Democrat National Convention: Prequel
Pro-life activists from everywhere have descended upon Denver to remind Democrats what their party stands for.
I’ve never seen so many activist groups in one place. It’s wild. Truth trucks everywhere. Aborted baby signs everywhere, some in stationary groups along streets, some on small banners carried by 2 people along sidewalks. Lots of young people.
See more photos and news on page 2….
This afternoon pro-life friends Leslie Hanks, Ed and Lolita Hanks (my gracious hosts for the week), Operation Rescue’s Troy Newman, and 25 pro-life teens attended the premier of Hype: The Obama Effect. It included a segment with me relaying Obama’s Born Alive opposition.
Here’s a photo from the screening of Troy (who will have daily video reports from the DNC), saline abortion survivor Brandi Lozier, and me:
Tonight I wandered to the Denver Convention Center to spot the pro-Obama crowd ridiculing pro-life activist Randall Terry . Consider what they’re mocking. It’s a sick world.
Tomorrow morning I check in to blog at The Big Tent.

One can put a thousand demons to flight, but two, ten-thousand. Seems to me you’ve partnered with some pretty wonderful people like Brandi.
I really, really wish I was there.
I pray fervently that you have an exponential affect at the Barack Denver Circus and expose him for who he truly is, a gross pro-abort political opportunist wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Even if I am pro-life, my sister is now 100% pro-abortion. Not just pro-choice but pro-abortion as in, some people should have abortions.
And after all the horrible things she said to me when I defended a woman’s right to choose abortion she now says horrible things when I defend a woman’s right to not choose abortion : (
Just because it’s there doesn’t mean you have to do it!
Whatever I still love her.
Oh hi Hisman you’re up late. Let’s make jiffy pop. We can discuss current issues. So, what did you think of the Olympics? What about the fact that the girl who sang their national song wasn’t allowed to sing it in person but another girl was chosen because China wanted a “beautiful” girl.
My friend and I were watching this on the news and she said, “What the Chinese couldn’t find a pretty girl who could sing?” And then the reporter said, “Many Chinese are upset and are saying, ‘People will think we can’t find a pretty girl who can sing.'” And I said, “Wow that’s just what you said!” So there you go.
Sorry for the double post : (
I like this quote: “We should all understand it like this: it is a question of the national interest. It is a question of the image of our national music, our national culture.”
National culture? Of what? Shallowness and deception? Yeah you sure gave us a fine example. I regret not protesting the Olympics being held in China.
Did I miss the party when you became prolife?? Do tell!
Even if I am pro-life, my sister is now 100% pro-abortion. Not just pro-choice but pro-abortion as in, some people should have abortions.
And after all the horrible things she said to me when I defended a woman’s right to choose abortion she now says horrible things when I defend a woman’s right to not choose abortion : (
Just because it’s there doesn’t mean you have to do it!
Whatever I still love her.
You’re a good sister, Jess.
They were ridiculing Randall Terry? The Randall Terry? Randall “completely disqualified himself from any leadership position in the Christian community through his unwillingness to be held accountable for his adultery, theft, lies, deceptions, misrepresentations, perjury, failing to provide for his first wife and children, and evasion of church discipline” Terry?
Poor baby.
I watched a lot of the Olympics. I used to love it. This year, despite all the pageantry, etc. was disillusioning, especially when you know what’s really going on in China; the represssive government, the slave labor, the poor living conditions, the persecution of Christians, etc.
Now it seems the Olympics more and more like a religion, the expression of sacredness, idol worship, etc., etc. It’s an extreme expression of wordliness and extremely seductive.
More and more evidence that the world will be united someday under a one-world government that will set up for the leadership of the anti-Christ. None of us who believe should be surprised at a country’s ability to decieve the world and thereby gain power over it. And Obama’s comments about China also indicate why this man must not ever be our leader, ever.
