Pro-life group challenges US Senate candidate’s rape/incest exception
Well, hooyah. It’s about time we stopped letting pro-life political candidates get away with saying they have a “rape/incest exception.” That’s simply code for saying they support killing an innocent child whose father is a sexual criminal.
In the State of WA, all 3 Republicans facing off in the August 17 primary – businessman Paul Akers, former pro football player Clint Didier, and former state senator Dino Rossi (pictured right) – claim to be pro-life.
Sarah Palin and the WA State Tea Party have both endorsed Didier.
Although Rossi is currently the front-runner, he appears to be the weakest of the 3 on abortion. He doesn’t even mention the A-word in the “Issues” section of his website. And according to on June 11…
Dino Rossi says he won’t back down from his position on abortion, but he won’t say exactly what that position is….
He explained, as he has before: “It’s not an issue I run on.”
Sounds weasly to me. Rossi told in 2004 during a failed run for governor, “I’ve always believed that abortion was never intended except for maybe cases of rape, incest or to protect the life of the mother.”
There you go.
So a new pro-life group called the Washington Life Coalition released an ad today, with little Emily calling Rossi out:
Rape and incest are violent and tragic. But abortion only compounds the violence and tragedy. It does not bring pregnant mothers the relief they seek. Abortion only makes matters worse for her and, of course, kills the other innocent victim of the crime, the baby.
In particular, abortion conceals incest. Abortion is an incest perpetrator’s best friend. Abortion not only kills the evidence of his crime but allows him to continue it. I’d love to see the Coalition take that issue on next.

OT, but while working for the Clinton whitehouse, Kagan essentially rewrote the ACOG’s statement on partial birth abortion.
The original statement said that there was no medical reason for the procedure, and she altered to say that there “may” be reasons where it is necessary.
Based on this altered document, the SC overturned Nebraska’s partial birth abortion law.
So we’ve learned two things today. Kagan is a monster, and the ACOG is a fraud.
The truth is, 99% of abortions are committed on healthy babies and healthy mothers. It is highly unlikely to become pregnant from a rape.
As a rape survivor, I resent that the pro-abortion community feels the need to use rape to defend their indefensible position.
These are hard cases….and they do exist. But this is not what abortion “rights” are all about. And if women and young girls are being raped and are victims of incest, then what are the pro-aborts doing to stop this? Are they trying to protect these girls? No, they just want to make sure abortion “rights” are secure.
Planned Parenthood is guilty of perpetuating incest and rape by not only aborting the babies, but NOT REPORTING these incidents.
WOW, Lauren!! Where did you get this info?? That is incredibly sinister stuff.
On topic, that Emily video is great.
Here’s a link to Hotair’s story on it.
The “Emily” video…wow..powerful stuff!
“I’ve always believed that abortion was never intended except for maybe cases of rape, incest or to protect the life of the mother.”
Jill, I agree with you, this is a weasly position and it’s irresponsible to allow the ridding of the evidence of incest.
But how do we encourage these rape victims to be candid about their situation and tell the authorities before they go for an abortion? If the won’t, the abortionists can just claim that they didn’t know about the rape.
I love the “Emily” video. I think it’s very powerful and speaks volumes.
I too agree with Jill, but maybe from a little different position. I have been there. I had an abortion after a rape, and it did anything but “fix” the problem. It magnified the utter guilt and shame I felt at the time. Not only was I dealing with the trauma of what I had just been through, but now that was compounded by the overwhelming horror that I had just killed my baby. I can’t speak for how most people cope with these kinds of situations, but I know for me personally, healing from the abortion was harder for me that healing from the rape itself. I think because I came to realize the rape I had no control over, while the abortion I did. I could’ve saved my child’s life, but I didn’t. I am, however, so grateful for God’s healing power and His merciful grace. It is in Him that I live and breathe and find myself.
No matter what, abortion is NEVER the right answer!
More pro-life language – be mindful when a politician or lawmaker refers to abortion as an issue, as if we’re debating what color the county fire engines should be.
And abortion isn’t a tragedy. A child dying of cancer or a car accident is a tragedy. When a child dies of abortion, that’s wicked.
Thank you for your courageous witness. Rebecca Kiessling was conceived in rape, and has a website for those who were conceived in rape, or conceived as a result of themselves having been raped. Some whose stories are posted there followed the course that you did, and report the same result.
My prayers for your continued healing and strengthening.
For legislators who propose legalizing abortion for cases of rape and incest, I have one question that goes to the issue of precedent:
In what system of jurisprudence anywhere in the world do we execute the child because of its father’s crimes?
