Funniest hate mail ever received the funniest hate mail ever. Had to share. I’ve cleaned up the misspellings…
You pro-life hypocrites better stop your ads attacking Obama….
You people and your attack ads is one the the main reasons this country is bitterly divided. Maybe they ought to change the Consitution and rename the United States of America the Divided States of America.
Since you people are attacking Obama it is your fault a lot of TV stations this fall cancelled their local newscasts this fall. Maybe someone should cancel you….
Since you people are attacking Obama its your fault there is National and International news on local newscasts.
SInce you people are attacking Obama it’s your fault the Bengals have lost every game this season so far.
Since you people are attacking Obama it’s your fault I lose my money like a vacum cleaner when I go to the Casino sometimes.
SInce you people are attacking Obama it’s your fault the airlines are now charging for food and extra bags and cutting flights.
Since you people are attacking Obama it’s your fault the airline system in the United States is getting bad.
Since you people are attacking Obama it’s your fault Delta Airlines is going to merge with Northwest Airlines and make a bad airline system with high prices in this country even worst.
Since you’re attacking Obama it’s your fault the Adventura Spa Palace Resort is an all adult resort.
Since you hypocrites are attacking Obama maybe someone should give you a Karate or KUNG FU kick you will never forget.
SInce you people are attacking Obama and are hypcrites someone should confront you people on the Jerry Springer Show on National TV in front of 300 million people.
Why don’t you take your attack ads and shove them up your butt. Why don’t you people
go pick on or attack somebody your own size. The reason you people never attack or pick on anyone your own size is because you are wimps and afraid to face the music.
One of the reasons you people are attacking Obama is because he is the first African American president nonimee in the name of pro-life and you racist bigots can’t handle the truth.
Why don’t you people mind your own business? You people think you own Obama by attacking him. You people don’t and never will own Obama. Obama is a person not a piece of property you think you can get away with attacking.
One of these days the truth is going to come out about you hypocrites and that’s a promise. I think hypocrites are nothing but a bunch of backstabbers and traitors. I think hypocrites out to all be rounded up and shipped to GItmo and locked up there for in indefinite period of time without a lawyer.
I think all of you hypocrites belong in a mental Insitution. Maybe when you people get old you will get Alzheimers and be confined to a wheelchair and become a total vegatable.
One of these days you hypocrites are going to get a taste of your own medicine. You hypocrites are going to get what you deserve. What goes around comes around. Do unto others as they would do onto you.
Barack Obama is going to be our next president whether you bunks like it or not and that’s a promise. I wish you people will have a bad day. When Obama is elected the next Presidnet and you hypocrites have a day in the dumps, I am going to enjoy every second of it and will see who has the last laugh.
Maybe someone should cast a spell on you people. Maybe someone should make a voodo doll out of you people. You people think you are better than everybody else. You people are a bunch of no good jive a**es.
Just remeber when Obama is our next president of this Grand United States of America and you people have a day in the dumps, it is going to feel really good!!!! and thats a promise.
You better be ready to have a bad day because Obama’s on his way.
[“Oh, snap” stationery courtesy of]

That’s pretty funny.
I can’t decide if the writer is being funny intentionally, or if they are just plain crazy.
Oooh, Jill, I’z a skeered now!
Wow….someone had WAY too much time on their hands….
this cannot be serious…
hmmm….I think he might be angry…but I’m not sure…
“it’s your fault I lose my money like a vacum cleaner when I go to the Casino”
These are my favorite:
SInce you people are attacking Obama it’s your fault the Bengals have lost every game this season so far.
**hahahahahaha…Maybe the Bengals just SUCK..I guess that never crossed his pathetic little mind?
SInce you people are attacking Obama it’s your fault the airlines are now charging for food and extra bags and cutting flights.
**I could have sworn this way b/c of the rising cost of jet fuel…..
Since you people are attacking Obama it’s your fault the airline system in the United States is getting bad.
**Were they not getting bad before Obama got the nomination??
“Barack Obama is going to be our next president whether you bunks like it or not and that’s a promise.”
What’s a bunk?
Hi Midnite,
who are you voting for?
SInce you people are attacking Obama it’s your fault the Bengals have lost every game this season so far.
Come on, Jill, like you didn’t know that your attacks on Obama would make Chad Johnson legally change his name to Ocho Cinco. Clearly that was a crime against God and against humanity, and the Bengals are being justly punished by playing ever so slightly worse than they have for the past decade.
