The scent of a man
I’ve read of similar study results before. This is not new news, just more corroboration.
These studies indicate the birth control pill interferes with a woman’s pheromonal sense of scent, attracting her to the wrong guy, in terms of both long-term compatibility as well as the stock of children they’ll produce.
From The Times, August 13:
A study by British scientists suggests that taking the Pill can change a woman’s taste in men – to those who are genetically less compatible.
The research found that the Pill can alter the type of male scent that women find most attractive, which may in turn affect the kind of men they choose as partners. It suggests that the popular form of contraception… could have implications for fertility and relationship breakdowns….
The Pill is thought to disrupt an instinctive mechanism that brings together people with complementary genes and immune systems. Such a couple, by passing on a wide-ranging set of immune system genes, increase their chances of having a healthy child that is not vulnerable to infection….
Couples with different genes are also less likely to experience fertility problems or miscarriages….
[T]he researchers said… this might not only impact on fertility and miscarriage risk, but could even contribute to the end of relationships as women who stop or start taking the Pill no longer find their boyfriend or husband so attractive.
There is a logical explanation, according to LiveScience:
The pill puts a woman’s body into a hormonally pregnant state (the reason she doesn’t ovulate), and during that time there would be no reason to seek out a mate.
“When women are pregnant there’s no selection pressure, evolutionarily speaking, for having a preference for genetically dissimilar odors,” Roberts said. “And if there is any pressure at all it would be towards relatives, who would be more genetically similar, because the relatives would help those individuals rear the baby.”
So the pill puts a woman’s body into a post-mating state, even though she might be still in the game.
“The pill is in effect mirroring a natural shift but at an inappropriate time,” Roberts told LiveScience.
[HT: moderator Chris, readers Janet, Phil M. and budpacmac, Matthew Balan from, proofreader Laura Loo]

yeah, I read this yesterday and wondered how MUCH more don’t we know about what the pill does to a woman.
But fans of the little white pill will have what they want and what they want is lots of sex with no kids — at any price.
Janet Smith has been saying this for years… quoting studies done by Lionel Tiger.
NEWS FLASH not every woman is on the pill for that purpose. Some women, including me, take it for .
Sorry to burst your bubble…
take it for medical reasons…
Interwebz is acting screwy again…
the birth control pill interferes with a woman’s pheromonal sense of scent, attracting her to the wrong guy
Jill, I don’t know how much there is to this stuff, if anything, but that sounds hilarious.
Absolutely fascinating!
As just saying mentioned, the fascinating study done in the early 1970s by Dr. Tiger that Dr. Smith most often refers to is briefly summarized here.
NEWS FLASH not every woman is on the pill for that purpose. Some women, including me, take it for .
Sorry to burst your bubble…
Posted by: midnite678 at August 14, 2008 8:33 AM
NEWSFLASH: I am aware of that but I also know ob/gyn’s who will not prescribe THE pill for medical problems under any circumstances.
And regardless of WHAT condition a woman is taking the pill for, it still has the same effect on her body as on any other woman’s.
I have no bubble to burst – it is the women who take the pill who are having their bubble of “safety” being burst!
midnite678: I did not mean to BOLD the entire statement! Good grief, only the NEWSFLASH!
the birth control pill interferes with a woman’s pheromonal sense of scent, attracting her to the wrong guy
Jill, I don’t know how much there is to this stuff, if anything, but that sounds hilarious.
Posted by: Doug at August 14, 2008 8:35 AM
Doug you know NOTHING about how a woman’s body works. Our bodies are much more complex than a man’s body. Most ob/gyn’s know nothing about a woman’s fertility symptoms,for example. And not only do they NOT know, they don’t accept that this is a useable criteria for evaluating and assessing fertility. There are still many aspects of fertility and the phsyiological interplay between men and women’s bodies that we do not understand. Of course if you believe in gay sex and don’t see that men and women are complementary, then I suppose you’d not likely believe any amount of research that supports this reality.
No problem on the all bold, interwebz has a mind of its own at times.
So is my “bubble of safety” going to burst? I have been on birthcontrol for almost a decade now. Do I take it specifically so I wont get preggers? Nope.
