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by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN

  • ProLifeBlogs highlights the true story of a Nashville woman who was forced into a late-term abortion, and 38 years later told her story to the TN Legislature to help pass the Freedom from Coercion Act….
  • LaShawn Barber examines the societal hypocrisy behind behind charging a 24-weeks-pregnant woman with feticide for reckless driving (resulting in the death of her unborn child) while protecting a 24-week abortion as a “right” and “choice.” This is what convinces those in the middle to look at abortion for what it really is: the destruction of a child.
  • 40DFLcar.jpg

  • The 40 Days for Life blog tells a story from Southfield, MI 40 DFL of a car running in the ditch in front of the abortion clinic. A prayer warrior lent the man his cell phone to call for help and the man took off with his cell phone before the police arrived. This led to the clinic manager having a conversation with one of the prayer warriors and quitting her job at the abortion clinic! Who says God doesn’t have a sense of humor?
  • Generations for Life posts a video to promote the 2010 Pro-Life Training Camp (sponsored by Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust) in Southern CA this June:
  • Catholic Pro-Life Committee draws our attention to another pro-life “bootcamp” to be held at the University of Dallas July 30 – August 4, 2010. Watch the video here. [JLS note: I can vouch that this is a great training event!]
  • [Photo via 40 Days for Life]

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