dncc.jpgPro-life activists from everywhere have descended upon Denver to remind Democrats what their party stands for.
I’ve never seen so many activist groups in one place. It’s wild. Truth trucks everywhere. Aborted baby signs everywhere, some in stationary groups along streets, some on small banners carried by 2 people along sidewalks. Lots of young people.
truth truck dncc 1.jpg
See more photos and news on page 2….

truth truck dncc 2.jpg
This afternoon pro-life friends Leslie Hanks, Ed and Lolita Hanks (my gracious hosts for the week), Operation Rescue’s Troy Newman, and 25 pro-life teens attended the premier of Hype: The Obama Effect. It included a segment with me relaying Obama’s Born Alive opposition.
Here’s a photo from the screening of Troy (who will have daily video reports from the DNC), saline abortion survivor Brandi Lozier, and me:
Troy, Brandi, Jill.jpg
Tonight I wandered to the Denver Convention Center to spot the pro-Obama crowd ridiculing pro-life activist Randall Terry . Consider what they’re mocking. It’s a sick world.

Tomorrow morning I check in to blog at The Big Tent.

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