planned parenthood east central iowa.pngI reported 3 weeks ago that Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards is planning to help Planned Parenthood of East Central Iowa celebrate its 30th anniversary.
Richards is scheduled to keynote PPECI’s celebration dinner on May 20 at the Cedar Rapids Marriott.
Yesterday Eric Scheidler of Pro-Life Action League announced his group is joining forces with IA pro-life groups beginning at 4p that day for a rally, press conference, and protest outside the Marriott. Pro-lifers are also asked to contribute to a parking lot baby shower….

See details at PLAL’s site. If you live in the 2-3 hour vicinity, please plan to attend. Eric wrote:

It’s no wonder that Richards is eager to visit IA. PP is desperate to legitimize their abortion business. They want to make abortion as American as apple pie, hiding it behind words like “choice” and “planning” and “empowerment.”
But we’re not going to let that happen.


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