I was put on BC before I had sex, b/c I get ovarian cysts more than usual and just recently I found out I have endometreosis.
Should I just not take it b/c it might mess with my sense of smell?
BTW: I think that is a bunch of hogwash. I’ve never read a study that said BC pills interferes with pheromones.
midnite678: I am not personally attacking you.
It is just that the entire oral contraceptive pill is one giant experiment, which you are a part of too.
It is a quick fix “solution” or treatment to many women’s problems which doctors use without really understanding a woman’s body. And it’s been pushed by the pharmaceutical companies without significant research. Heck, they admit they don’t even know how it exactly works.
What would be more woman-friendly is to understand each woman’s body, how it is functioning hormonally and then to seek appropriate treatments that respect her bodily integrity. Modern gynecology does not do this. It treats largely without an understanding of a woman’s body. Instead gynecologist’s attempt to fit every woman into a “generic” model of how a woman’s body should function. We see this with the length of a woman’s menstrual cycle – I wonder how many women work like a machine and have 28 day menstrual cycles for example.
NaProTechnology at attemtps to do this.
please moderators, delete somg’s post!!! NOW!
“Of course if you believe in gay sex and don’t see that men and women are complementary, then I suppose you’d not likely believe any amount of research that supports this reality.”
That one came out of left field.
“”When women are pregnant there’s no selection pressure, evolutionarily speaking, for having a preference for genetically dissimilar odors,”
Good for you Jill, starting to come around to the idea of evolution!
no pip it’s not out of left field
men and women complement each other – therefore their bodies work together in way’s we don’t understand or know about – even to the point of using pheromes. The pill disturbs this on many levels.
This also furthers the belief society has held for the past thousands of years that gay sex is abnormal.
sorry I have to go to work now. Peace
SoMG LOL. Hope everyone gets to read your post before it is deleted.
“…but could even contribute to the end of relationships as women who stop or start taking the Pill no longer find their boyfriend or husband so attractive. ”
“It is just that the entire oral contraceptive pill is one giant experiment, which you are a part of too.”
Why do you single out the birth control pill and women?
Do you know how many medications that medicine and doctors fully understand all the effects of? Heck, they don’t even know why/how antidepressants work! According to this definition, almost everyone who takes medication is participating in a great “giant experiment” called human health.
Please. We work with the best available information to secure the best available results. Yes, they do mistakes, but that is not a good reason for not acting upon our best understandings at the time. If we waited until all of the effects of every medication and exactly how it worked were known, I’m betting that there wouldn’t be a single medication left for anyone to take.
I know that you are not personally attacking me, but I’ve read research on BC pills, and they’re not as evil as this site (& Jill) make them out to be.
BC Pills, can help woman with a variety of medical problems. The two I knnow first hand experience on is ovarian cysts and endometreosis. I dont know if you’ve ever had a cyst or not but it hurts like hell. It feels that someone has a knife and is slowly twisting it around in your abdomen. They can rupture; which could lead to more serious problems. Another problem is the fact of where the cyst gets stuck. Most of the time it is in the fallopian tube. If a woman is to become pregnant there it will result in an ectopic pregnancy which could kill said woman.
Scientific evidence suggests using birth control pills for longer periods of time increases your risk of some cancers, such as cervical cancer and liver cancer, but it also decreases your risk of other types of cancer, including ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer.
It works by suppressing ovulation each month. Thinning the uterine lining and changing the consistency of the mucus in a woman’s cervix, making it harder for sperm to move into contact with an egg.
If and when you decide to get pregnant and stop taking birth control pills, you may get pregnant immediately?there are no long-term effects on your fertility from birth control pills.