Paul Akers is 100% pro-life
Thank you, Jill, for honoring the rape/incest conceived by giving this subject another day in the spotlight.
Kudos and much gratitude to the Washington Life Coalition also. Go get ’em! It would be great to start a national campaign. There are many “pro-life” elected officials and candidates like this.
Cranky Catholic – calling abortion an “issue” has always been one of my pet peeves also. This is not global warming or deciding the best day to begin daylight savings time. This is life itself.
tnnurse4life – it is wonderful you have found healing. Along with the link to Rebecca, I recommend this video also:
(I think Rebecca has this episode linked on her web site also.)
God bless you
Thank you Tnnurse4life, for sharing your personal story with us. I’ve been involved with the team that launched the Washington Life Coalition and “Little Emily” video. Your perspective on the topic is moving and powerful, God bless you.
And thank you Jill, for your words.
Thank you so much for your powerful witness and sharing your story!!
I had an abortion almost 20 years and know what you know as well.
So glad you commented today.
God bless you!!
Here’s hoping pro-life common sense will prevail when Rossi takes on Patty Murray in November. While Rossi may oppose 99% of all abortions, Murray suports 100% of abortions and paid for with our tax dollars. She’s pro-abrotion with no exceptions and she will keep abortion advocates controlling the Senate.
So, in November, anything other than a vote for Rossi is a vote for abortion.
So most of the black moms who abort are addicts, Ashley?
Why is it that your view of the black community is that most of the black women living in poverty are also crackheads?
BTW, your blog doesn’t have links to any statistical studies for the claims you make. You might want to add those. You know, the ones that say all the black women who abort or who live in poverty are crackheads.
If we should abort kids conceived in rape because of the type of person they may become, then the extension of that logic would imperil an awful lot of pro-aborts’ babies as well.
We do not execute children because of their parent’s crimes. Nor do we execute babies because of the possibility or probability that their lives may not measure up to our upper-middle class white standard of living. You look and sound monstrous when you speak this way.
I worked with street kids in Times Square NY for seven years in the 1980’s, most of whom were prostitutes. Most of whom were sexually abused at home. On the overnight shifts, they would often come into our office when they couldn’t sleep and talk about their hopes and dreams, their fears and failures. They had their own network of friendships on the street and looked after one another’s children. Visited one another in the hospital.
They were some of the most alive people I’ve ever known, and for all of the hellishness of their young lives I saw more authentic compassion and humanity in those young prostitutes than I’ve ever seen in your cold and lifeless apologias for snuffing out the unborn.
Even the whores saw more hope in their lives through the embrace of their pregnancies than you do. It takes quite a bit to be shown up as a person by teen prostitutes, but you’ve worked hard at earning that honor. Enjoy it.
Ashley, YOU are the one who told me to “check out” your blog for more. More what? More facts? Nope. I expected to see some statistical data. Guess I expected too much.
I’m not getting the Pottery Barn reference, Ashley. Is there some sort of Pottery Barn ad in the video that I missed?
More stereotyping about us nasty white pro-lifers, Ashley? Frankly, I didn’t see any racism in the ad. But then, I suppose that’s because I’m a white racist? LOL ;)
I listen to Rush Limbaugh sometimes, but most of the time, I’m busy working on the site and busy with my 3 kids. I never heard any of the jokes you mentioned. I don’t have a Twitter account, and my name’s not “Right Ohio.”
Keep going with the stereotypes, too. It’s proving my point.
Gerard, great post, as always. :)
No, no, they shouldn’t be aborted, but they’ll all live in squalor as future crackheads and rapists with no hope of ever rising out of poverty. That’s basically what you’ve said. And that the video makers are racist because they don’t show that.
And they’re the racists??
Your entire history of argumentation here undergirds what you have suggested. However, to clarify the issue I ask a very simple few questions:
1. Do you believe that a baby conceived in rape ought to be aborted because of the father’s identity and the circumstances surrounding the conception? (I don’t want a dodge that it’s up to the woman. I’m after what YOU think.)
2. Do you believe that children conceived in rape are more likely to live lives of squalor or deprivation than those whose conceptions were unplanned?
3. Do you believe that the life of the child conceived in rape has less intrinsic value than any other human?
4. If you believe women ought to have the right to abort a child conceived in rape or incest, why do you believe that?
5. In light of question #4, go to Rebecca Kiessling’s site linked above, read these people’s stories, and square them with your own beliefs.
