Notre Dame’s other commencement honoree
The Voices Carry blog has made a rather profound comparison:
It occurred to me to juxtapose these two pictures from earlier today at Notre Shame University.
While the millstone of Notre Dame is placed around President Obortion‘s neck and 12k at Notre Dame stand giving a thunderous ovation, all heaven stood to honor an 80-year-old priest as he received heaven’s high honor for peacefully taking a stand for life and the plight of the unborn…
That little jail tag around the neck of this bound man of God is a high honor in the kingdom of God. If you are wondering about my phrase – “the millstone of Notre Dame” – I’d remind you that Jesus spoke of placing something around the neck of those who keep children from LIFE.
[HT: Scott M.]

This and Jasper’s QOTD.
There seem to have been many moments of “grace” – a sign of God being there, if we look.
HisMan: this is for you!
Beautifully said. The contrast could not be more obvious.
The pro deather crusades will end one day.
You’re right, it is indeed a profound comparison. And it is to the everlasting shame of Notre Dame, and to a certain extent the RCC.
No, Doyle, this too shall pass. There is always the hope and opportunity of redemption.
Grace I believe someday, the honorary doctor of law will be revoked. Maybe not in our lifetime, but someday.
Hi Doyle,
I couldn’t agree more. This is to the everlasting shame of Notre Dame.
Hello Mary,
I missed your greeting the other day. I did not see it till hours later.
Keep on keeping on. You gots ‘it’.
yor bro ken
I’d like to imagine this contrasting photo on the cover of a secular magazine or newspaper to expose the hypocracy of it all. If the protestors were protesting for same sex marriage there would not have been any arrests.
In a strange way I am wondering if the recent polls stating that the % of prolifers have gone up could be attributed from Obama. Think about it… there is ongoing dialogue and educating because of the hardcore views of Obama. Maybe the complacent people have had to take a real look at the issue and then they can’t help but come to the conclusion that this IS killing a baby and leaving a wounded mom and dad. Maybe Obama is waking the conscience of the people in a roundabout way. Time will tell at the end of his 4 year dictatorship how many more people are enlightened to the side of LIFE. I will send Obama a thank you note then…..
It is in the moments of extreme darkness when the Lord shines brightly.
It is not a sign of the overpowering darkness, but the banishment of it.
There is only one Light of the World, he will not share His glory with any other.
Or you might send him a thank you letter at the end of his eight year presidency when numbers show he has successfully reduced the number of abortions and unintended pregnancies!
This is the best anti-abortion post I have ever read!
Thanks for the link Angel. I will study it during the week as it is quite long.
Let’s see, another 3,000 abortions today……..
lol “Notre Shame”…thats PRETTY original there !
You really stuck your tongue out at ’em that time!!
Hi Ken 5:22PM
Thank you but I’m afraid I don’t know what greeting you’re referring to! :)
The devil is happy. very happy.
Emma 5:38PM
LOL. Dream on. That argument is older than you are and has never been proven correct yet. My advise is don’t stand on one leg waiting for Obama to successfully reduce the number of abortions and unwanted pregnancies.
You see, it wasn’t until after Roe v Wade that women suddenly became incredibly ignorant of birth control and had no clue how to prevent unwanted pregnancies. The pill had been around since the early 1960’s and my mother successfully used the diaphram in the 1940’s.
Suddenly in 1973 women became totally clueless.
Oh Emma,
Obama was going to lower the ocean levels too. Ya think he really did??
never been proven correct Mary? Look to other countries for that proof.
Emma 6:20PM
I’m not concerned about other countries, only what has failed to happen so far in ours.
Like I said, this argument has been around in our country longer than you’ve been born.
Put a note on your Outlook for January 19, 2013 (if the world makes it to that date), and send Emma a Happy Gram with lots of photos of aborted babies in there and of course the obligatory thank you to Barack Obortion for the greatest increase in abortions since 1973.
Don’t let her forget her words.
Why don’t we just legalize murder so that we can have less murders? Yeah…that’s the ticket.
Not interested in how other countries have much lower rates of unintended pregnancies and abortions than ours? Why not learn from them?
