Jivin J’s Life Links 5-28-09, Part II
by JivinJ
Sonia Sotomayor:
“I simply don’t know Judge Sotomayor’s view on Roe vs. Wade. I will be very concerned if the question is not asked and answered during the Senate hearings,” Nancy Northup, president of the Center for Reproductive Rights, said Wednesday. “So far, no one has been able to give us an assurance of her views.”…
… The White House added to the concerns of abortion rights advocates, saying that the president did not discuss the issue with Sotomayor before her nomination.
“The president doesn’t have a litmus test, and that question was not one that he posed to her,” Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said….
“Ironically, both sides in the abortion debate can agree on this,” Northup said. “All Americans deserve to know where the next Supreme Court justice stands on Roe vs. Wade.”
There were mentions of expanding the funding to including embryos created for research including cloned embryos, but overwhelmingly the response focused on making sure that existing lines that are eligible for funding stay eligible.
What is the upshot? ESC advocates have bigger fish to fry than the funding of research using cells from cloned embryos or embryos created just for research. Their problem is not so much with the restriction of funding to ESC lines created from “leftover” embryos as I thought it would be. Their focus is on the retroactive nature of the new guidelines. For now.

… The White House added to the concerns of abortion rights advocates, saying that the president did not discuss the issue with Sotomayor before her nomination.
The president doesn’t have a litmus test, and that question was not one that he posed to her,” Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said….
I suspect Gibbs knows he is lying. Just like Obama lied about contact between gov Blagojevech offices and obama and team.
All pro choice people lie. No exceptions.Just the name “pro-choice” itself is filled with lying. The minute a person says they are pro choice, they are admitting they oppose choice. The baby is ruled out for informed consent.
I, for one, appreciate the appointment. That may change if someone can convince me otherwise.
In all honesty, I suspect she would lean pro-choice. I simply do not trust that the President would be that intellectually honest. We’re all too well aware that he does have an agenda that at the very least includes fudging the truth when it comes to abortion.
HOWEVER… that being said, he’s not going to pick a pro-life judge. So, I will take a surprise over an openly pro-choice judge.
Door Number 1: Pro-Choice Judge
Door Number 2: Probably a pro-choice judge
I’ll take door number 2, even assuming that the game is fixed no matter what.
We just need to be careful that our punting on the issue is not perceived as forfeit, or acquiescence to losing.
I thot I read he spent 7 hours with her. I suspect he is scared to death she could lean pro life or have some empathy toward the pro life movement. You know how empathy is the # 1 issue.
… The White House added to the concerns of abortion rights advocates, saying that the president did not discuss the issue with Sotomayor before her nomination.
“The president doesn’t have a litmus test, and that question was not one that he posed to her,” Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said….
I find that VERY hard to believe, unless Barry just assumed she was pro abort.
However the two rulings she made on this issue would seem to suggest she at least leans pro life.
And wouldn’t it be the greatest of ironies if she is? However, I have no doubt that rabit pro abort Senators like Shumer will ask her about this at the hearings.