Revelation 13 comes to mind: “11 Then I saw another beast come up out of the earth. He had two horns like those of a lamb, but he spoke with the voice of a dragon. 12 He exercised all the authority of the first beast. And he required all the earth and its people to worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed. 13 He did astounding miracles, even making fire flash down to earth from the sky while everyone was watching. 14 And with all the miracles he was allowed to perform on behalf of the first beast, he deceived all the people who belong to this world. He ordered the people to make a great statue of the first beast, who was fatally wounded and then came back to life. 15 He was then permitted to give life to this statue so that it could speak. Then the statue of the beast commanded that anyone refusing to worship it must die.
16 He required everyone
“Truth trucks everywhere. Aborted baby signs everywhere, some in stationary groups along streets, some on small banners carried by 2 people along sidewalks.”
Thats good news!
Keep up the Great Job Jill! I look forward to your updates!
If anyone is interested in what really happened over the last 2 days in Denver:
Three morons tried to disrupt the interfaith church service with “infanticide” screams. They were thrown out, and the service went on.
Randall Terry’s goup placed racist pamphlets on cars at churches and an amusement park.
A bunch of fetus trucks drove around.
The participants in these activities earned even more contempt from normal people. Film at 11.
Fox news assaulted by the ‘tolerant’ and ‘compassionate’ Obama supporters:
Jasper, sorry to intrude on your fantasy world, but these were anti-war activists, who were protesting against the Democrats and Obama.
Just watched the video. Nice language and hand gestures. Great example for their chilcren.
Reminds me of when Bush I was in town to speak at our library (full of children) and these types of morons exhibited the same type of behavior.
I love interfaith services, as if to imply that they all worship the same God…they don’t.
2 Timothy 3
The Dangers of the Last Days
“1 You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times. 2 For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. 3 They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good. 4 They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God. 5 They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that!”
Jasper, sorry to intrude on your fantasy world, but these were anti-war activists, who were protesting against the Democrats and Obama.
That explains why they were yelling “F*** Fox News” as well as the title of the you tube piece…
Fox News ATTACKED at DNC Protests
Have you seen the reports of tornadoes in the Denver area?
Check out Current TV’s preconvention shows from Denver. A lot of pro- life talk
That is priceless…. F@!* Fox News… The streets of the DNS look a little out of control. I’ll bet it gets really bad once they attend a PP sex,politics, and cocktail parties and suctart getting drunk. In the mean time they really should smoke some of the marijuana that the mayor is making available to them. It might mellow them out some. rotfl I can’t wait to see what comes next.
Excuse my typo:
The streets of the DNC look a little out of control, not DNS.
Why would anyone tale their child to a protest like that! That poor little baby!
ts, did you “suctart getting drunk” before composing that post?
Was that what inspired your fantasy about the mayor “making marijuana available”?
The streets have been orderly so far, with very minor encounters between police and protestors.
I’ll continue to post the truth, in case anyone is interested.
Have you seen the reports of tornadoes in the Denver area?
Posted by: HisMan at August 25, 2008 10:26 AM
What are you implying? Is your whole life an epic battle of good vs. evil?
Rememember these words and try to understand:
Now even as we speak, there are those who are preparing to divide us — the spin masters, the negative ad peddlers who embrace the politics of “anything goes.” Well, I say to them tonight, there is not a liberal America and a conservative America — there is the United States of America. There is not a Black America and a White America and Latino America and Asian America — there
Sorry to interrupt HisMans apcalyptic fantasy. Two weak tornados briefly touched down in a very sparsely populated area 25 miles SE of downtown Denver about 5 p.m Sunday, with no injuries and little or no property damage.
PPC: I’ll continue to post the truth, in case anyone is interested.
Oh, then, PPC, are you going to take a ride in the Truth Truck?? Now there’s the real truth info about what’s going on…for those, of course, as you say, are interested in the Truth!
How true!
Oddly enough, my name is Sandi too and I agree with both KC and Sandy.
