Controversial “Black and Unwanted” pro-life billboards cause stir in Arkansas
Last week AR Right to Life joined forces with the Radiance Foundation, as has GA Right to Life, to erect 6 “Black and Unwanted” pro-life billboards in high traffic locations in the Little Rock area.
And just as in GA, the billboards are causing a stir, yeah. Here’s a June 22 news report…
(Sorry, can’t center this one…) reports
In 2008… the AR Dept. of Health report[ed]… 58% of all abortions occur among white women while 34% are among black women.5 These percentages are only fully understood when the total population is revealed: 75.6% of AR’s population is white while only 15.8% is black.
The disparity is alarming as it exemplifies what is happening nationally, and what, historically has primarily been the target of the Birth Control/Population Control movement.
Yes, recall the Duggars are renting a house in Little Rock that is a historical landmark, previously owned by Brunhilde Kahlert Cornish, founder of the AR Eugenics Association, which was later renamed Planned Parenthood Association of AR.
Here’s another news report, this one by yesterday:
The billboards will remain up at least 1 month. I love that this concept is spreading. My only piece of constructive criticism would be that ARRTL should have a black spokesperson, as does GARTL.

At first I thought the billboard was referring to our undocumented alien in chief, b.o.!
That could be construed as racist if the only reason b.o. was unwanted was his abundance of pigmentation.
But only a relatively few Americans object to b.o. because they have less pigmentation.
Most people object to b.o. because of his policies and his lack of judgement or perhaps deliberate malicious intent.
Funny. White folks want black folks to have more black babies. Then when these babies are born to women who don’t have a support system, the white folks say that public assistance programs designed to help these women should be cut back because they foster “dependency.” White folks are strange – but then we black women, who support a black woman’s right to do what she wants according to her circumstances (she’s no longer a slave), are somehow aiding “eugenics.” And according to these white folks, black women who have abortions are just silly and stupid little children who are somehow “bamboozled” by Planned Parenthood into having abortions. The idea that we can make our own choices is just foreign to these folks. I guess we were happier on the Plantation when our decisions were made for us by our benevolent white massa. But right, if I were a poor black woman (or any woman of any color) who was pregnant with the child of somebody who abuses me, those billboards sure would make me think again sho nuff!!!
francis darwin created the eugengics program this site talks about how eugenics was started to control the minority population he thought they were weak and feebleminded
Ken, nice how you never miss a chance to attack President, no matter how off topic.
Other posters who can’t get with the program and stay at least slightly on topic used to get a warning.
Don’t know about ya’ll, but this white woman is thinkin we as grown women in this society, must teach and empower all women, not to just have “safer sex”, but to say “Hell No” to casual sex to begin with and “Yes, cause I’m worth it” to dating with the blatant intention of marriage. That, in itself, would do wonders, for everybody, children included.
Hence the advice given to young ladies:
“Run so fast toward God’s will that your man must run after you”.
Therein lies the strong woman.
Whatever color she is.
I have no problem at all with the ad, and wouldn’t care what color the child is.
That child is a child! They deserve more than just life, they deserve strong responsible parents too. Maybe,those folks are/will become/aren’t the birth parents…
But without life, what else is there?
I thought it was a very creative attempt at tying in the post with one of the most unwanted black persons in American.
b.o. is black by his own estimation, isn’t he?
Keith Blowharderman wants to get rid of b.o. because he isn’t liberal enough.
Jesse Jackson wanted to get rid of b.o. because he wasn’t ‘black enough’.
Expressing a desire to remove b.o.’s baby makers is not exactly an expression of brotherly love and affection.
Your are member of a shrinking cadre of b.o. devotees.
Watch Maafa21 – they exposed how Hilda Cornish operator of the Arkansas Eugenics Association and Board member of the American Birth Control League , later ran Planned Parenthood of Little Rock. Maafa21 shows a picture of a Planned Parenthood pamphlet listing Cornish as the director of the former eugenics association. It is mind boggling how the MSM ignores the fact that Planned Parenthood was so muddied up in eugenics They need to watch Maafa21 as well –
I have heard it argued that Barack Obama is not black, as his ancestors were not slaves. He is (according to some) African-African American, as opposed to just African American or Black. It’s a silly arguement, but I saw someone try to argue it during the election.
Tina, does your post almost suggests that abortion is a solution to domestic abuse? If you were a poor woman in an abusive situation, do you really honestly think abortion is going to solve your problem? And your racist ebonic typing is likewise quite offensive to all of us. Margaret Sanger deliberately did bamboozle black preachers. If you were a black person in an emergency room, would you refuse care by a white doctor? Well, Tina, this IS an emergency in the black community and who the hey cares what color the people are who are trying to help???????
a quote from maragret sanger-On blacks, immigrants and indigents:
“…human weeds,’ ‘reckless breeders,’ ‘spawning… human beings who never should have been born.” Margaret Sanger, Pivot of Civilization, referring to immigrants and poor people. many other quotes by sanger here
Tina, black is beautiful.
Due to abortion, the replacement rate among African-Americans in the US is less than 2.1, (dying faster than being replaced future generations). Some have estimated that this means the end of black americans by 2100.
Just. Gone. No significantly measurable population. No Having The Dream, as there are no sons of former slaves in the red hills of Georgia.
But like Dr. King said IN THE SAME SPEECH:
“We can never be satisfied as long as our children are stripped of their selfhood…”
Google it.
This billboard campaign going to Arkansas is GREAT. Go to The Radiance Foundation website and click on the media-video section look at the “Black Children are an Endangered Species” video promo and “The Beauty of Adoption” video, the story of the founder of the Radiance Foundation Ryan Bomberger, awesome prolife story.
Tina, I am a black woman and I am pro-life. The crisis pregnancy centers that NARAL, Planned Parenthood, etc., so angrily attack aid women of ALL colors. And I’ve never heard anyone here speak against public assistance, etc. for lower income women. Not all prolifers are conservative Repulican white men!
This slaughter of unborn black children can only be a KKK fantasy come true. But then, the KKK was founded as the terrorist arm of the Democrat Party. PP,NARAL and abortion advocates in general are big supporters of the Democrats. What a small world.
Posted by: Tina at June 23, 2010 9:32 AM
“Funny. White folks want black folks to have more black babies.”
Your freudian slip of the tongue is showing, not to mention your blatant racism.
Your statement presumes that only people sufferring an acute and chronic dearth of pigmentation sponsored the billboard.
I would assert that people representing many different ethnicities were involved in the development of that billboard and though most, if not all, were more concerned about the babies, most, if not all, were concerned about the mother regardless of the ethicity of either or both.
The primary target group for the billboard was densely pigmented folk, but it was also directed at society at large.
If densley pigmented mothers are killing their pre-natal children in such great numbers that the birth rate for their respecive community falls below the replacement rate, then they have become willing, though perhaps ignorant, participants in their own genocide.
‘Black Pride’ it is NOT!
Thanks Ken for your post. I posted earlier about Ryan Bomberger, the founder of the Radiance Foundation, (developer of the billbooard campaign), take a look at his website and videos for those who think “only white Republican men are prolife”. Ryan is bi-racial, the product of rape and adopted. Oh yes BTW go to Priest for Life website and read Dr. Alveda King’s story (niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.) there are more African Americans who are becoming prolife as their eyes are becoming opened to the black genecide campaign of PP see