Sarah Palin, why?
Two phrases from the Book of Esther often roll off the tongue in my Evangelical circle.
After beautiful Jewish girl Esther miraculously became Queen of Persia, a plot was hatched to kill all Jews in the land. Esther’s cousin Mordecai, when asking her to plead with the King to stop the Holocaust, said, “And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?” (vs. 4:14)
Mordecai’s request was not so easy. Anyone approaching the King unsummoned risked death if he did not raise his scepter. So upon agreeing to approach the King to plead for her people, Esther acknowledged her potential fate by responding, “If I die, I die.” (vs 4:16)
We often recite those quotes when trying to decipher the will of God and pushing forward.
So have Sarah Palin and her counselors. After she was nominated as the GOP VP candidate last summer, CNN wrote…
Palin grew up in the [Rev. Paul and wife Helen] Rileys’ church, and they share a sense of destiny about Palin’s future. When she was elected governor, Riley told Palin that like the Old Testament story of Queen Esther, she had “come to the Kingdom for such a time as this.”
Last week, when an ABC reporter wondered aloud whether Palin was committing political suicide by abruptly resigning as AK governor, Palin responded:
“I said before I stood in front of the mic the other day, you know, politically speaking – if I die, I die. So be it,” Palin said.
While everyone speculates what Palin has up her political sleeve, she has been quite clear: The now incessant ethics complaints by liberals have cost AK $2 million and her personally, $500k and are draining oxygen from good government. In the following news clips montage, Palin repeats and repeats what people don’t want to see or believe:
There are 2 columns on this you should read, Sandy Rios’ July 7 Townhall piece, “Palin: Why she left is no mystery,” and Ann Coulter’s July 8 column, “Forgetting Sarah Palin.”
What liberals have done to Palin and her family is sickening.
Washington Independent reporter David Weigel asked me what I thought about the possibility of Palin becoming a pro-life spokesperson. I responded:
It would be exciting if Sarah Palin were to decide to expend her energy promoting the sanctity of life as well as the abstinence message. Palin is sound on the pro-life issue, even opposing killing the other innocent victim if pregnancy results from the crime of rape/incest – the baby. She would be an articulate, savvy spokesperson, likely the most prominent we’ve ever had next to President Reagan.
HT for Palin quote:; for CNN story: New Wineskins]

And then we have THIS woman in a place of ruling power to compare with Sarah:
According to the General Social Survey, approval of “abortion should be allowed for any reason” doesn’t break 50% for people who identify as Republican with or without college degree, nor for Democrats with or without college degrees.
Article at Secular Right.
I have yet to hear anyone in MSM making the Esther/Palin connection.
They’re too busy admiring her fishing gloves.
Even the least hostile reporters are trying to put words in her mouth. They can’t seem to try to see what she is telling them.
According to the General Social Survey (GSS), the position “abortion should be any reason” does not break 50% support for Republicans with or without college degrees nor for Democrats with or without college degrees.
Article at Secular Right
She has two qualities that panic the uber left. One, she is prolife. And two, she is honest.
If they cannot tear her down, they know they risk having to face the truth about abortion, and their part in it. That is more than they can tolerate.
May she live long and prosper.
and Three, she is an attractive woman
Four, she’s married to the same guy happily
Five, she kept Trig
Six, she will wipe the floor with Obama in a debate
best insight yet into Palin:
The American Thinker blog has an interesting perspective about the left using the Cloward Piven strategy against Palin.
My oldest daughter, who just graduated high school, was informing me that the English classes at her old high school are completely revising their curriculum and are now including various books from the Old and New Testaments. I was shocked when she showed me the list.
Apparently over the last few years, so many students were so completely clueless when reading other works of literature, such as Shakespeare and Dante’s Inferno, and classic American works, such as the Scarlet Letter, Grapes of Wrath, East of Eden, etc. that the teachers had to do something.
She recalled several incidents where she was the only one in the class (besides the teacher) to understand major plot sequences and allegories because of her biblical background.
The same thing is happening in Ivy League universities, as English Dept’s deal with classes that are literally illiterate in the classic sense.
So it doesn’t surprise me that Sarah Palin can make a biblical literary allusion and take a step that’s completely in keeping with her character, and leave so much of the media and political punditry scratching their heads.
That is great news!
Very cool!