The spiritual irony in your QOD is totally amazing.
He is there, He knows and He waits………
pbho is going to reduce the number of abortions right after he withdraws our troops from the middle east and shuts down Gitmo and releases all the ‘innocents’ who have been detained there.
pbho is stil working on the transparency thing, he will get that implemented right after he proviedes that website to track where all the tarp funds and stimulus money is being disbursed.
Oh yeah, there is that FOCA thing that he has to get signed and he is going to provide health care for, not just every U.S. citizen, but to any person who can set his/her feet in this country.
I am sure I left some things out, but pbho better start pulling the levers and pushing the buttons cause he is four months into his term of office and there is no guarantee of getting another four years to work his magic.
yor bro ken
“Oh Emma,
Obama was going to lower the ocean levels too. Ya think he really did??
Posted by: Mary at May 18, 2009 5:57 PM:
Hilariously, scientists have now changed their estimate from 21 feet to 9 feet.
It must be the OWBE (Obama Wind Bag Effect). Have you heard about that one?
It’s just amazing what electing a Liberal will do for one’s intellect.
Oh yeah, the midterm elections are coming up in four years and pbho may lose some much needed help in Congress.
American voters are a fickle lot. Therer forget past deeds real fast and are guick to ask: “What have you done for me…….lately?”
yor bro ken
Because so far we have failed to do so. My friend, this argument is older than you, take my word for it. We had “Mother Faye” Wattleton, president of PP, media darling extraordinnaire, giving us this advise before Madonna was making her first music video.
As I told you this “problem” of unwanted pregnancies didn’t materialize unti 1973. See some connection here between legal abortion and women suddenly not knowing how to prevent unwanted pregnancies???
Hint. Maybe, just maybe, abortion is being used for birth control.
Are you just kidding about the sea level rise or are those real numbers?
yor bro ken
Hi HisMan 6:27PM
Excellent suggestion. I wonder if legalizing rape would result in less rape. After all, if men are determined to rape they will, and no law has ever stopped it.
Abortion is ‘birth control’, both as to quality and quantity.
yor bro ken
Mary I think Americans should be capable of doing as well as others in this regard.
HisMan, 6:33PM
Are you saying the ocean levels decreased? I don’t quite understand your post.
Not interested in how other countries have much lower rates of unintended pregnancies and abortions than ours? Why not learn from them?
Posted by: emma at May 18, 2009 6:28 PM
It’s more fun to tell unmarried women not to have sex and married women to have more babies.
Hal 6:42PM
You’re not addressing the issue. In fact, you’re not making too much sense.
Emma 6:41PM
You would think. But for some reason since 1973 we haven’t.
Regarding the sea level rise revision, here ya go:
Has Hal ever made sense?
well time to fix that Mary! Learn from others!
HisMan, 6:57PM
Great link, thank you. So Obama didn’t lower the ocean levels after all, or even heal our planet, as he said his nomination would be remembered for.
Next you’ll tell me he can’t unify the world and make everyone love each other.
Emma 7:02PM
Please my friend, listen to me when I advise you not to stand on one leg.
St Thomas More, pray for us!
“Thus passes the glory of the world.”
What can a man give in exchange for his soul?
“Not interested in how other countries have much lower rates of unintended pregnancies and abortions than ours? Why not learn from them?”
Posted by: emma at May 18, 2009 6:28 PM
Possibilities in Europe: Less sex? Lower fertility rates due to higher pollution, lead in paints, Could be many things unrelated to artificial birth control.
If there was a chance we could learn from them, you’d think the best minds would be working on this question – what’s taking so long??
As an aside – there must be two Janets – the hat-tip wasn’t me.
Did everyone listen to Pres.O’s speech? I couldn’t bear it. Sounds like he didn’t say anything new.
Mary I think Americans should be capable of doing as well as others in this regard.
Posted by: emma at May 18, 2009 6:41 PM
Indeed, emma, we could learn a lesson from other countries. Like Germany, where it is difficult to procure an abortion after 12 weeks. There are also mandatory waiting periods and counseling requirements. Learn from others! I like that suggestion, emma.
