Jivin J’s Life Links 9-3-09
by JivinJ
“You never expect your baby to die. But all these wonderful things keep happening because of Lane,” said Mrs. Leighty, a graphic designer. Mr. Leighty is a security guard at Rivers Casino.
“I love that his brief life made such a difference,” Mrs. Leighty said.

“A Stem-Cell Discovery Could Help Diabetics”
Why doesn’t the Time and the rest of the MSM properly distinguish between embryonic stem cell research and pluripotent stem cell research?
This headline would have been more accurate as:
“A Pluripotent (PP) Stem-Cell Discovery Could Help Diabetes”.
If Lane’s mom had aborted him, that other baby would not have gotten a heart valve and all those parents would not have gotten cribs for their babies!
See how every life touches every other? That baby died with the dignity he DESERVED and his mom and dad need not feel any guilt! Their son’s death was in the hands of his Maker, not theirs. It was a sad story but beautiful.
Hi Jill,
I sent an email with some personal thank yous. I realized that we need more woman like you to speak out. I wish I could shake your hand and talk with you. I do appreciate what you do for our country as well as to our young generation of woman. I am interested in doing an outreach for my community to become more aware.
Thanks for all your encouragement!!!!!
Three things: where do pluripotent stem cells come from and I’m glad that they’re doing good work for people. :)
Second, that quote- “I’m glad that his brief life made a such difference”- has restored my faith in the good in humankind. What an extraordinary family. There’s a special place in heaven for them, along with their child.
Third: okay, I know that this is off-topic but I finally watched the video in the “Who Do They Think I Am?” section (the one where you talk about your experiences as a nurse)…it left me speechless, too. I’m so sorry that you had to see that and that those children had to go through that. Bigotry sucks. And you’re very brave to get back up again and try to help others do the same. I get it, at least more now. :(
I don’t know very much about PP cells, but according to the Time article:
….Douglas Melton, co-director of HSCI, and his team took skin cells from two Type 1 diabetes patients, exposed the cells to a cocktail of three genes that converted them back to an embryonic state — which are referred to as pluripotent stem cells — then instructed the newly reborn cells to grow into beta cells, the cells in the pancreas that secrete insulin. In Type 1 diabetes, these beta cells no longer work to break down the glucose that floods the body after each meal, leading to blood-sugar spikes that can damage the kidneys and heart…
I referred the Pittsburgh reporter to Baby Faith Hope. Myah is writing a book about anencephaly to challenge presumptions made on these babies.
There are a few reasons why the MSM does not do as you suggest. They are not, for example, particularly interested in such things as accuracy, honesty, or truth.
Maybe Bill O’Reilly or Hannity could do a report on ESCR and (PP)SCR to encourage conversation and shake things up a bit.
We’ll see…
If Lane’s mom had aborted him, that other baby would not have gotten a heart valve and all those parents would not have gotten cribs for their babies!
See how every life touches every other? That baby died with the dignity he DESERVED and his mom and dad need not feel any guilt! Their son’s death was in the hands of his Maker, not theirs. It was a sad story but beautiful.
Posted by: Sydney M at September 3, 2009 6:45 PM
How true! Pro-aborts – take notice. Lane’s mother was able to help the already born, who you accuse us of not caring about.
Random Happy Announcement of the Day:
I got a pro-life paperclip! Woot woot! It’s blue and in the shape of a baby’s foot! Everyone needs to get one of these for the office. :D
That’s cool, Vannah. Do the proceeds go to any particular charity?
Where can we get one?
They’re not technically pro-life in that that’s not why they were made. It was just a design that someone came up with. But I was wondering if I should get some for my friend Katie who loves paper clips (her obsession is office supplies; mine is Iceland- our conversations are so odd) and the two of us can have a mini pro-life movement: the healing power of misusing office supplies by wearing them on your t-shirts. :D
If you want to get them, they’re on eBay or if you google “Baby Foot Paper Clip” they pop up. I found a website that had many of them (they also had other designs, including a Cross and a car), but it’s as though that website just POOFED.
Try this website:
Ah! My comment disappeared!
It had a website on it…
Sorry. :(
I think that one of the moderators will find it eventually, though. :)
I found the little feet paperclips. They’re about half way down the page on the far left, for anyone else interested. Thanks.