Elisabeth Hasselbeck supports legalized abortion
How disappointing, from an August 17 article posted at Fancast.com:
Interviewer: What are some common misperceptions about you?
Hasselbeck: Oh, gosh, there are so many…. [Also] I am not ultra-ultra-conservative on every issue. I actually support gay marriage.
Interviewer: That may be an opinion that would surprise people.
Hasselbeck: I think the gay marriage thing would definitely surprise people…. I am a person that does believe that life begins at conception, but I also don’t believe that the government should tell women what to do with their bodies. So I’m torn there in terms of supporting laws [for or against abortion]. I always say I would rather change a heart than a law. I think it has to start there. Always trying to mandate, mandate, mandate this or that is not the way that I believe this country should run.
No, you can’t have it both ways, Elisabeth. You can’t be “personally pro-life” but support legalized abortion.
I’m glad Hasselbeck agrees with basic science – Biology 101 – that life begins at conception. Thus, aborting that life is nothing other than murder.
Does Hasselbeck agree that 2-yr-olds are living humans – but she doesn’t want to interfere with another’s right to kill them? This is no different.
Too bad.
I also found this quote weird, if not disturbing…
Interviewer: … [L]et’s talk about President Obama. [The president’s July 29 appearance] was the highest-rated show in the history of The View. And you were praised, at least by some, for your assertive questioning…. Does Barack Obama give off such an air confidence that he puts an interviewer at ease?
Hasselbeck: The president is an incredibly cool guy. We were able to go backstage with him [after the show] in our Green Room and talk about how everything seemed pretty orderly with him there and how comfortable everyone was. And there was definitely a moment – I mean, he and I looked at each other, and I remember him answering my question and I could see the intensity in his eyes. He wasn’t just answering me, he was sending through me a message to the American people that felt special.
I’m sorry to say these 2 quotes by Hasselbeck are indicative to me of an intellectually weak mind. I don’t like saying that about another woman. But being starstruck and persuaded by a gaze? C’mon.
[HT: Huffington Post; both photos via ABC]

” So I’m torn…”
No, that would be the unborn whose destruction you support.
I have never been overly impressed with Elizabeth’s intellectual capacity and let’s just say the above quotes solidify that. But Heaven forbid the View would actually get a woman who can strongly articulate conservative principles. This is probably the best we are going to get with the View. Sad, when there are so many talented conservative women out there who could hold their own with the rest of the women on the show.
Someone oughta forward her the latest Stand True blog….
I always figured she was a pro-abort supporter of gay marriage – why else would she be on The View? Shame on you, Elisabeth…
I host a pro-life talk show called Life Report, and we covered a recent discussion had on “The View” about an ultrasound bill where Hasselbeck said the same things. If you want to know how to respond to those kinds of statements, this might be helpful:
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=2C94FA7BF3199A76
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=0B122209767E4004
So disappointing. How can she possibly believe life begins at conception, but think it’s a women’s right to choose? And the “mandate, mandate, mandate” argument is weak, as well. Murder has always been illegal. It was Roe vs. Wade that created the “mandate.” The “I think a woman should be able to do whatever she wants to with her body” argument drives me crazy. If that is the case, then what’s wrong with prostitution? *sigh* I’m truly disappointed.
This is why celebrity culture is dangerous. Dangerous to listen to, dangerous to be in. I would not at all be surprised if Elisabeth did not always think this way.
Hasselbeck is a mindless twit who is on a show that no decent person watches or cares for. She’s a hanger-on because if she wasn’t on that turd of a show then she would have nothing and would be stuck at home raising her family. Let’s hope she gets the ax soon for the good of her family.
Simply Put: Were she a REAL CONSERVATIVE, she would NOT be allowed to co-host that show. http://www.FreeTheND88.org
well…this is why i don’t have tv…whoopee goldberg is the most disgusting woman i have EVER encountered…she is the lowest of the low, using body part references to criticize President Bush…I give no credit to any show or movie that features that horribly distasteful woman and I’m not surprised that her co-host is an idiot also.
She has been brainwashed by her peers. Pray for her soul.