Birth control pills are now prescribed by health care professionals because of their long- and short-term health benefits for women. Birth control pills can: (1)Regulate, shorten or eliminate a woman’s menstrual cycle (2)Decrease severe cramping and heavy bleeding (3)Reduce anemia (4)Reduce ovarian cancer risk (5)The risk of ovarian cancer is believed to decrease by as much as 80 percent for women who take BCPs for 10 years or more, and approximately 40 percent for those who take them on a short-term basis (6)reduce colorectal cancer risk. The largest study conducted so far on this subject found that women who had ever used BCPs had a 40 percent lower risk of colorectal cancer, and women who used BCPs for at least two years had half the risk of colorectal cancer as non-BCP users (7)Reduce the development of ovarian cysts (8)Decrease benign breast disease (9)Protect future ability to become pregnant (10)Reduce the severity and incidence of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)-infection primarily of the fallopian tubes and/or the female reproductive tract (11)Protect against ectopic pregnancy [pregnancy outside the uterus, in the fallopian tubes] (12)Reduce the risk of uterine (endometrial) cancer. Studies find that oral contraceptives protect against this disease by providing the progestins needed to oppose the stimulation of the uterine lining caused by estrogen. Although the amount of reduction in risk varies depending on the type of progestin used in the pill, the overall risk drops about 50 percent (13) Minimize perimenopausal symptoms, such as irregular menstrual bleeding (14)Reduce acne (15)Treat the emotional and physical symptoms of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), a severe form of PMS. Only one combination OC has been shown to be clinically effective for this use. It contains the progestin drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol, a form of estrogen.
“men and women complement each other – therefore their bodies work together in way’s we don’t understand or know about – even to the point of using pheromes. The pill disturbs this on many levels.”
If we don’t know what ways men and women’s bodies work together how can we know how the pill “disturbs this on many levels”?
For those that take the birth control pill for medical reasons….there are healthy, all natural alternatives to synthetic hormones….I know. Blah, blah, blah.
I tried those before I started BC Pills, and they did not work. They could work on some women, but they did not on me.
A woman needs to discuss the benefits and risks with her doctor and figure out which medication/treatment is best for her.
**I am all about choices**
I had surgery for my endometreosis, which helped a little but not a lot. He told me if I went off BC pills, my cysts would probably start up again, and that isnt somthing I want to deal with.
But fans of the little white pill will have what they want and what they want is lots of sex with no kids — at any price.
Posted by: Patricia at August 14, 2008 7:36 AM
Some want lots of sex and a couple of kids.
Fair enough, Midnite.
I just want to let those know that are uncomfortable with synthetic hormones that there are alternatives. :)
I have been messed with enough by doctors who wanted me on more and more drugs and removing my organs. I researched and found some Natural Progesterone Cream.
The book? What Your Dr. May Not Tell You About PreMenopause by Dr. John Lee.
Did you mean to sound snarky about “a woman and her doctor?”
No, I did not mean to sound snarky… Sorry. I am at work and 10 people were talking to me.
She should discuss her options with her significant other, her doctor or even other women who are in the same situation..
Got it. Thanks. :)
My experience with “a woman and her doctor” as far as abortion goes went something like this…I had no doctor. The abortionist did not look at me or talk to me. Does Obama mean him?! I take issue with that phrase, I guess.
I am sorry you are at work. I type away while my 4 children go ballistic all around me. :O
Carla, maybe Obama means that there *should be* meaningful interaction between a woman and her doctor before an abortion.
Then he “should” say that. :)
Actually I thought he said an abortion is between a woman, her husband, her pastor and her doctor. If you have none of those….well that’s just too bad isn’t it??
Please don’t ask me to cite my sources. I am just too lazy today. ha. I think it was Lifenews.
Midnite, I have cysts/endo as well and I can definitely relate to the OW!
Anyways, my endo got a bout a million times worse once I started (and then later stopped once I found out that it was abortificient) taking the progesterone only pill while I was nursing my son.
I went from having fairly regular, but extremely painful periods to having ridiculously irregular cycles and spotting at random times in between. It affected my fertility and it took over a year and half after stopping the pills that I was able to get pregnant and not miscarry.
Birth control pills can definitely make the problem MUCH worse should you ever stop taking them.
Perhaps this explains why I was attracted to whimpy liberal men when I was on the pill.
Thank God I quit and was able to sniff out a real man! :)
I want talking about abortions, just for clarification. I am simply talking options about medications and what not.
I am on the Progesterone and Estrogen Combo pills. Yasmin saved me from awful periods. Plus I take it four months straight, so I only have to deal with that 3 times a year.