Oh, and midnite, my boyfriend would have some choice words for you over that! Whenever they lose he calls me (or at least calls me into the living room) and is like, “You didn’t wear orange today, did you!?”
Whoever wrote that had one too many! Was it by any chance written on bar napkins?
Jesse Jackson was once pro life.
The democrats don’t want to reduce abortions, they want to FORCE tax payers to pay for abortions.
I havent quite decided yet Jasper. I dont like Obama/Biden AT ALL, but I am not too fond of McCain/Palin either.
I think Obama is too close to being a Socialist for my taste, but as I stated earlier I am not completely sold on McCain either..
As of right this second I am either writing in Mickey Mouse or maybe voting for McCain. I need to see the debates before I make up my mind completely.
**And I should point out that the “abortion debate” has absolutely nothing to do with my choice in voting. I am more concerned with the National Debt, Education, Health Care, the War in Iraq and other issues.
Obama is on his way, all right…on his way to hell, and desperate to drag this Grand United States of America with him.
Reminds me of a saying to the effect that some people fail miserably…or succeed more miserably.
Talk about hypocrites!!! Go pick on someone your own size? This from someone who is obviously at least dozens of times the size of the unborn, who are picked on and literally divided to death by Obama and his ilk/minions?! Get serious!!!
Getting old, even becoming ill, never actually transferred anyone from the human category to the vegetable category. This is a depersonalizing fiction invented by pro-death mongers to rob humanity of any empathy towards those less capable than themselves. The difference between a civilized, just, and optimally free society- the kind sane people want for themselves and others- and a barbaric tyranny (the kind imposed on as many as possible by Hitler, Lenin, Mussolini and ilk, and that is the logical outcome of many of Obama’s policies) is this: in the former, the strong and relatively privileged are encouraged to use their advantages to assist, free, and empower those who are not so fortunate; in the latter, the strong (whether the comparative strength is physical, mental, social clout, money, or in some other area) are allowed to use their advantages to enslave, exploit, and/or destroy those less fortunate.
What a lot of blame and punishment to heap on us simply for saying what we see to be true! Intimidation for dissent? Not in the Great United States of America…unless, of course, either Obama or McCain (don’t forget the McCain-Feingold attack on the 1st amendment…and the left’s efforts to silence dissent under the guise of “hate speech”) wins in November.
Hahaha! Count Us Out has come up with a way to stop the accusation of racism: Vote Against Obama’s White Side. Hey! Don’t give me the hook!
I wanted to come here to share this with you all because abortion is one of the wedge issues they’re going to try to use to TRY to create a division between us.
Elected female leaders calling themselves “Obama Girls”. What have we come to.
Obama Sending His Girls “To Stand in Opposition to a Woman About to Shatter One of the Hardest Glass Ceilings in the History of Mankind”. This is absolutely pathetic.
Was this comment sumbitted in the new Mac Crayon Input Device?
It’s so hard being called a bunk, I can’t stand it!
A;exandra….I didnt mean it litterally… I actually dont know anything about the Bengals, I just think it’s humerous this person thinks they are losing b/c people are attacking Obama.
Teams either lose b/c (1) They suck or (2) They have bad luck…
**We’ll go with the Bengals are just having a bad luck season ;o)
And my team lost Saturday night to LSU..I almost cried.
well, anyone wanting to find out who Chris Crocker is voting for…now we know.
It is too bad about the Bengals…. sigh.
I stopped watching Crocker a long time ago. LisaNova too. I really wish she had left her political view to the imagination. Oh well. I think it made me so furious that all these partners on the tube are liberal so I have to fight against them with my partner account. Unfortunately the liberal ones get to the top of youtube every day.
Now as I always do, I HAVE to link you to a video where I read out loud Obamas opposition to baipa on march 30, 2001. Please watch it. Haha I’m not too good at reading and it took forever to read it all, but I really worked hard on it. I still am waiting for C-Span to air it, but I doubt they will.
Midnite – agreed that it would have been great for Auburn to beat LSU… and they almost did.
Loved it last year when they beat Florida.
Here in the Midwest, it’s a tough year – the Ohio State Buckeyes were embarrassed against USC, and that’s the third time in a row on a “national stage.”
My emplhyer is HQ’d in WV, and the WV mountaineers couldn’t even beat Colorado… another bad year coming up, methinks.
Since you people are attacking Obama, I have worms eating the vegetables in my garden.
Since you people are attacking Obama, my SUV gets 13 miles-per-gallon.