Unless by “cool” Elisabeth means “distant, detached, apathetic,” Obama is not an incredibly cool guy.
The “I think a woman should be able to do whatever she wants to with her body” argument drives me crazy. If that is the case, then what’s wrong with prostitution?
Exactly. There are all sorts of things people can’t legally do with their bodies – use them for prostitution, inject heroin into them, use them to beat up someone else, expose them in public. No one has ever been able to do whatever – whatever – they want with their body.
She beat out Rachel Campos-Duffy for the spot on the View, who is way more conservative on these issues that Elizabeth is. Coincidence? God forbid they actually have a conservative voice on the View.
“I don’t believe the government should tell women what to do with their bodies”…uh…Elisabeth..a pre-born baby is a SEPARATE body from his/her mother. Abortion is not telling a woman “what to do with her body”, abortion is telling someone(the mother) what NOT to do with somebody ELSE’S body(the baby)
Not every conservative is prolife, sad but true. Her feelings about abortion are no different than a lot of the proaborts we talk to every day. They know life begins a conception, and they know that life is human. Over the years of the women’s lib movement, those women lost respect for what is truly one of God’s greatest miracles, the unborn. How do we get these women to once again respect the unborn?
She is a media personality. Media personalities make their living and feel important by being popular. It is quite difficult to gain popularity by taking principled stances especially when they are contrary to the media culture’s principles. Welcome to the idiocy of pop culture.
Well, that explains why they let her be on the show. How disappointing. I thought she was really a conservative.
Elisabeth is a sad representation of conservatism. She can rarely articulate her position because she is trying to play both sides. I can’t stand watching these mud hens argue and talk over one another so I haven’t watched the “View” for years, but I do remember Elisabeth being more conservative way back when and feeling more comfortable with a conservative positionl. I do think she has been brainwashed. I am sure there are somewhere tapes on file of her adamently arguing against abortion.
Obama “cool”? How cool will she think he is when her income taxes sky rocket in 2011?
Oh and what “message was he trying to give to the American people through her?
Please. She might as well have said he sends a tingle up her leg.
Did anyone else ever read the “Left Behind” books? I know its fiction but Elisabeth’s statement about him “gazing” into her eyes and sending her a message reminded me of the parts in the Left Behind books where Carpathia, who was the anti-Christ in the series, would brainwash people by gazing into their eyes and it would hypnotize them into doing what he said.
I AM NOT saying Obama is the anti-Christ, so don’t jump on that you libbers. I am just saying that maybe he hypnotizes people a little. What kind of mind games are going on here?
Sydney – my sister HATED Bill Clinton, but got to meet him one time, and was pretty in awe. The President is a pretty important person, and even if you don’t agree with them, I’m guessing that meeting one would be pretty cool.
In regards to the topic at hand – clear evidence of why the majority of people are “pro-life”, but when it has come to a vote, things aren’t in line with the polling numbers.
“I mean, he and I looked at each other, and I remember him answering my question and I could see the intensity in his eyes. He wasn’t just answering me, he was sending through me a message to the American people that felt special.”
Geeze Elizabeth, what else went on in the green room?
While ms Hasslebeck has demonstrated both the will and the ability to defend and advance her position(s) against the primarilly emotionally driven opinions or her liberal colleagues on ‘The View’, she has never been a stanard bearer for conservative principles.
Hasslebeck has alway been in the minority on this gabfest and she has seldom received any support from any of the other paricipants.
The addition of somone like a Michelle Malkin, Laura Ingram, Phyllis Schafly or Ann Coulter would more than even things out in terms of firepower if not in numbers.
The make up of the shows participants reflects what liberal/progressive/humanists
‘want’ to believe America to looks like. Obviously what liberals ‘want’ and reality are separated by a great almost unbridgable gulf.
The recent election in the left coast state of California on the topic of same sex unions being the equivalent of heterosexual marriage is a reliable indicator of just how far out of touch liberals are with mainstream americans.
From Wikipedia:
What happened??
