Pro-aborts to protest pregnancy care centers
UPDATE, 2/27, 6:40a: Many pro-choicers have complained in the comments section about my characterization of pro-contraception, pro-abortion young women as being easy marks. I have to say it was comedian Chris Rock who was my inspiration. I watched the following video a couple years ago, and it made total sense. In fact, if you can get past Rock’s foul mouth and sexual explicitness, you’ll see many truths in what he has to say. WARNING: R-rated…
2/26: Attempting to turn tables on pro-lifers, the Feminist Majority Foundation is encouraging college feminists to protest their local pregnancy care center. Interesting concept.
While pro-lifers around the country now gather twice annually at abortion mills for 40 days, often around the clock (aside from thousands of other times annually), FMF can only rally its femitroops 1 day, April 13, strangely a Monday. I guess college women who advertise they’re pro-birth control and pro-abortion are much in demand on weekends.
So anyway, here’s video of one recent protest, held across the street from a Planned Parenthood protest, which looked fun….
Their crimes? (Click to enlarge.)
Problem is there are studies corroborating all the above. But the modus operandi of the other side is simply to say what is true is false and vice versa.
Read about the bias of the American Psychiatric Association, whose president sits on the board of Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health.
Hey FMF, good luck with the protests. Just don’t plan any in winter… or when it’s raining… or when it’s really hot…. or that last longer than 30 minutes…. Feminist girls don’t like being put out, just putting out. That’s what this is all about, right? Their freedom to do that.
Hey FMF, good luck with the protests. Just don’t plan any in winter… or when it’s raining… or when it’s really hot…. or that longer than 30 minutes…. Feminist girls don’t like being put out, just putting out. That’s what this is all about, right? Their freedom to do that.
I just love this quote. It’s so true.
I think it’s a horrible thing to say. The snide comments about alleged sexual activity are really unnecessary.
Alexandra, boil it down. Why do college girls want the freedom to abort? Follow the dots backward.
“Feminist girls don’t like being put out, just putting out”
True for most girls actually. The smart ones don’t get pregnant though! ;)
Alexandra, I think it is really and truly true.
Today’s feminists are in a totally different category than true feminists- (like a past true feminist Susan B Anthony, etc).
I think when Jill mentions feminists, she is not talking about feminists that simply believe that women should have equal rights. Wanting women to have equal rights is true feminism.
She is talking about the distorted feminism we see today- particularly in women like in the above video; Women who think women should have extra rights and privileges, who will stop at nothing to get what they want- even if it hurts and destroys others in order to get it.
Alexandra at February 26, 2009 6:22 PM
What’s snide? Without intercourse there’s no pregnancy.
Seriously though… is this a new thing here in the U.S.? Because I remember hearing allegations/warnings against pro-life preganacy centers (actually centres!) in Canada 20 or so years ago.
the CPCs I know of have fetal development information, free ultrasounds, parenting classes, maternity clothes, free baby supplies (all donated by generous supporters of LIFE) and information on adoption. Prenatal and Infant Care Education
Referrals to Community Resources and Agencies
Post-Abortion Counseling and Support Groups (like Project Rachel I am assuming).
And recently, local pro lifers have assisted a young mother with rent and getting her car fixed.
It makes me absolutely furious to see them out there, chanting for truth, in a concerted effort to keep women ignorant and isolated for the benefit of abortion profiteers. I’m biting my tongue into hamburger to stop from hurling at them epithets mainly focused on the part of the anatomy they seem to think with. And it’s not the part between the ears.
They just want to keep presenting abortion as some kind of “cure-all”, don’t they? It’s pathetic. There are health risks with every other type of surgery, so why not be real and admit there are health risks with abortion? Kanye West’s mother died having plastic surgery, but no, abortion is absolutely risk-free.
The way that a lot of pro-choice people dismiss the link between abortion and mental health issues just sickens me. There are women who are suffering and these people want to paint them as women who were always “unbalanced”, or dismiss their problems by saying that if there were no social stigma towards abortion, they wouldn’t feel guilty. For anyone who hasn’t, I highly recommend reading the book “Forbidden Grief”.
These people think they’ve got the monopoly on “helping women”, and pro-lifers are unsympathetic and condemning. Pregnancy care centers mess with their mythology. The “villains” don’t look so mean when they’re volunteering their own precious time to help women with unexpected pregnancies.