I wonder if Obama will next request all Americans to hold hands and form a human chain. Ane we could all sing! Wouldn’t that be so special? We could sing “SAVE THE WORLD”!!! ROFL!
I can just see the speech now “America, go outside right now, and link hands with your neighbors at 8PM Eastern Time. And then we shall all sing and unite.” “We will put our differenceas aside and work together.” “Light a candle if you want to.” ROFL!
Hal, you make perfect sense. Antichoicers don’t want to protect fetuses. They just want to torture and control women. And some women are too, well, you know.,,Stockholm syndrome and all that.
We could sing We Are The World….We Are The Children…but then we kill 3,000 a day so maybe that isn’t the right song.
I’d Like To Teach The World To Sing In Perfect Harmony……
I can’t tell if you’re serious or being facetious, friend.
Carla, yes! That’s what I was getting at!!
Bobby, I am totally kidding!
Oh, it was YOU! Ha!
I was just saying this b/c he has been apologizing to other nations. Like “Can’t we all just get along?”
I think Bobby is wondering about the comment by the one who commented as “friend.”
Oh, I see. No. I did not post as friend:]
” I think Bobby is wondering about the comment by the one who commented as “friend.” ”
Yes. Highly confused.
Did you still plan to e-mail me?
Hey, Heather and Carla:
We anti-choicers just love removing our own rights! Yeah! Which one of you wants to join me in taking away voting?
Whether the comment was serious or not (I don’t think so), it was a very amusing point to my night. :D!
Mary, yes indeed!
Mary, yes indeed!
Name 10 aborted female babies that would call you friend. What, cat got your tongue?
And you believe that abortion is about right? It’s never been about rights, it’s about power.
Well, yes I am anti-choice, the choice to kill an innocent child in the womb even if the child is a woman.
You people make no sense.
Emma/Hal, et al:
We don’t have to look to other nations for relationship between government spending on contraception/family planning.
Hard numbers from US congressional office show that increase in government funding for contraception/family planning directly correlates with INCREASE in abortion numbers, not decrease.
Sorry, you are wrong in this regard.
Emma/Hal, et al:
We don’t have to look to other nations for relationship between government spending on contraception/family planning.
Hard numbers from US congressional office show that increase in government funding for contraception/family planning directly correlates with INCREASE in abortion numbers, not decrease.
Sorry, you are wrong in this regard.
You people make no sense.
Posted by: HisMan at May 18, 2009 10:26 PM
———————————————————-No they don’t. That’s b/c they are all suffering from the same mental disorder. It’s called Liberalism!
His Man, I’ve got another. Name 10 post abortive women who would call you friend. Abortion destroys women who don’t find Christ!
You ought to see a few of the women I know/knew who had abortion[s]. Depressed, filled with guilt, regret, shame, some are substance abusers. I don’t know of any personal suicides, but that exists as well. Oh, and damaged reproductive organs.
I too like the idea of looking to other countries for guidance on how to reduce the number of abortions. Take Poland for example. They had the vision and moral courage to stand against the culture of death and declare abortions illegal in all but the most extreme instances. They have remained resolute in opposing efforts by the European Union to liberalize their pro-life laws.
I also like the state of Guanajuato in Mexico which recently became the eleventh state in Mexico to declare “a person is a complete human being from his conception until his natural death. The State will guarantee the full enjoyment and exercise of all his rights.” This portends well for efforts in several states here in the land of the free trying to secure the same protections for our unborn.
But, all of this being said, do those who suggest we look at how others are reducing the numbers of abortions, are they actually ready and willing to push for such legislation when we show them examples of such laws? Well, the short answer is–no. Because the last thing they want is any kind of restriction. What they really mean is to have more public funding of birth control, sex ed at earlier grades, and universal health care that provides free everything under the guise of “reproductive health”.
Vannah, of course. I’ll help you take away our right to vote and drive. I’m so anti-choice!
Odd. I’m pro-choice in lots of ways. What to wear, what I do with my hair, what kind of a car I drive, what TV show to watch, what I’ll eat and drink, etc. I even love animals! The only choice I won’t approve is the killing of innocent babies.
