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by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN

  • LiveAction reveals the dehumanizing language used by the abortion industry, including abortionist Jim Newhall’s view that “not everybody is meant to be born. I believe, for a baby, life begins when his mother wants him.”…
  • LaShawn Barber spotlights James White’s article from the Christian Research Journal entitled, “An Eye for An Eye? Exodus and Abortion,” which addresses the claim that Scripture is silent on abortion.
  • Pro-Life in TN writes about the controversy surrounding “abortion doulas.”
  • Pro-Life in TN also has the story on the 8 nurses from Nassau University Medical Center on Long Island who were disciplined for refusing to participate in a non-life threatening abortion procedure.
  • Gerard Nadal examines the hypocrisy of promoting side-effect laden ESCR while adult stem cell research has proven beneficial results.
  • Fr. Frank Pavone discusses pro-life Freedom Rides on the Priests for Life blog.
  • MommyLife hosts the video of a speech by a former Planned Parenthood board member who became aware of the eugenic underpinnings of the organization and converted to pro-life:

  • Barbara also shares links to 2 other videos dealing with the eugenics of PP.

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