Pro-abort (and fake pro-life) Democrats on the run
On March 21 purported pro-life Democrat Rep. Alan Mollohan of WV ignored the wishes of the pro-life community and voted for the healthcare bill sans the Stupak Amendment.
And yesterday Mollohan lost his bid for a 15th term to his more conservative opponent, state Sen. Mike Oliverio. According to the Wall Street Journal today…
Outside groups also played a role in the race, including the Susan B. Anthony List, which opposes abortion rights. The group targeted Mollohan for his vote in favor of the Democrats’ health care overhaul.
“Congressman Mollohan now fully realizes that votes do have consequences,” the group’s president Marjorie Dannenfelser said in a statement.
Then today I received this lovely email (click to enlarge):
Barbara Boxer is not just a pro-abort, she’s a rabid, repulsive pro-abort who has done the industry’s bidding for years in her capacity as powerful US senator from CA.
Boxer is not only in trouble in her own June 8 primary race, she’s in trouble when lined up against all 3 Republican challengers.
And this just in… what a hoot. NARAL has turned on PA Sen. Arlen Specter, himself a serial turncoat, and is endorsing Specter’s opponent, Joe Sestak, “even though Republican-turned-Democrat Specter touts his record of standing up for abortion rights,” writes the Associated Press. Serves Specter abso-frigga-lutely right.
Keep pressing, wherever you’re stationed.

The only things you find in the middle of the road are, road kill and Senator Specter…..
Can’t have it both ways Arlen. Retire and go away and repent.
Very funny email from Emily’s list. Contribute to Boxer’s campaign (to annoy Sarah Palin and the Tea Partiers?). Is that the best they can do to promote Boxer?
as SBA said: “Votes DO have consequences”…
Democrat heads are rolling, one by one, slowly but surely…
Keep it up folks ! Let’s send a message to these pro-abort relics that Pro-lifers are taking back America!!
Off topic but does anyone have a good way to explain the personhood of the unborn? My answer seems to be lost on people who don’t understand philosophy very well or they confine themselves to websters dictionary.
In defining personhood, I was mainly refering to those who deny personhood at the earliest stages of development.. zygote, embryo….
Psalm, the problem with personhood is that it relies on arbitrary distinction. I’ve yet to meet someone who can define personhood in such a way the excludes the unborn, but includes all born humans at all stages of development and consciouness.
Hopefully both Republicans and Democrats will be held to the same standard and those who are truly pro-life in word and deed will get elected.
Mollohan is still being investigated for congressional ethics violations so it’s not the big “pro-life” thing that is being presented here.
: Lauren,
Yes, discussing personhood of a zygote or embryo with pro-aborts is difficult. A lot of people just can’t seem to follow philosophical arguments.
Pat, nope, the investigation was closed in January.
Notice liberals never say “liberal” anymore since its now a dirty word like hooker or pimp. Now they say “progressive”. yeah…well they’re gonna progress us right into bankrupt third world status!