Since you people are attacking Obama, Paris Hilton is allowed to be famous.
Since you people are attacking Obama, dogs and cats don’t get along.
Since you people are attacking Obama, I’m paying too much for car insurance.
And all this time, I’ve been told it’s Bush’s fault.
**We’ll go with the Bengals are just having a bad luck season ;o)
Nah, midnite, they’re having a bad luck…uh, lifetime?
There was an article in this month’s Atlantic about “the best game ever played,” some game from the 50’s or something, I have no clue. I gave it to my boyfriend to read and he was like, “No, the best game ever was the 1989 Super Bowl that the Bengals played in.”
I was like, “So…the best game of all time is still one where the Bengals lost? I guess that makes sense since them losing is the only way for them to be a part of it at all.” I got a glare for that.
Doug — or should I say, Dough — I’m actually kind of guiltily psyched about the Bengals not doing too well, because it cuts the football obsession in this apartment by 50%. I know, I’m a horrible person. Something about the sound of sports talk — the clip of the speech, the volume of the voices (even when the TV volume is low you can hear them struggling to talk over one another), the cliches, the bursts of theme music…it drives me mad to have hours of that on for background noise.
That post was way too freaky to be genuine… I think someone was trying to be sarcastic…
Hypocrites have all the power!!!! Who knew??
Holy Crow – what a rush of posts.
Alexandra, I hear you on the “football obsession.”
But Lord have mercy – I do love it when football season begins.
I believe “The Greatest Game Ever Played” usually refers to the 1958 title game between the Baltimore Colts and the NY Giants. Johnny Unitas at his best.
Understandably, that’s before some people’s time – I myself wasn’t even born yet.
There are certainly games that at least rival it, though, IMO – Nov. 23, 1984 – Doug Flutie throws a last-second “Hail Mary” pass for Boston College, which is miraculously caught by Gerard Phelan in the end zone to defeat Miami 47-45…
I was so sad that Auburn lost..I mean they so had it up until the last quarter… This is exactly what happened last year :o(
**I am secretly hoping they beat Alabama too this year..
Well, I am sorry about the Bengals…Honestly, I dont follow the NFL..The only game I really watch is the Super Bowl (& I just watch it for the commercials).
Actually, Jill, you missed a few misspellings…
“Consitution”, “hypcrites”, “vacum”, “nonimee”, “vegatable”, “Insitution”, “Presidnet”, “voodo”, “remeber” are not actual words. Constitution, hypocrites, vacuum, nominee, vegetable, institution, president, voodoo, and remember are; from the context, they are probably what the writer meant…but it’s a little hard to assume that, given his/her state of mindlessness…
“SInce you people are attacking Obama it’s your fault the Bengals have lost every game this season so far.”
Don’t forget about Cleveland…maybe it’s your fault that no team from Ohio has won a game this year!!!
Obviously this e-mail was not serious.
It definitely appears as though this is all a goof, not a serious criticism.
On a related note: I haven’t seen/read the entire “Palin” sketch from the SNL, but from what I HAVE seen/read, the target clearly seems to be the mainstream media’s low, desperate attempts to smear the Palins. The target does NOT appear to be the Palin family itself.
That’s why I’m glad i married someone as nerdy as I am. No sports talk (I haven’t been interested since the 49’ers started sucking and never stopped). Although, when he wants to talk about certain aspects of EVE Online, my eyes kinda glaze over sometimes.
Lol thanks Jill, I needed a good laugh today!
X, seriously, I thought Chris Crocker too!
Midnite, good to see you! Hope you’re doing well… I’m so glad to hear you’re not voting for Obama. Mickey Mouse would be an excellent choice!
I am doing ok, I guess. There are good days and bad days, but that’s to be expected. And no I am not voting for Obama. I do not like him… So as of right now my write in will either be Chuck Norris or Mickey Mouse :o)
I am secretly hoping they beat Alabama too this year…
Midnite, considering your location, you better keep that one a secret (heh)…
Wow Jill why would you post this? Are you trying to show that Obama supporters are stupid? This is obviously sarcastic. All it shows is that you are desperate to find anything to hurl at Obama. You ran out of anything that could be considered substantial so you pick this random email you can’t recognize for what it actually is.
I haven’t seen/read the entire “Palin” sketch from the SNL, but from what I HAVE seen/read, the target clearly seems to be the mainstream media’s low, desperate attempts to smear the Palins. The target does NOT appear to be the Palin family itself.
