by Carder
Given President Obama’s talent for nominating individuals of impeccable character, we can look forward to this next gem of a nominee for Deputy Attorney General (2nd in command): David Ogden.
Consider his virtuous record:

  • Opposed parental notification for abortion of 14-year-olds
  • Co-authored an amicus brief in support of Planned Parenthood stating, “Empirical evidence does not support the contention that abortion is a significant risk factor for detrimental psychological effects.”

  • Opposed the Children’s Internet Prosecution Act of 2000.
  • Challenged the Child Protection and Obscenity Enforcement Act.
  • Represented Playboy Enterprises, seeking an order forcing the Library of Congress to use taxpayer funds to print Playboy Magazine’s articles in Braille against the express wishes of Congress.
  • Has defended notable client PHE, Inc., the nation’s largest distributor of hard-core porn videos and other sex-related products…
    …and much more.
    Raise your hand if you think Ogden’s aggressive ACLUesque legacy will deter his Senate confirmation by liberals in charge. No, on the contrary.

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