Thumbnail image for blog buzz.jpgby Bernadette P.

  • An AUL update on a previous (Prolifer)ations post: an OK Senate bill that would allow a mother to use lethal force to defend her unborn child has been signed into law by Gov. Brad Henry.
    The “Use of Force for the Protection of the Unborn Act” allows pregnant women legal protection against prosecution for protecting themselves and their unborn children against attackers, including domestic abusers….

  • Operation Rescue reports a MA woman, Chelsea Freeman, opted to have her baby despite a Down syndrome diagnosis and pressure to abort.
    “When Laura passed away, it changed my views on abortion,” she said.
    Laura Hope Smith, 22, Freeman’s former classmate, died after a botched abortion in 2007.
    The article adds:

    Since Laura’s death, her abortionist, Rapin Osathanondh, has since permanently surrendered his medical license and closed his two abortion mills. Osathanondh has been charged with manslaughter, and is scheduled for trial in September.

  • TX lawmakers have introduced HB 36, a bill that will likely spark debate, but hopefully prevent abortions. According to Forest Nymph:

    The controversial measure by Rep. Frank Corte, R-San Antonio, requires the doctor to do [an] ultrasound at least two hours before [an] abortion to make sure the woman “understands the nature and consequences of an abortion….”
    A similar bill in the Senate has been approved by committee but has yet to be considered by the full Senate. The House version would require doctors to do [an] ultrasound, show the woman the image, let her hear the heartbeat and explain the fetus’s development.

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