Are there any stories about women who went to, say, Planned Parenthood and were presented with helpful information about all their options? Has anyone ever gone to Planned Parenthood and heard, “If you don’t choose abortion but aren’t prepared to raise a child, here’s information about adoption”? I’m sure that someone has, but for every one of those people there are probably hundreds more who heard “The test is positive, you’re definitely pregnant. We can schedule you for an abortion on…” That’s if they actually say “abortion”, that is. I can’t count the number of times I’ve encountered pro-choice arguments that will only talk about “terminating” or “ending the pregnancy”.
This is actually a good sign. It means they are losing. I’d love to have the opportunity to take two video camera out there and interview them – ask them serious thought provoking questions – like this:
Christina at February 26, 2009 6:52 PM
I guess college women who advertise they’re pro-birth control and pro-abortion are much in demand on weekends.
Oh my gosh! This may be the most clever quip I have ever heard from you, Jill! I want to steal it and claim it as my own. This is the first time I can write LOL and have actually LOLed.
You so brilliant!
True for most girls actually. The smart ones don’t get pregnant though! ;)
So it’s not the behavior that’s bad- it’s the babies? That explains why killing the babies is considered an acceptable answer for you.
You can stereotype “most girls” all you want. I, for one, am not most girls.
Obviously there is no pregnancy without sex. I have never disputed that fact. And criticism of many feminists today is certainly valid. But it certainly doesn’t lend you any credibility to use the sex lives of other people as a punch line. I am disgusted by the comments that often come from “feminists” every time the Duggars have another kid — comments about what sex with her must be like, or how you’d think they’d have figured out by now what causes pregnancy, etc. I loathe when pro-choicers make the same tired comments about pro-lifers being sexually frustrated or unsatisfied or anything like that. What horrible and rude things to say about people you don’t even know. And I feel pretty much the same about comments implying that every self-described feminist who is not being seen in public at any given time is off having sex.
That’s precisely the sort of thing that made me ignore people like those who post here for such a long time. And there are so many wonderful people who post here — I’m really better off for knowing just about everyone here. But you know what I was doing in college? Not too much involving any political issue. I was studying. I was working, sometimes part-time and sometimes full-time. I was volunteering. I was playing in orchestra concerts. So I would see people saying something about how “girls like me” were off sleeping around etc and it’s like, how wrong can you possibly be? Why should I even bother to read further?
I mean, you basically imply that any girl who isn’t explicitly pro-life, and who isn’t currently marching in a pro-choice rally, is off having sex. And then you wonder why people think your whole movement is obsessed with the sex lives of others?
If you’re going to talk about sex, and the role of irresponsible sex in abortion, then talk about it. That’s certainly a valid conversation to have. If you’re going to talk about turnout at pro-choice demonstrations, talk about it. But IMO it’s pretty lame — and a pretty good deterrent as far as ever reaching anyone who doesn’t already agree with you — to pull the “hahahaha, I bet she puts out, I bet she was busy this weekend” stuff.
Oh, and asitis, I consider myself of average intelligence, but I got pregnant! That’s kind of a crummy thing to say too.
Crisis Pregnancy Centers are funded by the federal government? If that’s true, I’m impressed with our president’s bipartisan outlook. But I don’t think it’s true… However, since he reversed the Mexico City policy upon entering office, we ARE now funding overseas abortions with our federal tax dollars.
Alexandra, getting back to Jill’s question…
Why do college girls want the freedom to abort?
Why do college girls want the freedom to abort?
Most of the ones I knew were pro-choice in the stereotypical “I’d never have an abortion myself, but I don’t want to make that choice for other people” way. So they didn’t view it as wanting the freedom to abort — just wanting any hypothetical person to have the freedom to abort. Whether you believe someone espousing that logic or not is another issue.
I knew maybe ten girls who claimed that they would abort if they ever got pregnant. One actually did get pregnant, and didn’t abort.
Again, if you want to talk about the role of irresponsible sex in abortion, go for it. I’m not saying irresponsible sex isn’t a problem, and I’m not saying that irresponsible sex doesn’t contribute to abortion. I’m saying, it’s unnecessary to behave like high school boys in a locker room, reducing the discussion to “Do you think she puts out? Haha she puts out.” Especially when you’re talking about millions of women, the vast majority of whom none of us have ever met.
Jasper, why are so many lesbians pro choice?
I agree, being mentally ill and not having a job make for a far more persistent picketer.