Sydney M August 24th, 2010 at 7:18 pm
…”I AM NOT saying Obama is the anti-Christ,”…
Please allow me.
b o is not THE anit-christ, but b o is an anti-christ.
I will give two witnesses from the ‘book’.
1 John 2:18-22 18 Boys (lads), it is the last time (hour, the end of this age). And as you have heard that the antichrist [he who will oppose Christ in the guise of Christ] is coming, even now many antichrists have arisen, which confirms our belief that it is the final (the end) time.
22 Who is [such a] liar as he who denies that Jesus is the Christ (the Messiah)? He is the antichrist (the antagonist of Christ), who [habitually] denies and refuses to acknowledge the Father and the Son. AMP
1 Cor 5:11 But now I write to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of [Christian] brother if he is known to be guilty of immorality or greed, or is an idolater [whose soul is devoted to any object that usurps the place of God], or is a person with a foul tongue [railing, abusing, reviling, slandering], or is a drunkard or a swindler or a robber. [No] you must not so much as eat with such a person. AMP
Jasper August 24th, 2010 at 8:02 pm
“I mean, he and I looked at each other, and I remember him answering my question and I could see the intensity in his eyes. He wasn’t just answering me, he was sending through me a message to the American people that felt special.”
Geeze Elizabeth, what else went on in the green room?
Assuming your quetion was not rhetorical.
This would be my best guess:
2 Tim 3:5-7 5 For [although] they hold a form of piety (true religion), they deny and reject and are strangers to the power of it [their conduct belies the genuineness of their profession]. Avoid [all] such people [turn away from them].
6 For among them are those who worm their way into homes and captivate silly and weak-natured and spiritually dwarfed women, loaded down with [the burden of their] sins [and easily] swayed and led away by various evil desires and seductive impulses.
7[These weak women will listen to anybody who will teach them]; they are forever inquiring and getting information, but are never able to arrive at a recognition and knowledge of the Truth. AMP
A wise man whom I know and respect made this observation.
‘Authority is seductive and it seduces.’
Yes, the View would never hire Rachel Campos-Duffy to host – heaven forbid they get an intelligent conservative on that show, or anyone who is intelligent for that matter.
I am amazed that it is still on TV. I would rather watch the Yule Log year round.
Ex-GOP Voter August 24th, 2010 at 7:50 pm
“Sydney – my sister HATED Bill Clinton, but got to meet him one time, and was pretty in awe.”
I hope she had the good sense to wash her hands thoroughly before she handled any food.
I’m personally against kicking a puppy in the face. But who am I to tell someone what to do with their pet?
Wow. Very disappointing. Elisabeth is certainly not a conservative. I can’t stand The View anyways.
Hey Bethany,
Great quote from Wikipedia.
It illustrates how we Christians need to “guard our hearts with all diligence” (Pr 4.23) lest we be “hardened through the deceitfulness of sin” (He 3.13)
Elizabeth has allowed the influence of the world, the spirit of this age to pollute her once Pro-life mind.
Jesus taught that the Parable of the Sower was the most important parable and held keys to understanding all the parables.
In it, we see different types of ground or conditions of the heart that cause the Word, God’s Counsel, to either bear fruit, or become choked out or stolen away.
She obviously needs a good Christian godly friend to remind her of the sanctity of human life and get her thinking straight. If we would pray for her, God could start a revival in her and give her boldness and wisdom to confront the Godless garbage that spews from the mouths of those women.
Let’s pray,
Heavenly Father, we ask you to meet Elizabeth at the point of her need. Send someone with Your wisdom and counsel to show her how she has fallen away from Your Holiness. You are a Holy God and You command us to be holy like You. You have a divine destiny, a plan and a purpose for every child conceived in the womb. Remind Elizabeth of that truth. Set Elizabeth on fire for You Lord. Stir up Your Love in her heart for all unborn children. May she zealously fight and use the platform you’ve given her to confront the spirit of this age, the spirit of genocide against innocent preborn children. Give the same heart to her husband and may they wage war together against the forces of darkness.