I know midnite. Welcome back, BTW.
Hehehehehe. I was off the pill for 6 months. Still found my boy quite attractive. I must be smarter than my pheremone receptors. lol.
Just making sure we were on the same page. And thanks. I was super busy with school and work during the summer semester..
HAHAHAHAHA; that was priceless!!
How many studies do we need to prove that women are mindless idiots incapable of thoughtful decision making?
Sally @1:58 PM,
How many studies do we need to prove that women are mindless idiots incapable of thoughtful decision making?
Not all the studies in the world can prove what isn’t true.
Information makes for better decision making. It’s up to you to decide what’s true and what isn’t. Who cares what anyone else thinks, if you trust your own judgement and make your own decisions? Sheesh!
Information makes for better decision making. It’s up to you to decide what’s true and what isn’t. Who cares what anyone else thinks, if you trust your own judgement and make your own decisions? Sheesh!
Posted by: Janet at August 14, 2008 2:16 PM……………………………………….
Sure Janet. Jill and her blog are all about factual information and informed decision making. @@
What’s next? A study suggesting that women make irrational decisions while menstruating? How about a study suggesting that woman are incapable simply because they are capable of menstruating?
I’m amazed at the willingness exhibited by some to buy this crap.
This is so silly.
They say that the pill “disrupts an instinctive mechanism that brings together people with complementary genes and immune systems.”
How does it do this? By mimicking pregnancy.
So pregnancy also disrupts this instinct that brings people with complementary genes together?
So the key to a life-long marriage seems to be: don’t take the pill and don’t get pregnant.
Thank goodness for the copper IUD!
Some want lots of sex and a couple of kids.
Posted by: Hal at August 14, 2008 11:16 AM
yes and if those kids happen to come at inopportune times they want the right to kill them too
oh, but you know that alread Hal – right?
If we don’t know what ways men and women’s bodies work together how can we know how the pill “disturbs this on many levels”?
Posted by: prettyinpink at August 14, 2008 10:35 AM
Because, when the pill was developed in the early part of the last century, we were only beginning to learn about just how complex a woman’s body is.
When I was younger, women’s mags were filled with all kinds of ridiculous advice about menstruation, some of which quite frankly frightened me because I didn’t fit into the norms. Since that time, our understanding of a woman’s fertility cycle has increased dramatically. The pill was approved without many studies and the long term effects on women were not known. So in effect, the pill has been one big experiment. Vaccines are another, just to give an example.
Moderators!!!!! I demand that Patricia’s personal attack be deleted IMMEDIATELY! Or I’m going to throw myself down on the floor and throw a fit! @@
it’s not a personal attack Sally!
I’m stating that people who support BC also want the right to kill their babies if the happen to conceive a child
And they got that right, rather unfortunately.
This is a blog that doesn’t support that right.
Hal doesn’t mind – he’s a satisfied abortion customer by his own admission
And somg’s opinion was deleted because it WAS vulgar.
it’s not a personal attack Sally!
I’m stating that people who support BC also want the right to kill their babies if the happen to conceive a child
And they got that right, rather unfortunately.
This is a blog that doesn’t support that right.
Hal doesn’t mind – he’s a satisfied abortion customer by his own admission
And somg’s opinion was deleted because it WAS vulgar.
Posted by: Patricia at August 14, 2008 4:12 PM
And I found your demand for removal to be childish. Did I really need to explain that to you?
Since we are sharing, I also find your opinions rather self serving as well as short sighted. Shall I continue since you believe this blog to be all about personal judgments and opinions?
Continue all you want Sally. But the fact is that somg’s post was vulgar – the fact that he cannot post without being vulgar suggests some kind of problem.
Of course, he is just a reflection of society, which for the most part is also quite vulgar in many aspects (dress, speech, arts and entertainment, behaviour, humour etc).
I’m amazed at the willingness exhibited by some to buy this crap.