Pro aborts believe it’s the peaceful pro life protesters exercising their free speech that are the problem. It’s never those that promote the killing of innocent babies.
And now Catholics and Protestants are supposed to embrace the ideas that are totally opposed to their core beliefs in an attempt to be “open minded”. The person who defends legal baby killing is “courageous” while those who peacefully protest the killing of the innocent are “right wing extremists” and “haters.”
We are supposed to be respectful of “pro choice” but only if the “choice” is to kill the baby. Why don’t pro aborts consider the possibility that an unborn baby is in fact a person and that aborting the baby is indeed murder. Will they open their minds to that?
Of course not! Barry wants “common ground” on abortion but only if we all agree it should be acceptable to kill all unborn babies right up until birth, and leave them to die if they happen to survive an abortion.
He’s absolutely evil.
Jill, thanks for the note about the phrase of the millstone with Obama. You’re a great wordsmith, and I thought maybe that was what that part of the gown was called. It is most fitting.
Obama, as most politicians, is all about his ego. We got the same blah-blah-blah from him, about finding middle ground and having open minds and open hearts. Well, Rush said exactly what I was thinking this morning: how do you compromise between life and death? How do you compromise between good and evil?
When he talks about abortion being a “heart wrenching decision for any woman,” I want to say, so what? If there’s nothing wrong with it, what’s the heart-wrenching about? It shouldn’t be any more problematic than deciding on a new hairstyle or handbag. He keeps trying to convince us that because it’s such a difficult decision and that women struggle with it so much and because it’s not made casually, somehow this makes it ok. It’s not ok!
It is either human life, or it isn’t. If it’s not human life, it should be as unemotional to remove as a mole. If there’s struggling, wrestling, and grappling, if it has both “moral and spiritual dimensions” than there’s no doubt that this is something with grave consequences that is profoundly immoral.
The number of abortions would be dramatically reduced here if it were against the law, and around the world if we didn’t provide funding. Here’s some common ground, Mr. President. You say you want to reduce the number of abortions? How about we sit down and talk with open minds and open hearts about making it illegal?
Oh, I’m sorry, what’s that? You couldn’t possibly get your party’s endorsement, get women’s votes, or be re-elected without supporting abortion? Yes, I can see where that would be a problem for you.
But your open mind and open heart, and desire to reduce the numbers of abortion? Oh, I see, you can’t bring those to the table if you’re not in power. So what you’re doing is just throwing some talk at this to sound good? Ok, well at least that’s honest, because much of what you’re saying really does not sound honest. Like when you said you’re pro-choice, not because you’re pro-abortion, well, than, can you please tell us what you are pro-about?
I have to wonder if anyone really listens to this “great orator?” I’ve often bored by his speeches and not come close to being captivated by them. I make it a point to read them rather than listen, and with so much of his trite and empty rhetoric, I find myself saying, so what?
I have to wonder if anyone really listens to this “great orator?” I’ve often bored by his speeches and not come close to being captivated by them. I make it a point to read them rather than listen, and with so much of his trite and empty rhetoric, I find myself saying, so what?
Posted by: Luana at May 18, 2009 11:40 PM————————————————————– Luana, excellent post. I change the channel whenever I see anyone discussing him in a favorable way {liberals}, a speech from him, commercial, etc. Nope. I stick to a close circle of Christian friends who agree with me. I could care less about the fool.
Luana, Rush was right. How can we COMPROMISE between good and evil? Not possible. Should we compromise over rape, child molestation, murder, drinking and driving, stealing? Should we? Come on. Let’s just compromise!
It is either human life, or it isn’t. If it’s not human life, it should be as unemotional to remove as a mole. If there’s struggling, wrestling, and grappling, if it has both “moral and spiritual dimensions” than there’s no doubt that this is something with grave consequences that is profoundly immoral.
THAT’S RIGHT! I’m surprised he even says so! Doesn’t anyone see the insanity in it all? The removal of a “clump of cells” or a “blob of tissue” wouldn’t cause any emotional discord. I’d never regret having a tooth pulled if it was causing me problems. Why would I? Easiest decision to make.
None of us would have a problem with abortion if it didn’t kill a tiny, living human being!! Just think, we could all pack up and go home.