BMMG – no, it wasn’t just trying to “attack Palin,” not at all. It was funny and it had to do with both sides – Palin and Hillary too.
Browns Fan: Don’t forget about Cleveland…maybe it’s your fault that no team from Ohio has won a game this year!!!
Sigh… BF, I lived in Youngstown, OH, as a kid, until age 13 – 1972. Long suffering Browns fan here…
It actually depends… A lot of people in my great state are Auburn or Alabama Fans…My parents are Alabama, but I am Auburn…
I dated an Alabama fan for 2 years (that was a DISASTER during football season)
“As of right this second I am either writing in Mickey Mouse”
It’s nice to know that all that selfless hard work the suffragettes had done so that you could have the right to vote didn’t go to waste…
Why don’t you write in Ann Coulter? She wants to take away your right to vote. That would free your little mind for thoughts of baking and babies and hats and all the other menial things that women care about.
Midnite, my husband is a big time Auburn fan too.
I’m glad to hear that you’re having some good days! If you ever need anything, just let me know!
Speaking of Chuck Norris, I saw a sign at a church the other day that said, “I created Chuck Norris. – God.” :-D
Jess, are you okay?
seeing how much you have your panties bunched up over a couple jokes makes me think Ann might be onto something there.
Doug, I think bmmg was referring to the second one, not the one with Palin and Clinton. Though the second one was making fun of the NY Times for considering everything west of the Hudson and east of the East River flyover country re-enacting a never-ending rendition of Deliverance.
In the sketch the reporters suggested that there had to be incest involved because “it’s Alaska,” or something. Followed by a set-up about the “you can’t prove a negative” argument, because after all you can’t prove there ISN’T incest involved. I didn’t see it, just heard about it, but it seems clear that they’re making fun of the MSM.
Why wouldn’t I be ok Bethany? People don’t take voting seriously anymore. We forget that people had to fight so long and so hard so that we can have the rights we now have today.
I was reading Harriet Jacobs, “Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl” and she writes, “Liberty is more valuable the life.” The pro-lifers on here will dismiss this. That is because they have always had liberty. You can say that you can’t enjoy liberty without life, but a life without liberty is no life at all. You can at least have freedom in death.
Again, I don’t expect anyone here to understand it. Maybe you should at least read the book. Try to think of things empathetically, outside of the comfort of your own life.
I’ve voted in every election I was possibly able. I was ridiculed in high school for actually caring about politics, and the state of my country. My family members are overseas right now risking their lives for those rights as I type this, just as my family members have in the past. Get over yourself. Just because we disagree doesn’t mean we lack understanding or care.
Voting for a cartoon character is caring about your government?
Oprah is pretty angry!!!
expressing your dissastisfaction with candidates is just as valid a recourse as supporting either.
“…but a life without liberty is no life at all. ”
A life, no matter how small, no matter how insignificant, no matter how descrated and tourtured…is STILL a life. And with Life, there is Hope.
Those who choose death over this kind of life have lost all Hope.
HisMan, you just made my day. XD
Isn’t their hope in death? Hope for eternal life? Or don’t you believe in an after life?
I believe this life is a mere shell of what is to come.
I think we should be able to have negative voting in this country. Like, you can either vote FOR a candidate, or AGAINST a candidate. That way you don’t get people being like, “Oh, I didn’t vote for Kerry, I voted against Bush!” No you didn’t. You voted for Kerry.
More people I know would be voting in this election if they could vote AGAINST the candidate they hate, rather than FOR a candidate they merely dislike. I know people who consider it against their morals to support either candidate, even though they have stronger feelings of dislike for one than the other.
Voting for a cartoon character is caring about your government?
Do you think she meant it literally, Jess?
Don’t you think you might be overreacting just a tad?
Why wouldn’t I be ok Bethany? People don’t take voting seriously anymore. We forget that people had to fight so long and so hard so that we can have the rights we now have today.
Jess, I take voting VERY seriously…but I can still laugh about jokes that pertain to voting.
Again, I don’t expect anyone here to understand it. Maybe you should at least read the book. Try to think of things empathetically, outside of the comfort of your own life.
What makes you think we don’t? You’re making some huge assumptions with no basis in fact.
“Doug, I think bmmg was referring to the second one, not the one with Palin and Clinton.”