So studying the Bible can make us smarter? I never would have guessed!
About your latest post at Thru Fire…. Yes, the husbands’ names should certainly be included – maybe it was just an honest oversight. Next year, for sure.
Anyone notice that Obama served 1/3 of his term as Senator, and spent most of that campaigning for president. No one, liberal or otherwise objected.
“What liberals have done to Palin and her family is sickening.”
Oh, God…I can’t think about it for too long, because it starts messing with my blood pressure.
“The same thing is happening in Ivy League universities, as English Dept’s deal with classes that are literally illiterate in the classic sense.”
Yep, I can personally testify to this. (Well, Seven Sisters, not Ivy League.) It amazed me, because some of the Biblical allusions were really, really obvious – like, Garden of Eden, not, say, the prophet Elisha. (That’s not Elijah misspelled.) It was incredible.
I don’t know folks.
I give ms palin props and creds for her accomplishments and for her consistency in things pro-life.
But the ‘politics as usual’ which Sarah decries looks and sounds strikingly similar to what Sarah is saying and doing.
Palin reminds me of the senior senator from the state of Texas, Kay Bailey-Hutchison. The more she opens her mouth, the worse it gets. Some times the utterances border on incoherent.
Maybe it is one those ‘women’ things that us guys just can’t get.
I hope the Palins catch some fish and bag some moose and get another grizzly bear to adorn the wall of their den.
I picture Keith Oberman and David Letterman trussed and stretched across the hood of the Palin’s SUV.
yor bro ken
I do think it’s kind of weird that you are comparing a politician to biblical characters after accusing liberals of doing the same about Obama.
“She would be an articulate, savvy spokesperson, likely the most prominent we’ve ever had next to President Reagan.”
My opinion is she would be even more effective than Reagan because a) she’s a woman and b) she chose to give birth to her down’s syndrome baby when 90% are killed.
I do think it’s kind of weird that you are comparing a politician to biblical characters after accusing liberals of doing the same about Obama.
Posted by: prettyinpink at July 9, 2009 11:56 PM
Liberals call O “The Messiah” which to a Christian is blasphemy. The Messiah is not just any biblical character but Jesus himself.
Chris, I experienced what you mentioned about college students having no frame of reference to biblical writings. I completed my college degree in English about 10 years ago, as an adult almost 20 years older than the youngest students. I’m hardly a biblical scholar, but was often the only one in class who could make connections with biblical references. It’s appalling that most young people have no knowledge of the bible.
I doubt if many in the MSM know who Esther is!
Posted by: Joanne at July 10, 2009 12:03 AM
See Janet – What I was talking about – it’s missing here too.
I posted yesterday and it’s being held up. Mods, a little help?
Posted by: Hal at July 10, 2009 11:35 AM
“My opinion is she would be even more effective than Reagan because a) she’s a woman and b) she chose to give birth to her down’s syndrome baby when 90% are killed.”
By Joanne @ 12:03
“See Janet – What I was talking about – it’s missing here too.”
Chris, You mean Todd Palin’s role as an important member of the family is kind of being ignored here? Yes, you are right.
Sometimes it goes the other way, where the husband doesn’t feel the need to be included. When I was pregnant, I would excitedly tell people that “we were pregnant” and he thought it was silly to say that. Now that I look back – as a pro-lifer, I should have said “we’re having a baby”. I’m sure he would have been good with that.
* * *
No one has speculated that Sarah might be pregnant except one lady I heard on a radio show. Funny, huh?
Hal, I’ve been avoiding commenting with links altogether. In a way it seems better, more streamlined. You can always cite a website name without using the actual link.
Chris, thanks. I don’t recall the details anymore. I’m getting old….
Thanks for the link, Jill. Great post.
Posted by: Janet at July 10, 2009 2:32 PM
Actually, Janet, what’s missing is a cultural respect for men, and you provided yet another example. I don’t recall Sarah Palin mentioning Todd in her decision making process, but mostly discussing what the kids said.
It may not seem like a big deal, but it’s a huge change that’s starting to have much deeper ramifications throughout society.
Feminists may think it’s okay, but that’s not taking the rest of the world into account. And ultimately it skews their thinking.
I do think it’s kind of weird that you are comparing a politician to biblical characters after accusing liberals of doing the same about Obama.
Well yeah, except that Esther was not God Incarnate.