In Jesus Name, amen.
bro ken:
Great points. I especially like your line-up of potential candidates that could really stand their ground on the show. The fact that the show’s producers elected not to have a Malkin or an Ingram or a Coulter on the panel speaks volumes about their intent. They had to have a token “conservative” to provide a veneer of balance and that explains the lightweight Hasselbek.
Come to think of it had the show’s producers selected one the aforementioned ladies the show could have quickly become like a Jerry Springer episode. But back to a more serious note: what is it with these “conservative” icons that are falling prey to the homosexual “marriage” thing? What is this grip that perversion has on our intelligentsia?
PeT ~ P
People for the ethical treatment of people!
Elizabeth, please get a clue!
I was duped into thinking Elisabeth was a real conservative. Now we all know the truth.
Maybe ms Hasslebeck was just jerking the journalists chains. [And by extension, ours.]
Jerry August 24th, 2010 at 10:57 pm
1. “Come to think of it had the show’s producers selected one the aforementioned ladies the show could have quickly become like a Jerry Springer episode.”
2. “But back to a more serious note: what is it with these “conservative” icons that are falling prey to the homosexual “marriage” thing? What is this grip that perversion has on our intelligentsia?”
1. Rosie was the ‘Jerry Springer’ factor, but she just could not get over her infatuation with her own sexual orientation and ms Hasslebecks tepid resistance to things ‘liberal/humanist.
2. When you reject the concept of a ‘subjective standard’ by which to measure human behavior, as most of ‘intelligentsia’ has then there is no barrier to restrain/constrain them.
“We all want progress, but if you’re on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive.”
C. S. Lewis
“Whenever you find a man [woman] who says he doesn’t believe in a real Right and Wrong, you will find the same man [woman] going back on this a moment later.”C. S. Lewis
“A great many of those who ‘debunk’ traditional…values have in the background values of their own which they believe to be immune from the debunking process.”
C. S. Lewis
“Wherever any precept of traditional morality is simply challenged to produce its credentials, as though the burden of proof lay on it, we have taken the wrong position.”
C. S. Lewis
I have heard Elizabeth say those things. I think she has sat on the couch too long with the other women. Maybe this goes to show that it does matter who you spend your time with.
Fiscal conservatism basically means you are simply looking out for number one and screw the rest of the planet. Many of her ilk love abortion and contraception because it is “less they have to pay for”.
Her attitude is as tired and sad as the liberals which surround her. She is yet another selfish and rather drafty American.
Moving on.
perdoname, ooops.
Should have read:
2. When you reject the concept of an ‘objective standard’ by which to measure human behavior, as most of ‘intelligentsia’ has, then there is no barrier to restrain/constrain them.
Bruce August 25th, 2010 at 9:28 am
“Fiscal conservatism basically means you are simply looking out for number one and screw the rest of the planet.”
Conservatism means you, or by extension your government, does not have a ‘right’ to use my money to salve your conscience and/or insult mine.
I reserve the right to choose for myself how ‘my’ wealth will be invested.
You are equally free to invest ‘your’ wealth as you see fit.
It is called freedom.
Hasselback is a manipulator’s dream. Just say it often enough and she will eventually cave. If the media didn’t constantly harp and promote gay issues, they would never even occur to most people because they don’t affect most people. In fact, many gay issues don’t even impact most gays.
Great posts Yor Bro Ken. I think you are right. Maybe she will have a change of heart again and realize her error…. I used to respect her for the fact that she so boldly stated her convictions, even as the other liberal women tore her apart. I knew it probably couldn’t be easy with such a left leaning audience who booed her too. I thought her convictions were stronger. I have only watched clips from youtube, never have actually watched the whole show, so maybe I missed other things she’s said that would have been indicative that she is not really a true conservative, but from what I had seen, I was sure she was.
What, me worry?