Those who have jobs, go to school, take care of their families and contribute to the community rarely have unlimited time on their hands.
“I knew maybe ten girls who claimed that they would abort if they ever got pregnant”
Thats quite a bit, why do think they wanted the freedom to abort?
“Jasper, why are so many lesbians pro choice?”
I think most of them tend to have liberal social views and they’re just following suit, and they tend to hate conservatives in general..
Jasper, I knew hundreds of girls.
“Jasper, I knew hundreds of girls. ”
You polled the hundreds of girls you knew on abortion?
No. But when politics comes up — as it often does on a college campus — people usually offer their opinion.
who do you think has more abortions?
Pro-choice women
Pro-life women
…of course, pro-choice women do. Why? because they want no responsibily tied to immoral sexual behavoir.
Yes, Jasper, big reveal. Pro-choice women, who do not object to abortion, tend to have more abortions than pro-life women.
That does not, however, mean that all (or even most) pro-choice women spend their lives having casual sex with strangers, or spend their college days “putting out.” Why take cheap jabs so easy that 13-year old boys think them up, when you could have a legitimate discussion instead?
and btw jasper, it may be “immoral” sexual behaiour to you, but that doesn’t mean it is to them or others.
“Why take cheap jabs so easy that 13-year old boys think them up”
Do have any idea how much pro-lifers have been slandered? treated like 2nd class citizens, libeled, ignored by the media, silenced on college campuses, disrespected by the courts.
..and you’re focusing on a little jab at pro-choicers. Yes, we have a right to take a jab once in a while, if you don’t mind.
Alexandra said: But it certainly doesn’t lend you any credibility to use the sex lives of other people as a punch line.
Why are you offended? Chris Rock used abortion as a punchline and he was charging money:
Jill points out the obvious and suddenly there’s a moral superiority?
Someone who defends the brutality of killing innocent human orphans at the consent of their mother has no moral ground to stand on. There’s no honor there to defend.
For some reason you don’t understand that defending abortion condones immoral behavior. When you’re in the dark, there’s no difference at all.
..and you’re focusing on a little jab at pro-choicers. Yes, we have a right to take a jab once in a while, if you don’t mind.
On this site alone I have been called a whore, a used tissue. I have been told that my boyfriend doesn’t love me, that my parents hate families. I’ve been called stupid and immature. People have made jokes about the fact that I’m not married, and comments about my vagina.
It sucks. I don’t call pro-lifers names. I don’t speculate on the sex lives of pro-lifers. I try very hard not to disrespect anyone. We’re all people, and it can be easy to forget that, but I try not to.
While everyone has the “right” to take a jab, that doesn’t mean anyone is right to.
BTW Chris, I was offended by Chris Rock’s sketch as well. And never once in this thread have I defended abortion. But I suppose that’s just more of the same thinking — marginalizing people and their opinions because of one think you know (or think you know) about them. I have nothing useful to say, feminists do nothing but screw any guy who asks. It’s a wonder God didn’t just make us all out of paper so we could be physically two-dimensional as well.
There’d be no abortion without sexual immorality. Abortion enables sexual immorality. You can’t divorce the two.
Furthermore, really “smart” women understand that no matter how many chemicals/devices you put in and on your bodies, sex causes babies. Those smart women who don’t desire babies, simply don’t have sex.
Those of us who lack the cop-out of killing our babies and know that we will accept the consequences of our choices make better choices. I guarentee you that if these women waving the signs didn’t have pills and patches and forceps, they’d find some way to control themselves.
“On this site alone I have been called a whore, a used tissue. I have been told that my boyfriend doesn’t love me, that my parents hate families. I’ve been called stupid and immature. People have made jokes about the fact that I’m not married, and comments about my vagina.”
Are these the people who you just called wonderful a few posts up?
Who called you stupid, a whore, and joked about your private parts? who? name names…
Are these the people who you just called wonderful a few posts up?
No, Jasper. Not them. Some of the comments were anonymous, some were not. I’m not trying to start things — that’s not why I brought it up. I’m saying mud-slinging goes both ways, and it sucks no matter who you are.
“sex causes babies. Those smart women who don’t desire babies, simply don’t have sex”.
No Jacqueline, they simply use contraception and keep having sex. If they do it properly, they likely will not get pregnant.
Unless of course they don’t really like sex. Then they “simply don’t have sex”.
