: Hal at July 11, 2008 12:00 PM
Don’t like killing, stop an abortion :)
Hal: 12:00 PM If planned parenthood didn’t offer abortions you guys would have no problem with it. Don’t like abortion? Don’t have one.
SoMG: 5:05: Hal, you are wrong. The RTL movement very strongly overlaps with the anti-contraception movement
Janet 8:45: I bet 95% of pro-lifers are interested in abortion only – not outlawing contraception. One thing at a time…..
SoMG: 11:38: Janet, it depends whether you get them publically or privately. If you questioned RTLs under a truth drug I’d be surprised if fewer than half of them admitted that outlawing contraception is one of their goals. I would not be surprised if a lot more than half admitted it.
You are exaggerating the motivation of Pro-lifers, IMO. Who cares about peoples BC choices? Personally I don’t. You certainly don’t need a truth serum to get the truth from people. I doubt a survey on the subject has ever been taken on whether abortion opponents want BC outlawed too. It would be interesting to see, but I doubt it would reveal the results you are anticipating.
Although I’ve heard about the abortifacient aspect of some BC, I’ve never heard it come up in a conversation (that I can recall) about surgical abortion except here on Jill’s. I don’t think BC is on most people’s radar when they say they are Pro-Life. Jill may be emphasizing it to get the word out on BC to inform the public. People have a right to know there may be a chance they are aborting when using artificial BC pills. We’ve discussed it before and that’s not really the point right now.
Also I’m pretty sure the large majority of charitable RTL dollars come from sources who are also anti-birth control.
Whether or not RTL donors are for or against birth control seems pretty irrelevant in the fight against abortion. That’s like saying the majority of RTL donors are also against home invasions.
As a devout Catholic, I don’t use artificial BC, but I’ve never tried to tell non-Catholics they should do the same. That’s a mountain I’m not willing to climb. Getting rid of abortion is hard enough. Do you really think the next step after outlawing abortion would be to outlaw BC? That’s totally nonsense if you ask me. If that’s a motivating factor for pro-choicers to keep abortion legal, they are using that as a smokescreen.
I try not to even get into those threads about BC. I have to pick my battles. :)
Janet, you wrote: “As a devout Catholic, I don’t use artificial BC, but I’ve never tried to tell non-Catholics they should do the same. ”
Then you are different from most devout Catholics, who support government bans on bc.
“Then you are different from most devout Catholics, who support government bans on bc.”
I’m unfamiliar with these kinds of Catholics who support government bans on bc, SoMG. Do you have any names? I’m not trying to “call you out” or anything, I’ve just never really heard this before.
SoMG 5:43: Janet, you wrote: “As a devout Catholic, I don’t use artificial BC, but I’ve never tried to tell non-Catholics they should do the same. “
Then you are different from most devout Catholics, who support government bans on bc.
SoMG: I think you’ve been reading too much pro-abortion propaganda written by groups desperate to round up support for abortion.
Here’s an example of a an article that attempts to argue your point of view, but it fails to do so. Most of it is speculation and ridiculously not based in fact.
Bobby B, you wrote: “I’m unfamiliar with these kinds of Catholics who support government bans on bc, SoMG. Do you have any names? ”
Well there’s this guy:
And I’d bet (if I were a betting man) these folks do:
True, BXVI is against birth control, as is the official teaching of the church, but I didn’t see anything in the article that would lead me to believe he would like a government ban on it. Judy Brown from your second article though, I can see…
I have to pick my battles. :)
Maybe you could teach me how to do this. My mom has been trying to teach me this for literally YEARS and has had no success. Maybe you could help her out! :)
Bobby:11:28: True, BXVI is against birth control, as is the official teaching of the church, but I didn’t see anything in the article that would lead me to believe he would like a government ban on it. Judy Brown from your second article though, I can see…
Ditto on the Pope Benedict XVI article. Judy Brown doesn’t ask for a government ban on BC. Her motive is education of the public on the possible effects so that couples can make their own decisions.
Also these guys, I bet, would support a govt ban on contraception.
Elizabeth and all, I have always loved this prayer. A good reminder of what is important when life throws us a curve.
Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury,pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen
SoMG:4:27: Also these guys, I bet, would support a govt ban on contraception.
The church’s role is to teach and guide, there is no specific call for a government ban of BC on the Priests for Life website and I am quite sure you will not find one on any major Catholic site. It’s not directly related to this thread either.
Oooo, Janet, I like that prayer a lot! Thanks!
Do you mean with children? This blog?
Picking my battles…hhhmmmm. There are certain topics I do not comment on anymore. Terri Schiavo and birth control to name two. Other topics I don’t know enough about so I try to learn from others.
Children…. yes, you may wear your winter hat to bed but you have to brush your teeth.
You can wear the red shirt, purple shorts, yellow socks and rain boots but cannot ride your bike without a helmet.
I do not battle around the dinner table. Don’t eat it then. When you are hungry, the same thing will be served. Yes, you may go play in the rain.
Have I helped? :)
Lol! You have such a great outlook on life! I LOVE your blog!:)
Have good day all!
tehehe, Carla, YES, you have helped.
Except with dinner…I don’t want to eat it? Fine, here’s a gogurt stick and I send her on her way.
For some reason I feel better that even if she won’t eat what’s for dinner, she’s had one of those gogurt sticks.
No sense battling over gogurt. :)
Thanks Janet!! You can comment over at my place too. Honest.
Yes, Carla, but I think about one of your blog posts every time I give her gogurt now. You know, the one about you looking at the date and seeing it had expired. Lol. Now I always check the date before I give her gogurt.
But that was regular yogurt. Gogurt is On.The.Go and you eat it up faster. I still gag when I think of that, so thanks for bringing it up!! ha