Grace, when I speak of the everlasting shame of Notre Dame and the RCC, here’s what I mean:
There was once a man with a wicked son, who did many evil things. So the man started putting nails in an old log at the back of his house for every evil deed his son did. One day the son came back home and asked about the log with all the nails in it. When his Dad explained it, the son suddenly saw the error of his ways, and vowed to do an equal number of good things. And his Dad promised to remove one nail for each good thing his son did.
Years later, the son returned to see all the nails gone from the log, and stood and cried at the sight. His father asked why he was crying, since all the nails were now gone.
“The nails are gone”, replied the son, “but the scars are still there”.
Dear friend,
I am sorry you feel that I should never have been born because of the ugliness and harm I do to other women.
You are wrong, but I am sorry you feel that way.
What’s your purpose here, “Friend”? You don’t seem very friendly. Who are you a friend to?
It’s more fun to tell unmarried women not to have sex and married women to have more babies.
Posted by: Hal at May 18, 2009 6:42 PM
Nothing wrong with that – especially the more babies part!
Luana, great post.
I wish someone would ask a pointed question to Obama as to why it’s against the law to disturb a sea turtles nest or harm to any other endangered species while our tax payer money is to be used to rip babies from the womb of human mothers all over the planet? Why isn’t CHOICE afforded to me if I don’t want to pay for that atrocity?
Will he change his mind about abortion if man becomes endangered I wonder. Maybe only if it’s the liberal elites that become endangered. After all, they are not replacing themselves. If you’re a right wing extremist, you’ll be lucky to get maternity care in his new healthcare plan. Well, maybe one or two kids but probably mandatory sterilization after that. Oh yes, and mandatory amnio’s,,, God forbid you may have an imperfect baby.
Yes, Hal and Emma, you are so right. Did you guys see how they were all ready to publicly execute me after I had my tubes tied? I mean, it’s not like I still get well-wishes from these vile hatemongers anymore, now that I’ve broken free of their subjugation.
You guys would be funny if you didn’t advocate such horrible acts.
(by the way, for anyone who’s been paying attention to my silly little tangents, last night the hubby said he was going to find a school in AR so he’s going to be coming out with us at the end of the summer! I’m so happy!!!)
That is awesome news about your husband!! I am so glad!
Muriel, re: sea turtles vs. humans
That is because the liberal talking point is that humans are evil and the cause of all bad things on this planet. Therefore, protect animal life and get rid of human life.
Thanks, Carla. Now we just have to get HIM excited about it. >_
You could always redecorate the new place. That is good for a couple of battles at least. :)
amy, no sone other countries do actually have it right. or at least much better than us when it comes to teen pregnancy and abortion. We quite frankly suck. Why are people so hesitant to look at how they do it better?
emma, would you have us look to Sweden for advice? Teens have access to low-cost contraceptives, including ECP. They have free teen sexual health services. What happened to their teen abortion rate? Since 1995 it has almost doubled.
Yes FU, Sweden sets a good example for us to follow! Their teen pregnancy and abortion rates are way below those in the US. Thank you.
Emma said, “Sweden sets a good example for us to follow!”
In addition to doubling its teen abortion rate since 1995 (see Fed Up above), Sweden has recently ruled sex-based abortions to be legal. A Swedish woman can abort if the child is a girl but the woman wanted a boy (or vice versa). Mrs. Stanek reported on the ruling on May 13 in her post “Jivin J’s Life Links 5-13-09, Part II”.
jon, Sweden found that their laws simply don’t disallow it. Neither do ours in the US, for most abortions, because they are unrestricted. Same for other countries. But regardless, it’s not a real concerncexcept in countries where number of children is restricted and/or girls are valued less. That’s not a real problem in the US, Sweden, etc etc etc etc etc etc
And yes, Sweden’s teen pregnancy rate and abortion rate are much lower than the US. How cancer be more like them????
You’re ignoring the trend, Emma. It’s the same trend we find in Africa when we shower the Africans with condoms. Promiscuity increases. Teen-age pregnancy increases. The rate of transmission of sexually-transmitted diseases increases.