by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN
ProWomanProLife points to a recent study showing a link between abortion and drug/alcohol abuse among women, along with other mental health conditions such as mood disorders….
In a piece entitled, “My brother’s birth trumps her mother’s abortion,”Rai’s Mundo (new and welcome pro-life blogger on our blogroll!) draws attention to a woman’s story of how her mother’s abortion improved her family’s lives, in stark contrast to Rai’s own family story. If abortion supposedly makes one a better mother, one has to ask, “to which baby?”
Christina at Real Choice reminds us “kids [with Down Syndrome] are so scary that we as a society consider it acceptable to accidentally kill 3 genetically standard kids in order to weed out 1…” She links to a 2007 study which shows the high risk of miscarriage associated with amniocentesis, and the large number of healthy babies that are lost in these “search and destroy” missions to identify unborn children with DS.
The LTI blog links to a Daily Beast article in which Stephen Farber laments the lack of pro-abortion movies (such as the upcoming Greenberg, starring Ben Stiller – see pro-abort review here) in comparison to movies like Juno and Knocked Up, and believes this is the reason more Americans now consider themselves “pro-life.” [JLS note: Greenberg has been out 7 weeks and grossed just shy of $4 million at the box office, pretty pathetic.]
Bryan Kemper gives a “shout out” to the winners of the pro-life Campus Impact Awards.
Hmmm…so women who abuse drugs and alcohol, and have mental disorders, may be likely to have an abortion. The study does claim that there is no causal relationship, so one could make the claim that abortion causes abuse of drugs and alcohol, or that women who abuse drugs and alcohol are more likely to have an abortion. Either way, I would claim that it is more humane for a woman who abuses drugs and alcohol to terminate her pregnancy rather than bring a child into a world where the mother is strung out on drugs and is willing to put her born kid at risk in order to get her next hit. Seems like this study is proving why abortion is a good thing.
Good for Rai! That piece is excellent. This part was spot-on:
“Abort and your life will improve – keep the child and it is abject misery. It is the lie that has cost this country 55 million children and keeps the likes of Planned Parenthood in business.”
Abortion advocates treat the unborn as if they are a disease. Pregnancy is not a disease. An unborn child is not a tumor. I became pregnant with my daughter–it was unplanned, and at the worst time of my life, when I had nothing and nobody. I was about to embark on a music career, and surely having this child would set me back.
But it wasn’t my right to allow her to live or die. It was my duty to protect and love her. Yes, it was frightening, but it is also the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. That was ten years ago. My music career is plugging along at its own pace. I didn’t have to stop being who I was, but I was happy to make sacrifices for my child. Her right to live trumps all.
Perhaps if I aborted her, I would be wealthier. Perhaps I would be more famous, and I would be thinner, and wouldn’t have to adjust my schedule to her needs. But those are all fleeting–fame, wealth, worldly success. When my daughter puts her arms around my neck and says “I love you,” …there is nothing more special than that. She is what makes me special.
To kill your child because you believe her or she is a hindrance to your material wealth, because his or her existence puts a damper on your “plan” is the most abhorrent thing a human being can do. It never fails to fascinate and disgust me. Pro-abortion philosophy does not compute.
I don’t know Mary, I read the article, it seems to me that Margaret Morganroth Gullette doesn’t regret that abortion was a part of her family’s history, and that Rai has a different view. Hmmm..seems to me that each is happy with their family’s CHOICE. Crazy huh. Also, it kind of brings to light the argument that was occurring in another post about how one would feel if you knew your mother had an abortion. I think Miss Gullette pretty much answers that…..the answer is proud.
She earned a teaching degree, then went to Bank Street College of Education and earned a master’s degree, got tenure, became a wonderful and happy first-grade teacher and earned a good and secure salary that rose every year.
and her child was tossed out in a garbage bag…
The end.
Sure, Jake, the kid is better off aborted… because adoption isn’t an option, right?
I don’t deny that someone can live her entire life justifying her abortion. But the child murdered is not forgotten by the One who created him or her and had a purpose for that life. I shudder at what awaits one stepping into eternity without repenting of taking the life of one entrusted to her care. I often wondered if these children will be brought as witnesses at that Judgment, for their guilty parents to see them and comprehend they were never mere “choices”.
She seems at peace with her decision, why does that bother you so much? I find this story uplifting, and quite frankly I am surprised that it was even linked to this blog.
She might have been proud of the life she lived. And that might have been all right, had she not killed someone who was undeniably a unique human being to get into that position. She might have been okay with her choice. That does not change the fact that someone is dead because of her actions.
It doesn’t matter how you feel about life, or whether or not it’s worth living. Everything is centered on whether or not anyone has the right to take life away from somebody else, somebody innocent and defenseless, for any reason at all.
That answer is always no.
Abel! Hey, hon! What’s going on?
I don’t know, Jake, it is a very sad thing to be at peace with a choice when that choice was the senseless killing of another person. I seriously doubt that if the child had been allowed to live, the family would have been thrown into despair and abject poverty. You don’t know what that child was capable of. “Choice” is a euphemism for killing. As I’ve said before, pro-aborts spend enormous amounts of energy trying to justify something that cannot ever be justified.
I cannot change your mind, Jake, and I doubt it will ever be changed. But it does make me unbearably sad that human beings are discarded as “medical waste.” If abortion did not involve the defeminization of women, the dismemberment of a child, and if it weren’t predicated on lies and intellectual dishonesty, then I would be first in line to receive one. But this is not a semantic, abstract right. It is a selfish, bloody, and destructive act that teaches women to use violence to get what they believe they deserve.
“Either way, I would claim that it is more humane for a woman who abuses drugs and alcohol to terminate her pregnancy rather than bring a child into a world where the mother is strung out on drugs and is willing to put her born kid at risk in order to get her next hit.”
Except that my adopted neices were born to a mother strung out and willing to put her kids at risk – but now those girls are living a rather picturesque life where they have two mentally/emotionally/phsically healthy parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins (who thank God for their cousins in their bedtime prayers) all wrapped around their strong and beautiful little fingers. Our entire family is in love with those girls and for you to suggest that they would be better off dead absoutely makes me sick. And, despite drug-exposure and severe neglect, those girls are healthy and intelligent – the world is their oyster!
If we want a chance at saving them from abuse, we have to start by saving them from death.
I’m good, Marauder :) Can’t wait to tackle college.