Takes some guts to see and post the REAL truth.
KC 11:40, no thanks, I try to avoid tempting people to give me the finger when I drive.
However, Susan Greene of the Denver Post took a ride in the “truth truck”, and published an article called “Chasing Demons With Hate” on July 3, 2008 available in the Denver Post online.
That was when the “truth truck” was in its anti-gay phase, with phony posters depicting the Colorado Governor kissing a guy.
So is hating gays the “truth” for you and Sandy?
PPC we’ve had a few tornados in my area which is really weird since I live near Cape Cod. We’ve also had some flash floods, which resulted in my Mom yelling at me for letting the basement get flooded (like how am I supposed to stop hundreds of gallons of water?).
And no Carla I was just saying if I was pro-life, because someone here said it’s not abortion if it doesn’t directly kill a baby, and I think a woman should be able to end a pregnancy without directly killing her baby through, say, the abortion pill and early induced labor. Hmm?
Sandi, my hamsters name is Sandy. He’s wonderful!
Could you please clarify your statment, “a woman should be able to end a pregnancy without directly killing her baby through, say, the abortion pill and early induced labor.” How are those two forms of abortion not killing the baby “directly”?
Well becky there are lots of premature babies that go on to grow up and be just fine.
Jess you didn’t answer Becky’s question and I don’t understand your statement either.
Are you saying that if a woman doesn’t want to have her baby she should wait until it’s viable and then be induced?
Try to stick to the topic.
Yes, Jess many pre-mature infants do grow up to be healthy, happy babies. But, that has nothing to do with what i asked. I want to know how the abortion pill and early induced labor do not “directly” kill the baby?
Hey everyone please help me out with my questions in the post above this :) Thanks!
Sandy, it was you at 11:45 that raised the “truth truck” issue, and It is certainly relevant to note the the “truth truck”
combines anti-gay and anti-abortion messages.
Does the anti-gay aspect make you uncomfortable?
Hal wrote:
Do we participate in a politics of cynicism or do we participate in a politics of hope?
I hope that one day our nation will embrace the humanity of all of us: young and old, able and handicapped, born and unborn. I hope that our nation will consistently embrace the truth that we proclaimed in our Declaration of Independence, that all of humanity has been created equal.
I am realistic (you might say, “cynical”) enough to know that Barack Obama is not going to get us there. The Left has embraced identity politics. With identity politics, you also get division. Men against women, rich against poor, white against black, born against unborn … the Left has become increasingly reliant upon exploiting differences between people. Senator Obama is no different from the rest of his ideological companions.
That said, I don’t think McCain is going to do much better at moving us toward the ultimate goal of embracing all of humanity. I just think he’s going to do less harm than Obama, so he’ll get my vote. McCain also earned my respect in the Saddleback Forum. The way he handled himself that evening actually gave me a reason to vote for McCain, as compared to reasons to vote against Obama.
Even so, I do not put my trust in politicians. Some are better than others, and some are worse, but none of them are perfect. Jesus will fix our world when He returns. Until then, I have a job to be salt and light for this broken world of ours. Part of that job is to use my vote wisely, even though I know that our ultimate salvation can never be accomplished by a politician….
That was excellent!
Wow, I was just thinking about you yesterday, Naaman. Nice to “see” you again.
Isnt it Obama and Biden who are yelling about Mccain being “typical” and also “too rich?” Didnt Obama complain that he was getting flak because he “looks different?” He has been drawing lines just like everyone else. He just knows how to give a great sounding speech full of fluff about “hope” and “peace.”
In the end — In the end — In the end, that
Yes, they are making issue with the fact that McCain is too rich to understand the American people.
How can they be so naive to call out McCain for being too rich and not connecting with the American people? Obama lives in a 1.9 million dollar home with a wine cellar that holds 1,000 bottles of wine. How many american households have a wine cellar chock full of vino?