Posted by: Sally at August 14, 2008 2:57 PM
And what makes it crap. The fact that it doesn’t support the liberal lifestyle which has been shown again and again to be damaging to both men and women. The fact that there ARE consequences to birth control pills? The bottom line: liberals will have what they wish, when they wish, no matter how damaging it is. The women’s movement is founded on several platforms
1.liberal and free birth control
2.liberal and free access to abortion in case #1 fails
3.destruction of marriage as it is considered enslaving
your failure to admit to this/recognize it, whatever doesn’t make it any less so.
If taking the pill alters a woman’s perceptions, and if she’s had two loser boyfriends in a row, if she starts on the pill, will she get a good guy?
If taking the pill alters a woman’s perceptions, and if she’s had two loser boyfriends in a row, if she starts on the pill, will she get a good guy?
Patricia, all of medicine is a giant experiment.
It seems I always lose when I buy lottery tickets.
I will go on the Pill – it should change my luck.
Just kidding – I already take birth control pills, and my life is so much better than without them.
Patricia, all of medicine is a giant experiment.
Posted by: SoMG at August 14, 2008 8:50 PM
not to the degree that it has been with oral contraceptives
because this is a highly politicized drug.
What will it take before women will say enough?
Yet again, we have another celebrity diagnosed with breast cancer – Christina Applegate at age 36! I simply can’t help but wonder how many years Christina has been on the pill and if abortion has played a factor in her illness. I don’t wish her any harm, but I feel sorry that she is ill and wonder if she too is a victim of current medical thinking and cultural practices.
It appears that childbearing and marriage are SO antithetical to the women’s movement many women would put up with just about anything in their quest for “sexual freedom” and to have their bodies work like a man’s.
Is this another devastating liberal raid in the making?

And what makes it crap.
Well Patricia, for starters, the concept that women are attracted to ‘good’ men by sense of smell is ridiculous.
Well Patricia, for starters, the concept that women are attracted to ‘good’ men by sense of smell is ridiculous.
Posted by: Sally at August 14, 2008 9:50 PM
That is NOT what the research is saying Sally. Attraction is aided by a whole host of factors including visual and physical as well as biochemical and phsyiological factors.
Pheromes are merely one way attraction is built.
Oy folks- I got the results of my ultrasound today- there is absolutely nothing wrong with me apparently. Which sucks. Because now there truly is NOTHING that can be done for me except either a hysterectomy or ablation (neither of which will happen because I’m only 20) or getting a progesterone-releasing IUD.
That is NOT what the research is saying Sally. Attraction is aided by a whole host of factors including visual and physical as well as biochemical and phsyiological factors.
Pheromes are merely one way attraction is built.
Posted by: Patricia at August 14, 2008 9:56 PM
Not according to the article. It’s all about ‘smell’. No other factors involved.
I think you should be thanking the pill and it’s users Patricia. Those harlots are keeping all the wrong guys busy leaving the good guys available for chaste women. The weeding is being done for you!
Rae @ 10:43,
Oy folks- I got the results of my ultrasound today- there is absolutely nothing wrong with me apparently. Which sucks. Because now there truly is NOTHING that can be done for me except either a hysterectomy or ablation (neither of which will happen because I’m only 20) or getting a progesterone-releasing IUD.Faaaantastic.
Posted by: Rae at August 14, 2008 10:43 PM
I’m sorry your results weren’t what you were hoping for. Have you tried contacting the group Patricia linked to earlier that deals with reproductive issues? Perhaps they could help.
I will keep you in my prayers.
Reality, I am jealous of your IUD.
Not according to the article. It’s all about ‘smell’. No other factors involved.
I think you should be thanking the pill and it’s users Patricia. Those harlots are keeping all the wrong guys busy leaving the good guys available for chaste women. The weeding is being done for you!
Posted by: Sally at August 14, 2008 10:59 PM
Nope. Sally you are twisting things and misreading. This was but ONE factor that these scientists chose to investigate. They obviously are aware that there are other factors involved in attraction. Don’t be so ridiculous!
Rae: please don’t give up. I am willing to bet that something can be done to help you – maybe it’s a matter of finding the right doctor, who’s committed to help you.
From the Marguerite Bourgeoy Institute in Canada comes this:
The FertilityCare System
Pope Paul VI also asked scientists to study the woman
Patricia, you wrote: “What will it take before women will say enough [oral bc]?”