Yes, the one causing great fuss over the past day or so: the one in which the media are planning to print something about incest because “it hasn’t been proved, but it hasn’t been DISproved, either!” That’s the one I meant. The one with Tina Fey and Amy Poehler as Palin and Clinton, I am told, spread the satire around somewhat evenly. I missed both shows. I’ve been out late…
Seriously, Jess, lighten up.
“.. was reading Harriet Jacobs, “Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl” and she writes, “Liberty is more valuable the life.”
Jess, I wonder if she meant that liberty is worth fighting for to the point of dying for it? Otherwise, one can’t possess liberty without first having life.
“Isn’t their hope in death? Hope for eternal life? Or don’t you believe in an after life?
I believe this life is a mere shell of what is to come.
Posted by: Jess at September 22, 2008 2:11 PM”
Hope in an after-life? Sure….but your “hope in death” is a cop out, a coward’s way out of the current struggles in this life…
Have you read “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”?
Jess: “Isn’t their hope in death? Hope for eternal life? Or don’t you believe in an after life?…I believe this life is a mere shell of what is to come.”
That’s fine, Jess. Me, I don’t know if there’s anything after this or not. I do know, however, that without the right to life there IS no liberty. If someone has the legal right to come into your home and kill you at any moment, for example, then you’re really not free.
Jess – read the whole book twice, for a class in high school and again for a class in college. I don’t find it a convincing argument about why abortion should be allowed.
Ann Coulter has a law degree and a syndicated column; I don’t think she thinks women should just care about baking and babies.
I think Jill posted this letter because it was funny, nothing more and nothing less.
I wasnt being serious about voting for a cartoon character…It was an exageration.
I take voting very seriously, and have voted in every election I could since I turned 18.
I am just not impressed with either candidate really. I am not going to vote for Obama but I am not sure if I want to vote for McCain either.
Why don’t you write in Ann Coulter? She wants to take away your right to vote. That would free your little mind for thoughts of baking and babies and hats and all the other menial things that women care about
**As for this statement first off: I loathe Ann Coulter. Secondly, my little mind does not think about baking, babies, hats or other menial things…I am not a mother, I am not married (Sheesh, I dont even have a boyfriend at the moment) so I dont cook that much, & I do love hats but dont think about them every waking minute.. Why dont you try to calm down for a minute and not just assume things about me…
Count me in with the “It’s too screwy, so it MUST be fake” crowd. Who would seriously blame pro-lifers for the poor performance of the Bengals or the airlines?
I see two possibilities:
* The email is a fake.
* The email was inspired by alcohol and/or drugs.
Seriously, email & vodka don’t mix, people! :)
Jess, you seem to be confused about the idea of life vs. liberty. Throughout American history, people who argued that THEIR OWN liberty is superior to THEIR OWN lives. What you are arguing is that your liberty is superior to SOMEONE ELSE’S life.
Off-topic, but interesting:
The Right-leaning blogosphere is a-buzz with news that a professional PR firm has been running an “astroturf” campaign to smear Sarah Palin. For those who don’t know the term, “astroturf” is a faked grassroots movement. (Fake grassroots = astroturf) Nothing that violates the law (except for a few FEC regs, perhaps), but still an interesting glimpse into the “new, post-partisan” politics of Saint Obama.
Once a slimy Chicago politician, always a slimy Chicago politician….
Naaman, it again proves that they can not win on the merits of their policies — they have to trash the other side. It is despicable.
Naaman, that would be hilarious if true, but don’t expect the MSM to notice. It’s not like they care that their new best friend Barry the Cockroach is as corrupt as they come.
McCain’s new ad talks about Obama’s associations with felon Tony Rezko. I’m sure that the media will once again call McCain a “dishonorable liar” for telling the truth about Obama.
Whoops, that last one was me. Must’ve been a cockroach in the works somewhere.
I am an animal-lover and will not tolerate anyone taking the name of cockroaches in vain.
Naaman, astroturf makes me think of The Brady Bunch every time…
OFF topic (but not much): There’s an email rumor going around that the DNC is planning to replace Biden with Hillary by October. Biden would have an appropriate “medical issue” w/c would make it necessary for the Obaminator to replace him…thereby saving face as a flip-flopper and a reactionary leader.
Has anybody received this yet?
I got the e-mail yesterday. I checked it on Snopes but its authenticity is still “undetermined”.
It’s funny because the Sunday after the Palin announcement I asked my mom and sister how quickly they thought the DNC could come up with a reason for old Joe to “need” to withdraw. So, it totally cracked me up when Giuliani made that statement at the Republican Convention about Biden getting “that VP thing in writing”.
