Jivin J’s Life Links 3-30-09
by JivinJ
…SB 374 in CA…would make it a crime not to provide patients with information about the legality or availability of abortion and… could also be grounds for stripping the doctor or nurse practitioner of their license to practice. Worse, if the professional has a conscience objection, he or she must still participate in ensuring that the patient receives detailed information about deciding whether or not to have an abortion….
With the change of administrations in Washington and the deterioration in the state’s fiscal health, the time has come for a fundamental rethinking of the stem cell program. The debate over its future has to take place in the context of the state’s overall needs, not merely among a small group of self-interested board members.
Prop. 71 endowed the program with what looked like an embarrassment of riches. The danger is that, without better oversight and broader debate about its policies and goals, it will become simply an embarrassment.

That proposed California law should be unconstitutional. I see it is already the law in Australia and likely other places.
It will be increasingly difficult to persuade pro life people to go into the medical profession.
Such a stupid bill, to be frank, for the government to waste time and money on. If doctor’s don’t want any part of abortion then that ought to be their choice. But, then again, that might make someone pro-choice about something other than abortion. So ridiculous. I don’t think that it stands a chance personally, because if it passes then I will firmly believe in the unstopping influence of an ignorant mind…and I just don’t want to believe in such.
I’ve got a midwife in training friend in Montana and she told me that abortion assistance is required to get your degree and to be able to work under a doctor.
I beleive my friend is pro-choice but I hope one day to change her mind.
So you don’t want nurses and doctors being forced to do their job but you do want them to have to give some twisted theology lesson about how a fetus is actually a baby. They’re doctors and nurses, not sunday school teachers.
You must have taken a class in how to divert and distract.
A conscience is a ‘good’ thing. I suggest you do some research on the subject and then, if it is something you see as an asset, you might consider getting one.
There seems to be some confusion on your part as to the difference between theology and biology.
Suggest you consult a dictionary.
Look at yourself in the mirror and take note that you are a human being. That is biological and anthropological observation, not theological. If there were any doubt we could establish the fact with a DNA test.
Now if we start talking about your ‘soul’ or ‘spirit’ that would be theological. There is no scientific test of which I am aware of to observe and measure the ‘soul’ or ‘spirit’.
I know of any legislation that would require medical personel from having discussion with their patient about the four spiritual laws.
You are just going to have get over your paranoia about subversive christians taking over the world.
yor bro ken
YLT, ALL Nurses and doctors need to have respect for life. Ever meet one who lacked compassion? I sure have. If you don’t respect life, then what kind of a nurse or doctor would you really be? How could anyone trust you to give good care to your elderly parent or baby? Not safe. It just doesn’t go hand in hand like that. I wish some people would just have avoided the medical profession altogether. Some really don’t belong there. And any “Dr.” that would perform an abortion [other than mother’s health reasons] is a murderer. PLENTY of doctors do not agree with abortion. And neither to plenty of nurses.
AND…how would they treat you and your life?
That’s why an abortionist is not a doctor. He’s an abortionist. I refuse to call he/she a doctor.