defying gravity 3.jpgI wrote yesterday that the pilots of ABC’s Defying Gravity had pro-life subplots, one realistic, one weird.
The realistic subplot involved a post-abortive mother imagining a baby crying. The unrealistic subplot purported that pro-lifers go so far as to oppose rabbit embryo research. The backdrop to all this was a world in 2052 where not only abortion is illegal but also pregnancy tests….

Pro-abort blogger Jessica at Feministing abhorred the crying baby in particular, to which Defying Gravity’s producer and lead writer James Parriott sent a statement of clarification:

I don’t want to give away the plot on the blog. But our position on the show is that abortion should be legal and the choice of the woman. But, too often, the Right to Lifers, paint the choice position as being glib, easy and insensitive. What we, in our storyline, say is that that simply isn’t so. It’s a tough, considered choice that can have repercussions – but it is a choice that must lie with the woman.
Thematically, this show is about man’s self determination vs. the need to follow orders. It’s about what we can’t control vs. what we can – and the grey area in between. It’s about the price we pay for both.
Zoe makes the decision to abort (against the govt) to achieve her dream. It isn’t an easy decision (as right to lifers often portray it). It’s an agonizing decision that Zoe will carry the rest of her life. But is was her decision to make. Not the government’s….

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Jen, in growing her bunny (making the choice of having her “baby”), will also pay a price. She’ll endanger the crew and the ship for something that never should have been allowed to grow in the first place. (again, this is a choice message, not right to life).
We have a scene upcoming, where Ajay, who knows Zoe aborted a baby, will tell her directly that she made the right choice. Sometimes we need to make our own path and her path is in space. She should not worry about her aborted baby – Hindus believe the soul simply moves on to another body.
Even religious Paula will come to challenge her own right to life beliefs.
So… we explore the subject from a number of directions. I imagine we’ll take heat from people on both sides of the issue – but they should certainly wait and see how the story develops.

All but the crying baby plot line smelled fishy (to borrow one of Obama’s new favorite words) to me, like hyperbole. And if you bother to stay tuned, so shall it be.

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