If they are seriously considering this, shame on them. What a bunch of indecisive cry babies. Sheesh!
Well, all those Republicans (PUMAs) who have been claiming they love Hillary so much will have to backpeddle pretty fast if she ends up on the ticket.
Personally, I don’t see it happening. No need. Obama’s doing fine.
Bill told the View ladies today that Hillary did NOT want the VP Job, but would do it if asked.
To me that’s code for “If I get tapped for this, vote for McCain so I can run in ’12!”
Hal says ” Republicans (PUMAs) ”
Ok, Hal I know it blows you mind, but the PUMA’s are NOT republicans. My mom has NEVER voted republican, but will be voting for McCain. She, and other PUMA’s, feel that the Democratic party through them under the bus when they appointed Obama. Many of them worked w/in the primary campaigns and saw things first hand. They believe that Obama’s actions have proven that he is unfit to be president and is a danger to our county. They want to bring the Democratic party back to its roots and show them that they will not blindly follow anyone that is put forward.
AHA! So it’s Jill’s fault I need root canal!
She’ll pay…
blah through= threw :(
OUCH! Those do not feell good…My mom’s had a bunch of them done….
So does this mean it is Jill’s fault that I am having problems with anatomy this semster?? I’d love to have someone to blame it on, hahahaha
Lauren, it doesn’t blow my mind. I simply don’t believe it. Maybe a very small percentage of Hillary supporters feel the way you describe, but it’s impossible to believe that anyone who supported Hillary because of her policies, outlook, goals, etc., would EVER vote for McCain. (unfit to be president and a danger to our country AND the world)
True Democrats are very happy with Obama/Biden.
No, Hal, “True Democrats” are NOT happy w/ Obama/Biden. “True Democrats” are the people with blue collar union jobs who Obama called “bitter”. “True Democrats” are the women who honestly believe that the Democratic party wanted to make their lives better and more equal. “True Democrats” believe that the Democratic party actually cares about people.
PUMA’s have realized, because of voter fraud and intimidation, that the Democratic Party has abandoned its roots, or perhaps never had any to begin with. They are heartbroken that their perception of the Democratic Party was a lie. They want nothing more than to get back to the roots of the Democratic Party, but they fear that this will never happen if they allow Obama to be elected.
we are BITTTER. with good reason. Bush/McCain have been disasters.
Blue collar union people support Obama. Women support Obama. Young people support Obama. Educated people support Obama. The Democrats have not abandoned its roots. They are embracing their roots with Obama and Biden. Your wishing otherwise doesn’t change anything.
Hal: “Well, all those Republicans (PUMAs) who have been claiming they love Hillary so much will have to backpeddle [sic] pretty fast if she ends up on the ticket.”
Not if they see it as a ploy, which it’s rather obvious it would be.
woah, thanks for sharing Jill, that is hilarious and I needed a good laugh today!
Is that person on CRACK???
Blue collar union people supported Hillary, Obama has 72 offices in Penn. trying to garner their support. Women are turning to Mccain, and white women already support Mccain above Obama. Educated people? Really Hal, because every PUMA I know have at least an undergraduate degree, and in my mother’s case she has two Masters degreees.
The democratic party abandoned its roots when it allowed massive voter fraud. The liberal media exposed its radical sexism. Obama and Donna Brazil said that they didn’t “need” the Hillary supporters and could make a new democratic party w/out them. I’m not “wishing” anything. Honestly, I don’t have much of a stake in anything since I’m not a Democrat. Understand this, the PUMA’s are not voting “for” McCain, they are voting “against” Obama because of his “selection” not “election” on the part of the DNC. Think Flordia, Michigan, the RBC…they don’t like that 600,000 Michigan voters were handed over to Obama despite the fact that they actually voted for Hillary. They don’t like the fact that voters voices were ignored in favor of the Democratic elites selection of “the precious one”. They fear that this is the end of the true democratic process. What happened to one voter, one vote?
They feel the entire process showed the vast corruption w/in the party. And don’t even get them started on Donna Brazille or Howard Dean…
A direct quote from my mom “We are definitely NOT REPUBLICAN’S, but they feel that if they do not protest this “selection” they can kiss democracy goodbye.”
No, Hal, “True Democrats” are NOT happy w/ Obama/Biden. “True Democrats” are the people with blue collar union jobs who Obama called “bitter”. “True Democrats” are the women who honestly believe that the Democratic party wanted to make their lives better and more equal. “True Democrats” believe that the Democratic party actually cares about people.
