by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN
Albert Mohler reviews a chilling UK Times article in which author Antonia Senior admits preborn life is human life, but goes on state that one must be willing to take human life for the cause of feminism….
The nearly 200k aborted babies in the UK each year are the lesser evil, no matter how you define life, or death, for that matter. If you are willing to die for a cause, you must be prepared to kill for it, too.
Parenting Freedom points to a Daily Mail article regarding the discovery of an ancient Roman dumping ground (likely a brothel) containing the bodies of 97 newborns.
Pro-Life Action League compares graphic abortion photos to depictions of the Cross. Both are graphic, both are true.
Ethika Politika discusses modern American utilitarianism which affects both the preborn and the elderly.
Voices Carry highlights The Demographic Winter DVD, which shows the fallacy of the “population bomb.”
Fr. Frank Pavone responds to the argument that the pro-life movement should focus on changing hearts instead of laws:
In fact, changing people’s hearts is the solution to every problem that the world faces.
But that doesn’t mean that we don’t have laws…. As Martin Luther King Jr. said, the law cannot get the white man to love me, but it can stop him from lynching me.
… When our children learn in school that something is legal, they are learning that such a thing is right.
[Roman excavation photo via DailyMail]
Amen, Fr. Pavone!
And as for the first article, I see at least some pro-aborts are being honest about what they’re doing. Appalling and very eye-opening.
” If you are willing to die for a cause, you must be prepared to kill for it, too.”
(The cause being feminism.) Wow, that’s an insane statement.
While there are some things worth fighting for, worth dying for and worth killing for, feminism is NOT one of them.
But I am amenable to allowing as many feminists to die for their cause as are willing to do so.
You go gals.
You have demonstrated a complete disregard for the lives of prenatal children, it only follows that you would have little of no regard for your own lives.
You can join your tree hugging brothers and sisters in the self sacrificial act of digging a hole and jumping in it and thereby recycling your selves.
I only ask that the pregnant among you wait for your pre-natal child to be birthed BEFORE you take the leap.
“Parenting Freedom points to a Daily Mail article regarding the discovery of an ancient Roman dumping ground (likely a brothel) containing the bodies of 97 newborns.”
In the 1800s in New York City the authorities made a similar discovery in the basement of a whore house. This led to laws criminalizing abortion in New York State and around the country.
There is nothing new under the sun….or the moon.
Unfortunately feminists ARE willing to kill for their cause…and not just kill babies. They fight against any regulation of clinics. If the clinics are dirty and the women infected with HIV and HEP oh well. If the doctors are perverts and rape their patients, oh well. If the docs are ancient and can’t see what they’re doing and accidentally suck your bowels out…oh well. Some women may have to die for the cause but they’re willing to make that sacrifice. These women are cold-hearted killers. No life is too sacred for their cause.
Spot on!!! These feminists don’t mind OTHER people dying for the cause.