I see your potty mouth is still working overtime and you still avoid answering direct questions.
How are your counseling sessions going?
Curse and swear all you want, but you are as ignorant of epidemiology as you are cold and bloodless about abortion.
By what I can see of your background, you have precious little if any experience in dealing with the poor in any substantial manner. I read your posts. I read them all in hopes that I might catch some glimmer of hope for your growth as a human being.
You manifest all of the ignorance of typical upper-middle class college kids who know nothing about the world. That is most evident by your identification of blacks with crack dens, of blacks with poverty.
Did you know that far more whites are born into poverty than blacks? Did you know that far more whites have substance abuse problems and frequent crack dens and heroin shooting galleries than blacks? Were you aware that far more black babies are aborted than whites, and that many don’t get placed with non-black families out of cultural concerns for the child’s identity?
Underprivileged kids are NOT usually minorities, though that appearance is understandable because poor whites are usually dispersed across vast rural areas and not concentrated in the inner-city.
As for you white, sorority girl supposition that black kids don’t get as much sympathy as white kids, Covenant House was built and expanded into a world-wide child care agency who made no secret of the fact that upward of 80% of its residents were minority children, and has received billions of dollars since its founding in 1968, largely from white Christians. The same for many other charities.
I could go on and on, but I think the point is well made.
I realize that growing a human heart takes time, but I expect better on the facts, and less racial stereotyping from a college grad.
BTW, nice attempt at dodging my questions. Don’t bother answering them Ashley. We know where you stand.
Ashley, please refrain from using profanity in your posts, or you risk being banned. Thanks very much!
Ashley,part of the problem of holding your opponent in contempt is that you skew your own arguments, thinking your opponent too stupid and beneath you. Thus it is on this post.
First, your profanity-laced tirades make you seem quite unhinged and not sure of your footing. It’s ugly and unseemly.
As for your thin line of argumentation, how convenient to include the ten most populous states regarding blacks, since that’s where most blacks in poverty may be found, while ignoring the 40 other states where the most whites in poverty can be found.
Then of course you shift another parameter of your argument by arguing percentages when you get called on absolute numbers.
Amazingly, nobody on the pro-life side ever brought up the percentages argument. YOU DID. It’s your straw man so enjoy dancing with him. We value ALL life.
All life is sacred, even those conceived in rape.
The statistics you cite are a smokescreen and straw man. Enjoy them both, but no human should ever be butchered in its mother’s womb.
And stop acting like a snotty, petulant child with the name-calling.
“”All life is sacred, even those conceived in rape…no human should ever be butchered in its mother’s womb.”
“I never once said otherwise. But I guess your status as a white dude with a Ph. D means you don’t have to actually read anything I said before commenting on it.”
Long before I ever went to graduate school, I was taught to read by the Sister’s of St. Joseph in grammar school and taught critical reading by the Christian Brothers in high school.
Armed only with those skills I have read REPEATEDLY your pro-abort sympathies. You would like to have pro-life sympathies, but hold consistently for the legalization of abortion. I don’t need a Ph.D. to follow your line of thinking, and as I said; I read everything that you write.
You can’t be pro-Roe and claim to be partially pro-life. All that you are doing with your “pro-life sympathies” is trying to assuage your guilty conscience. However, in the 24 hours since we’ve been having at it, another 4,000 babies were murdered by rogue doctors, most of whom lied to the mothers about the human identity and developmental status of their little ones.
Those babies, and those to follow deserve more than your mealy-mouthed duplicitousness. They require bright, articulate young women such as yourself to stand up and roar on their behalf. So do the mothers such as Carla who are daily in the thousands lied to by doctors and coerced by boyfriends and family into actions which tear at them for the rest of their lives.
The terrible tragedy in reading your posts is the realization of how your great potential is being wasted on an ambivalence that ultimately supports the legality of this national nightmare which has claimed over 52 million lives and left an unimaginable wake of destroyed men and women behind it as it sails on.
Ashley– are you pro-life or not?
Oh, and white women do get raped and get pregnant. And not all white conservatives are racist. I am white and was raped. I am white and had a teen pregnancy. I am white and am in interracial marriage and have 4 non-white kids. Can we please stop with the racist comments and focus on the substance of this ad? This child will never get to experience life because of the sin of her father. That is the point–the child is innocent and doesn’t deserve to die.
“This child will never get to experience life because of the sin of her father.”
Posted by: Allie at July 1, 2010 4:56 PM
This sentence should be hitting a bit closer yet eh Ashley?