PUMA’s have realized, because of voter fraud and intimidation, that the Democratic Party has abandoned its roots, or perhaps never had any to begin with. They are heartbroken that their perception of the Democratic Party was a lie. They want nothing more than to get back to the roots of the Democratic Party, but they fear that this will never happen if they allow Obama to be elected.
Posted by: lauren at September 22, 2008 4:25 PM
Apparently PUMAs are not concerned with issues but simply upset that a woman is not running for president. Allowing McCain to be elected most certainly will not address any of their concerns. They are cutting off their noses to spite their faces.
One should vote on the issues rather than personalities or a sense of revenge. IMO.
That’s missing the point,Sally. It’s beyond Clinton. In their view it’s about perserving democracy. They saw the cacaus fraud ect. and they do not want to reward the candidate who engaged in it. It goes beyond “the issues” to the biggest issue of our democracy and our voting rights. They belive in “country before party”.
Now, again, I’m personally not a PUMA, but I talk to my mother about it pretty frequently and I think I have a pretty good grasp on their views.
If “True Democrats” are Marxist, pro-abortion crack heads, then yes, they support Obama.
If “True Democrats” are FDR or JFK Democrats, then no, they don’t support Obama… or at least they wouldn’t if they knew anything about him other than “hope” and “change”.
“ Bush/McCain have been disasters”
Yep, after 20 years of telling us what a maverick McCain is, now you’re telling us that he’s the same as Bush. But then, pro-aborts never were big in the “honesty” department.
The snooty, elitist, “intellectually superior”, snob Democrats are certainly happy with Obama.
Sally, did it ever occur to you that PUMA aren’t really issues-oriented, but rather just think that Hillary Clinton was the best person for the job of president, while Barack Obama is an inexperienced rube who has never accomplished anything in his entire life?
It’s not hard to see why someone who supports Hillary Clinton would vote for John McCain before they voted for Obama. Heck, *I* switched parties and voted for Hillary in the primary because I would much, much rather she be president than Obama.
I prefer McCain to both Hillary and the Obamanation, but I’d take Hillary over Barry the Cockroach any day.
“If someone has the legal right to come into your home and kill you at any moment, for example, then you’re really not free.”
If someone comes into your home and tries to kill you fight back. There’s no law saying you can’t defend yourself. Even if there was I say screw it, protect yourself and dump the intruders body down a storm drain.
And MUST I REMIND EVERYONE we wouldn’t have any problem if you guys would GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER and vote !!!!!!!!!!
Zoey has a LEGITIMATE campaign. You think stupid Mickey Mouse could hold a candle to those freedom fighters?
Zoey will win and make me a Supreme Court Justice and then we’ll see whose the smart one.
If Bush was so bad, how would Al Gore have fared after 911?
Midnite, two words:
Janet, usually the Bush-haters tell us that Al Gore would have ushered in a liberal utopian future, where we would no longer be using gasoline, Osama bin Laden would be a happy-go-lucky guy, and Republicans and pro-lifers would all be dead. Or something along those lines. They’re starting to make up the same absurd fantasies about Obama.
Gee John, it wouldn’t be a Utopia for the Republicans and pro-lifers then would it?
Plus if they were all dead there would go my entire family. That would make me extremely upset.
John @ 8:51,
Yep, It’s those fairy tales that scare me. Fairy tales never come true.
Actually I think the way to get voter numbers up is to get rid of the electoral college. Then the dems in the red states and the repubs in the blue states won’t sit out because their vote is practically worthless.
Also I’m almost embarrassed to ask, but what does PUMA stand for?
“Fairy tales never come true.”
Well that’s a sad attitude.
PIP, don’t worry, I am too embarrassed to ask. I’m just glad someone asked it already.
PUMA= Party Unity My A**
It started in response to the dems saying there would be “party unity” after the Obama/Clinton debacle.
President Bush has not been a disaster. He has been a man of his word, and he has prevented many disasters (such as another 911). His big weakness has been expansion of the government and compromise with Democrats who want to spend, spend, spend.
Jon, that’s not the half of it – Bush Jr. has been an unmitigated financial disaster.
On spending – Republicans in no way are “conservatives” there.