Anyway I’m leaving work in a few minutes (thank heaven) so that might be it for me.
Ok, email the moderators we will delete the comment and warn (if not ban ) the people who said these things…
if you want to talk about the role of irresponsible sex in abortion, go for it.
Alexandra, I heard Fr Pavone say today that each year in the United States, 64,000 women who’ve had at least 3 abortions seek another.
I try very hard not to disrespect anyone.
I see that on your comments on this thread, and I appreciate that.
it may be “immoral” sexual behaiour to you, but that doesn’t mean it is to them or others.
Behavior that leads to the intentional killing of a child is usually considered immoral, Asitis.
..and you’re focusing on a little jab at pro-choicers. Yes, we have a right to take a jab once in a while, if you don’t mind.
Okay, but everything Alexandra said upthread was true. If you want to be known for yukking it up over unfunny slut-shaming, that’s your choice. (And I definitely do hold pro-choicers to the same standards of fairness for humour.)
But you could try supporting or coming up with an insightful, funny joke instead of one which, in all fairness, could only be entertaining to people who think in terms of stereotypes rather than having much grasp of human nature.
Do have any idea how much pro-lifers have been slandered? treated like 2nd class citizens, libeled, ignored by the media, silenced on college campuses, disrespected by the courts.
Posted by: Jasper at February 26, 2009 9:05 PM
Yes, people do get testy when you try to take away their rights.
Hal, finish your thought.
“People get testy when you try to take away their right…to kill their child”
The CPC I am on the board for is NOT funded by the Federal Government!! Where did they get that??
I love you. I was stupid once too and got pregnant and then was even stupider and had an abortion. I think you are wonderful, tiny dancer.
Behavior that leads to the intentional killing of a child is usually considered immoral, Asitis.
Posted by: Fed Up at February 26, 2009 9:37 PM
While I appreciate you feel that way Fed Up, not everyone thinks abortion is immoral.
And even if it doesn’t result in an abortion there are people here who would say sex outside of marriage is immoral. And again, not everyone feels that way.
That’s all I’m saying…………
how about you Asitis, do you think abortion is immoral?
Jasper, I think you should know by now my answer to that.How could you not?
Yes, I know you’re strongly pro-choice, but do you think abortion is immoral? I don’t know…
not everyone thinks abortion is immoral.
How well aware I am of that!
Yes, I am pro-choice and no, I do not think abortion is immoral. Nor do I think IVF, euthanasia, sex without marriage, nor contraception are immoral either.
Okay, time for bed. I have an early morning tomorrow.
Jasper, I think you should know by now my answer to that.How could you not?
Posted by: asitis at February 26, 2009 9:53 PM
I think he’s trying out his skills at the Socratic method.
Oh, and I like Obama, the movies and a good martini.
I was outside of a Planned Parenthood for Protest the Pill day last June. That was a hot, sweaty, summer day. Some pro-premarital sex girls knew we would be out there and arrived ahead of us in support of the pill. They stayed maybe fifteen minutes and left for an air-condition Hillary Clinton party.
They have absolutely no stamina.
I think it’s a horrible thing to say. The snide comments about alleged sexual activity are really unnecessary.
Except there are only two things which cause demand for abortions: people who have sex who don’t want to have babies; and rape.
Louise, there are millions of people who want to have sex and don’t want to have babies (at that time)
Hopefully, they’ll use birth control. If they do get pregnant and decide they still don’t want a baby, they can give the baby up for adoption when it’s born, or terminate the pregnancy. Sex should not be restricted to only those who want a baby.
Ya know, when Jesus said love your enemies and forgive those who curse you, He sure knew how difficult that would be.
I’m sure trying Lord, but, without you I could never forgive those who stand for the murder of innocent children in the womb, no, actually go our of their way to stand for the murder, decapitaton, dismemberment, disembowelment and mutilation of perfectly healthy and innocent children all in the name of women’s rights. What a totally perverted crock.
It’s such cowardice.
And Lord, yes I do understand why you created hell.
Asitis: “I do not think abortion is immoral”
Ok, wow. Even HRC thinks abortion is evil.
Alexandra said: And never once in this thread have I defended abortion.
Alexandra – I’m not trying to be cocky here – have you sincerely had a change of heart?
Jasper, I don’t the Secretary of State Clinton every said abortion was “evil.” She said “sad and tragic.”
Don’t think she ever said it was immoral either.