I believe his home has 6 fireplaces. I wonder how he decides which fireplace to sit by and enjoy a glass of vino by.
Sandy, do you think it could have anything to do with the facts that 1. McCain is much richer than Obama and 2. Obama acquired his money by using his brain rather than his penis?
I find it very interesting that Obama aquired his 1.9 million dollar home by way of a shady realestate transaction with his BFF Tony Rezko.
Red or white anyone???
Obama has a net worth af about $680,000, and MCCain has a net worth of $36 million, per federal disclosures. McCain’s wife is worth in excess of $100 million, so the McCains nave at least 200 times as much money as Obama.
If you want an eye-opener on McCain, read “Made Man” in the New Republic 8/20/08
Sandy, are you comparing McCain’s seven homes with Obama’s six fireplaces?
How many people do you know live in a 1.9 million $$ 6,400 sqaure foot home with (excuse me)4 fireplaces and six bathrooms and a wine cellar that holds 1,000 bottles of wine. What percntage of americans have a net worth of $680,000.00??
I am saying that it is riduculous for Obama to ignore his own lifestyle and to promote the idea that he is anywhere close to relating to people “who cling to their guns and religion in times of crisis. Give me a break.
PS, Anyone who spends five years in North Vietnamese prisoner of war camp deserves to own as many houses as they want.
Rush Limbaugh called Senator Kerry a “Gigolo…with a sugar-daddy wife”.
SoMG — your crude expressions are becoming rather tiresome.
Sorry for the double post : (
I like this quote: “We should all understand it like this: it is a question of the national interest. It is a question of the image of our national music, our national culture.”
National culture? Of what? Shallowness and deception? Yeah you sure gave us a fine example. I regret not protesting the Olympics being held in China.
Posted by: Jess at August 25, 2008 2:25 AM
The Chinese don’t have a free press and access to sources the way we do. They seem to believe whatever they are told and apparently think the rest of the world is the same way. I doubt if it ever occurred to them that anyone would ever find out and leave them looking foolish. Same with the Chinese gymnast that probably isn’t old enough to be competing.
PS, Anyone who spends five years in North Vietnamese prisoner of war camp deserves to own as many houses as they want.
Posted by: Sandy at August 25, 2008 4:39 PM
Planning on donating your home to a former prisoner of war?
Did she say anything like that? Oh wait, I forgot I try not to respond to your posts….
Sandy made an excellent point that it seems others have missed entirely. Obama is a wealthy elite just the same as Mccain. Mccain may have more worth, but they are both to the point of being unrelatable to the common man.
Early Christians on Abortion and Infanticide
The term “exposing infants” refers to the practice of abandoning infant children along roadsides, leaving them either to die of exposure or to be taken by someone, usually to be raised as a slave or a prostitute.
If men fight and hurt a woman with child, so that she gives birth prematurely
You shall not slay your child by causing abortion, nor kill the baby that is born. For “everything that is shaped and has received a soul is from God, if it is slain, shall be avenged, as being unjustly destroyed” [Ezek. 21:23, LXX]. Apostolic Constitutions (compiled c. 390, E), 7.466.
Perhaps Barack Obama has never studied church history? Guess not. And this guy went to Harvard?
Posted by: HisMan at August 25, 2008 11:43 PM
Hate to break it to you but Harvard is not a Catholic seminary. Another news break HM. Many Christians don’t give a flying flip over Vatican pontifications.
Did she say anything like that? Oh wait, I forgot I try not to respond to your posts….
Sandy made an excellent point that it seems others have missed entirely. Obama is a wealthy elite just the same as Mccain. Mccain may have more worth, but they are both to the point of being unrelatable to the common man.
Posted by: oliver at August 25, 2008 11:08 PM
That isn’t what I picked up within the context. Sandy was saying that McCain deserved to marry into wealth for having been a prisonor of war while demeaning Obama who actually worked for his wealth. Not that there is any real comparison between the wealth of the two.
