usccb logo, healthcare, abortion, bart stupak, ellsworth, pelosi.jpgThe article below indicates Catholic pro-life Democrats are having a problem defying their bishops on the healthcare bill currently as written. They are not falling for the phony pro-life Ellsworth amendment.
It also indicates Catholic pro-life Dem congressman (and co-chair of the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus) Bart Stupak is holding strong with his assertion he has the votes to stop healthcare on the Life issue. From CNS News, today…

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops… sent a memo to congressional staff on Thursday about the issue. The memo, a copy of which was obtained by, says that the Ellsworth amendment is not a “meaningful compromise,” because merely segregating the funds would not prevent federal money from being used to fund abortion….

usccb, bishops, cardinal george, pelosi, healthcare, abortion, stupak, ellsworth.jpg

In the case of the bill’s public option, the Ellsworth amendment mandates that the government segregate federal subsidy payments from individual premiums.
The bishops called this a “money-laundering system” because once premiums are paid into a public option, they become federal funds….
Doug Johnson of the National Right to Life Committee… called the Ellsworth amendment a “fig leaf made out of cellophane,” adding that it was nothing more than a “last minute effort” to cloak the reality of the bill….
bart stupak at hearing, pelosi, abortion, healthcare, usccb, ellsworth.jpgStupak told on Thursday that he and 40 other pro-life Democrats would continue to oppose the health care bill unless House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) allows a floor vote on his amendment that would explicitly prohibit federal funds from going to insurance plans that cover abortion.

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