With prospects dimming that Democrat Sen. Ben Nelson will either sign on to the Senate bill in its current form, which still authorizes public funding of abortion, or accept a “compromise,” pro-aborts are setting their sights on pro-abort Republican Sen. Olympia Snowe. Reported CBS News today:
olympia snowe newscom, abortion, healthcare, reid, nelson.jpg

Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid of NV continued to work to get 60 votes, the number needed to ensure passage of the legislation…. With Mr. Nelson’s vote in doubt, President Barack Obama met with Maine Sen. Olympia Snowe, the lone Republican to show interest in supporting the package, to see if she would back the bill. Sen. Snowe is an abortion-rights supporter….

‘He’d prefer to get this moving,’ Sen. Snowe said. She added that she urged the president to postpone action and use ‘part of January’ to deal with her concerns, which include a proposal to establish a new long-term care program. ‘The time frame is totally unrealistic,’ she said of the push for a vote by Christmas.
Meantime, “With the clock ticking down on health care reform… Reid… has until Saturday to strike a 60-vote compromise if Democrats hope to meet a Christmas Eve deadline – but the obstacles kept piling up Thursday,” reports Politico….

Indeed, I received this email yesterday from NARAL (click to enlarge)…
NARAL, olympia snowe, abortion, healthcare, nelson.png
And pro-abort tweets were flying fast and furious to get petition signatures. Here’s a sample…
tweets, olympia snowe, healthcare, nelson, abortion.png
[Photo via Newscom]

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