And no, you shouldn’t respond to me. You seem susceptible to reasonability.
Question Oliver ……………
Do you not as common man wish to instill in your children that education and dedication is rewarded?
Question Oliver ……………
Do you not as common man wish to instill in your children that education and dedication is rewarded?
Posted by: Sally at August 26, 2008 1:08 AM
I’m not Oliver, but I’d say we also like to see sacrifice and service to one’s country significantly rewarded. Anyone can get a degree (and they come by the dozens today, without much effort and too much cost)but not everyone can survive (and come out a contributing member to their society) a prisoner of war camp – especially a notoriously brutal Asian POW camp.
That isn’t what I picked up within the context. Sandy was saying that McCain deserved to marry into wealth for having been a prisonor of war while demeaning Obama who actually worked for his wealth. Not that there is any real comparison between the wealth of the two.
And no, you shouldn’t respond to me. You seem susceptible to reasonability.
Posted by: Sally at August 26, 2008 12:54 AM
Where in my post did I demean Obama for working for his wealth? I in no way tried to make that argument. You completely missed the point which Oliver (thanks:)! tried to point out.
Obama’s camp is demeaning McCain for owning 7 houses, while ignoring the fact that he enjoys the luxury the vast vast majority of americans can not relate to.
The whole “house” issue is ridiculous and should never have been made to be such a big controversary in the first place.
I also think it was stupid for his camp engage in this discussion due to the fact that Obama’s home ownership was granted through a shady business deal.
Enough about how many houses McCain has. Maybe his priority is not his material wealth. When you spend five years in a prision, you tend to learn what’s important and what’s not.
When Jay Leno asked McCain how many houses he owned, McCain’s reply should have been “How many antique cars do YOU own?”
Sally stated:
Many Christians don’t give a flying flip over Vatican pontifications.
This statement is both absolutely true … and absolutely meaningless.
It is absolutely true because many Christians aren’t even Catholics. While some Protestants (including me) have great respect for the Vatican, we are not bound by its teachings. When the Pope speaks, I take him seriously as a senior member of a Christian denomination, but I don’t always agree with him.
It is also true because many Catholics (especially in the US & Europe) have chosen to ignore the Vatican. As a Protestant, I am puzzled by these folks. If a person rejects the leadership of the Catholic Church, how can that person call herself Catholic? Catholicism is a hierarchical religion. Obedience to the hierarchy is an integral part of being Catholic, or so it seems to me. Being a Catholic who ignores Rome seems a bit like … being a smoker who doesn’t inhale. You get the taste of it, but really, what’s the point?
(PS: Don’t get me started about the fake women’s ordinations and those silly women who believe themselves to be Catholic priests….)
On the other hand, your statement is utterly meaningless because Christian teaching about the evils of abortion and infanticide go far beyond the Vatican. Did you read HisMan’s post? The early Christian Church spoke clearly against abortion. The Bible itself — while it doesn’t specifically mention “abortion” — speaks clearly about the evil of taking of innocent life and the humanity of unborn children. The Protestant Reformers also taught that abortion and infanticide were evil.
Here’s a link to a Presbyterian Pro-Life website:
And an article in Touchstone magazine about the Protestant Reformers and their beliefs about both abortion and contraception:
Even Christians who don’t give a flying flip about the Vatican should still be pro-life. The Church of Christ — Catholic, Protestant, or whatever — should be united in its support of Life. Pro-choice Christians are (at best) misguided.
Very well said, Naaman. This Catholic says you hit the nail on the head.
demeaning Obama who actually worked for his wealth
Are you referring to when he secured a million dollars in earmarks for the University of Chicago Medical Center in exchange for his wife’s $200,000 raise?
This Catholic agrees with Bobby. Well said.
Naaman, as a Catholic, I thank you!!!
Patricia answered properly for me. Thanks
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