Jivin J’s Life Links 2-16-10
by JivinJ
The doctor recommended termination using the drug misoprostol, but the drug did not work and a follow-up scan showed the foetus was still alive.
Later scans revealed the baby had fluid on the brain – a condition likely caused by the abortion drug Ms. Vanderhook had been given….
Despite 6 other specialist opinions that the baby would be born normal, Ms. Vanderhook says a senior obstetrician at Canberra Hospital continued to press her to terminate the baby, even at 31 weeks, when termination would have involved inducing labour.
“To have a baby induced and to watch him just die and not do anything about it? I was disgusted,” Ms Vanderhook told the ABC.
The Vanderhook’s barrister, Bernard Collaery, believes there is a simple explanation why the hospital was urging her to terminate the pregnancy.
“Away would go the litigation that might in the event of serious deformities produce a multi-million dollar verdict,” he said.
Nick Tomlinson, a senior geography major, disagreed.
“[A fetus] is just a string of cells,” Tomlinson said. “It’s not a human yet. That’s the difference.”

How can you say that WHILE LOOKING AT THE PICTURES?!?!
The willful ignorance of the “pro-choice” movement never ceases to amaze me.
What gets me Kelsey are the ones that look at the pictures, are indifferent, and just keep right on walking.
The horrific injustice of abortion in all its bloody gore is right there, shoved right in their faces…and they don’t care.
Looking for examples of selfish, crass, evil, hardened hearts, deserving of God’s Judgment? There you go.
God have mercy on us.
I heard God’s Mercy and Grace described this way:
His Mercy is when we don’t get what we do deserve.
His Grace is when we do get what we don’t deserve.
strings of cells that have a heart, two arms, two legs, a torso, brain waves, are male or female (Decided at conception) and can kick? So, does that mean the movements a mother feels is just indigestion? Give me a break!
Those students DO need a lesson in basic biology. Take them out of college and back to what, 6th grade?
Wonder if any of them were only children and were never around a pregnant mom?
Oh, and that “Third Voice” song was beautiful.
The truth is we are all just a “string of cells”.
The problem is the abortionists lack brain cells.
“[A fetus] is just a string of cells,” Tomlinson said. “It’s not a human yet. That’s the difference.”
:: chuckle :: Okay, by the time it’s a fetus, then yeah, it’s more than just “a string of cells.” I mean – heck – that could be 2 or 3 cells, right? ; )
Or did he mean much more than that? Maybe he should have said, “clump of cells,” because that applies to all of us here, too.
Yet with “a human,” then it certainly can be argued. How are we defining that? If it’s merely “a living human organism,” then I’d say the fetus certainly qualifies, but many people read more into the term than that.
“If it’s merely “a living human organism,” then I’d say the fetus certainly qualifies…”
His Mercy is when we don’t get what we do deserve.
His Grace is when we do get what we don’t deserve.
Posted by: Ed at February 16, 2010 11:13 AM
Amen….that’s why my daughter’s second middle name is GRACE. She’s my “miracle baby”. She’ll be three the third of next month. :)
BTW: Bethany, Carla, Bobby and all of you who pray: Pray for me. We just found out this morning that we’re expecting again. I want as many prayers for this baby as I can get, seeing as we’ve lost three before. God Bless You. :)
Praying, Pamela!!!
Praying Pamela.
God bless you!
Congrats, Pamela! I will most certainly. God love you and your family, and especially your newest baby!
Yay, Pamela! Take good care of yourself and keep us posted. Will pray for you. :-)
Praying for you right now Pamela.
God give Pamela the miracle of carrying new life and the joy of holding a newborn baby her arms.
Congratulations, Pamela! God bless you and your new baby. I am praying for him or her right now.