Some credible evidence of it causing a problem might help.
Taking BC for many many years can increase risk for Breast cancer.
If women start being diagnosed with Breast Cancer at earlier ages (it used to be that most women weren’t diagnosed until POST Menopause) because of Birth Control and not family history, would you be convinced?
Rae: Take Patricia or Janet’s advice and contact the NaPro technology people. They can help you out.
Sure, if it were properly controlled for other factors.
But you see Patricia and Janet, I’ve had every test under the sun done on my reproductive organs.
I’ve had hormone levels checked- normal.
I’ve had pelvic exams- normal.
I’ve had the ultrasound- normal.
There is nothing wrong with me- I just got the short end of the reproductive system stick. Just like every other female in my family. Every woman in my family has had a hysterectomy by the age of 40. There is a reason my very Catholic grandmother only had 6 kids.
I’m going to get the IUD because well…it “covers” the problems long enough that I can permanently deal with them when I’m 30 and I can kindly tell the doctor to “shove off” and to do it because I have NO desire to have children of my own- and by 30 they can’t really say, “You’re too young…you may change your mind someday!”
The reason I’m not interested in the NaProTech stuff is because a) I’m 99% sure my insurance won’t cover it b) I don’t give a rat’s arse about keeping my fertility, quite frankly, I’d be happy to see it go and c) I’m not driving to Omaha with the price of gas as high as it is.
Doug you know NOTHING about how a woman’s body works.
Patricia, uh, no, that would be untrue to say that. ; )
It was just the idea that birth control pills would attract a woman to “the wrong guy” that struck me as hilarious.
I’m sorry, Rae. Praying for you.
Liz: those stats about breast cancer aren’t as stable as the stats about how the pill greatly reduces your risk for endometrial cancer, starting immediately.
I’m glad everything came out Ok for you. It doesn’t suck. And I hope you will re-think having children. I’d bet you be a good mom.
I’m stating that people who support BC also want the right to kill their babies if the happen to conceive a child
Actually, the vast majority of people who identify as pro-life support birth control.
Jen R, document that please.
the vast majority of people who identify as pro-life support birth control.
SoMG, I think Jen is right. Heck, it was amazing to me that anybody would be against birth control, be they pro-life or pro-choice, but Bethany, et al have made their case well and now I do understand.
However, I’d say it’s a given that most pro-lifers are in favor of birth control, if for no other reason than it massively cuts down on the number of abortions.
Doug, document it please.
SoMG, here is a reference to a poll confirming what I consider to be common sense – that pro-lifers, being against abortion, are usually in favor of brith control, for without it there surely would be a whole load more abortions than with it.
Poll Finds Strong Support for Legal Birth Control
June 7, 2005 — Forty years after the Supreme Court declared birth control legal, a new poll finds broad public support.
Reports have been growing of pharmacists declining to fill birth-control pill prescriptions because of moral or religious objections.
But the poll, commissioned by the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association, found those objectors are members of a small minority. Eighty-eight percent of voters in the poll, including 80 percent of Republicans, said they support women’s access to contraception. Eight in 10 respondents who identified themselves as “pro-life” also said women should be able to get contraceptives.
The poll was taken to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Griswold v. Connecticut, in which the Supreme Court struck down a Connecticut ban on selling birth control to married couples. The court did not extend that right to unmarried individuals until 1972, a year before it legalized abortion.
That’s the poll I was thinking of, Doug.
In addition, there’s this poll showing that only 11% of people in the U.S. think it’s immoral to use contraception:
Which, if you figure that around half the population identifies as pro-life, and probably few to none of the anti-contraception people identify as pro-choice, comes to around 22% of pro-lifers. And even then, believing that it’s immoral to use contraception doesn’t mean believing that anyone should be prevented from using it.
(Sorry about the delay in replying, SoMG. Hope you see this.)
I was wrong at first – because there was no way that I thought any pro-lifer would be against contraception. However, that was an error on my part – generalizing about “how pro-lifers would be.”
I’m careful in posting, and try to avoid unqualified statements, etc., but just goes to show you that I too have stuff to learn.
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