Well, hooyah. It’s about time we stopped letting pro-life political candidates get away with saying they have a “rape/incest exception.” That’s simply code for saying they support killing an innocent child whose father is a sexual criminal.
dino rossi 2.jpgIn the State of WA, all 3 Republicans facing off in the August 17 primary – businessman Paul Akers, former pro football player Clint Didier, and former state senator Dino Rossi (pictured right) – claim to be pro-life.
Sarah Palin and the WA State Tea Party have both endorsed Didier.
Although Rossi is currently the front-runner, he appears to be the weakest of the 3 on abortion. He doesn’t even mention the A-word in the “Issues” section of his website. And according to NewsTribune.com on June 11…

Dino Rossi says he won’t back down from his position on abortion, but he won’t say exactly what that position is….
He explained, as he has before: “It’s not an issue I run on.”

Sounds weasly to me. Rossi told SpokesmanReview.com in 2004 during a failed run for governor, “I’ve always believed that abortion was never intended except for maybe cases of rape, incest or to protect the life of the mother.”
There you go.
So a new pro-life group called the Washington Life Coalition released an ad today, with little Emily calling Rossi out:

Rape and incest are violent and tragic. But abortion only compounds the violence and tragedy. It does not bring pregnant mothers the relief they seek. Abortion only makes matters worse for her and, of course, kills the other innocent victim of the crime, the baby.
In particular, abortion conceals incest. Abortion is an incest perpetrator’s best friend. Abortion not only kills the evidence of his crime but allows him to continue it. I’d love to see the Coalition take that issue on next.

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