Really, nobody can hold a candle to Reagan and Bush Sr. & Junior when it comes to piling up debt:
“If someone comes into your home and tries to kill you fight back. There’s no law saying you can’t defend yourself. Even if there was I say screw it, protect yourself and dump the intruders body down a storm drain.- Jess”
Once again, you show very little understanding of what really goes on outside the animal kingdom, Jess.
If somebody breaks into your house and attacks have the right to defend yourslef BUT you don’t have the right to kill that person outright and “dump their body down the drain”.
You have to use, as the cop I talked to said, “reasonable force” to stop the attack..nothing more.
Having said that, he DID state that cases like these are highly subjective. A 200 lb burglar shot and killed with a .357 magnum by a 90-yr-old woman is justifiable force.
A 180 lb family man with a baseball bat defending his family against a knife-weilding 120 lb intruder cannot beat “the hell out of him” once the intruder is down.
“I haven’t seen/read the entire “Palin” sketch from the SNL, but from what I HAVE seen/read, the target clearly seems to be the mainstream media’s low, desperate attempts to smear the Palins. The target does NOT appear to be the Palin family itself.” —
I happened to catch the entire SNL “Palin” sketch. It did seem to target the media’s mudslinging the Palins, but I also think it, not surprisingly, lampooned/caricatured Palin more than it did Hillary.
Jess: “If someone comes into your home and tries to kill you fight back. There’s no law saying you can’t defend yourself. Even if there was I say screw it, protect yourself and dump the intruders body down a storm drain.”
Does this mean you favor dumping abortion doctors down a storm drain?
If Bush was so bad, how would Al Gore have fared after 911?
Posted by: Janet at September 22, 2008 7:35 PM
Great question. This was the only election I wish a democrat would have won. 911 was going to happen no matter who was in office. If Gore had been elected there would be no mistake on who was ultimately responsible for allowing this attack. The Clinton/Gore team.
While in office, Clinton and Gore did nothing to promote strengthening our national security. Clinton had several chances to take out Osama and didn’t. At one point he was too busy cheating on the golf course to be bothered with making the call when US operatives had Osama in sight. Bill was too busy with cigars, and oral sex to worry about the state of our national security.
A friend of mine just finished a book (I don’t know the title or author) she said it gave many account of attempted terrorist attacks that have been overted over the years post 911.
Bush never gets credit for our national security.
Most people I know are fearful of Obama for many reasons, but national security tends to top the list. He is perceived as being very weak in this area and will make the US very vulnerable to terrorists.
What ever happened to the recent story of him negotitating with the leaders in Iraq to stall troop withdrawl until after the election so he could take the glory for ending the war??
This sounds like a monumental story that should be getting prime coverage. (oh, that’s right the MSM are unpaid campaign workers)
Silly me.
What ever happened to the recent story of him negotitating with the leaders in Iraq to stall troop withdrawl until after the election so he could take the glory for ending the war??
This sounds like a monumental story that should be getting prime coverage. (oh, that’s right the MSM are unpaid campaign workers)
Silly me.
Thanks for answering my question. Given the gravity of the 911 attacks it amazes me that Americans don’t give George Bush more credit for what he has done to prevent more attacks on our soil. It will come out eventually, to his credit, in the history books.
So, why hasn’t the MSM covered the story about Obama’s negotiating troop withdrawal to his political benefit? Excellent question! What gall he has. Come on MSM, get on it!
A 180 lb family man with a baseball bat defending his family against a knife-weilding 120 lb intruder cannot beat “the hell out of him” once the intruder is down.
Mostly true, RSD, but perhaps that intruder should have thought about not breaking in if he didn’t want get a tune-up with the bat.
wow. . . I’m on the fence as to whether or not the guy who wrote this is serious. . . I’m adamantly pro life right wing conspiracy supporting conservative white person who clings to my guns and God. . . nevertheless I’m going to blame the fact that I need to lose weight and I’m not a billionaire yet on the fact that there are pro-life ads attacking Obama. . . Sweet. . . now I just need to figure out how to cash in on the newly found scapegoat! I’m well on my way to being a liberal!
I feel all dirty inside now. . .
“..perhaps that intruder should have thought about not breaking in if he didn’t want get a tune-up with the bat.
Posted by: Doug at September 24, 2008 2:09 PM”
Sure Doug…but why do burglars still do it?
RSD, they more want to take the risk and try and get the loot, than they want to avoid possible prosecution, baseball bats, etc.
Since you people are attacking Obama the economy is in trouble and I’ve got more grey hairs in my beard.
where did voodoo man come from?
From Mr & Mrs. Voodoo.