That’s why it’s called “The View” and not “The Views”. It’s Barbara Walters’ show. BW is a LIBERAL, so the only “view” that counts on the show is a LIBERAL one. Elisabeth H. Is the “token conservative” on the show because they figure they HAVE to have a “Conservative” on the show so they don’t appear biased (which they do anyway). So they figure “Let’s get the most INEPT, “doofus” we can pass off as ‘conservative’ so we can attract MORE viewers. Guess Elisabeth fit the bill. She strikes me as someone who is easily swayed/influenced. No….I don’t watch the show. I only know what I’ve seen when OTHER shows talk about it, and when I see E.H. interviewed. I don’t WANT to watch it. I can’t stand any of those women.
Can’t say how disappointed in her rhetoric! If she understands that life begins at conception, she could not support the idea it’s okay to kill a baby in the womb! This is one un-educated woman or else one incredibly weak woman! I’m not sure which… I no longer hold ANY respect for her! Got to admit, I never watch the view anyway! She does not represent conservative beliefs…she’s a liberal! Period!
Does anybody ever watch this show? Most of the women I know are working moms (in or outside the home)!
I’ve never seen the show, but good to see she’s not as one dimensional as people think.
(*sigh*) Hal, your troll studies seem to be progressing nicely; your troll diploma (and complementary boots) will be in the mail shortly, I’m sure.
Are you *aware* of the fact that you toss out “troll-bits” whose only purpose seem to be to insult and inflame? In one brief “drive-by”, you painted all conservatives as “1-dimensional”… and liberals as “not 1-dimensional”. Wow. Your flames burn efficiently; I’ll say that for you.
Paladin, Some times I just can’t help myself. However, you’ll have to admit that some people around here assume that pro -choicers are unintelligent, immoral, or worse.
Well… that’s true, but–with all due respect–the abortion-tolerant position (euphemistically known as “pro-choice”–as if those who want to prevent the killing of unborn children also want to deny those mothers the right to choose their favourite flavour of ice-cream) is flatly illogical, and it leads its adherents into the most amazing mental contortions, mental partitions (where one side of their mind apparently doesn’t talk to other parts), and inconsistencies which would lead any sensible person to doubt their intelligence, their ethics, or their sanity. In other words: the abortion-tolerant contributors have, almost without exception, given good reason for others to challenge at least their ability to think critically and/or care about crimes being committed against the innocent.
Quick example: “If you don’t like abortion, don’t get one.” This is either insane or monstrous; the same argument would defend rape, genocide, and most other evils of the world. When I see that type of argument, I first assume that the person is being foolish and ignorant, and unwilling to think critically (and quite probably they’re mindlessly “parroting” what they heard someone else say); only later, if I’m proven wrong on those hypotheses, do I start to entertain doubts about their morality or sanity. What else are we to think of someone who says such things with a straight face?
Paladin, it’s your fault that I think we should have a “like” button for comments around here… :D
Kel, I was thinking the same thing! lol
Stop that! Blushes make me look sunburned! :P
Hal August 26th, 2010 at 2:58 pm
…”some people around here assume that pro -choicers are unintelligent, immoral, or worse.”
Never said you were unintelligent.
Quite the contrary. Just wondered how someone who was intelligent enough to successfully complete law school could reach the conclusions you do.
Obama successfully completed law school too. And even taught at one. Lots of people smarter and more educated than me are pro choice. And vice versa too, I’m sure.
I believe you are making my case for me.
Refusing to acknowledge the humanity and personhood of prenatal humans is only one example of emotionally based opinions masquerading as conclusions.
I have not had the benefit of corresponding with b o.
His conversation with America has been pretty much a monologue.
Based on our conversations and your comments to others, I do not belive you are deliberatey deceptive or dishonest.
You honestly believe what you believe.
[I am not sure b o even knows what he believes.]
b o’s education is a mystery. We don’t really know if he ‘successfully’ completed law school. All we know is he attended law school at Harvard, at least that is what we have been told by b o and the info czars.
b o’s records have been sealed away in algore’s ’lock box’ with b o’s certificate of live birth, the missing Nixon tapes, Jimmy Hoffa’s body and who really shot JFK.
Great one liner from comediene Bonnie Mc Farlane:
“I don’t know why I try to talk about politics publicly when I have no idea what I am talking about. I feel like I should be auditioning for ‘The View’.”
Ken, you don’t know anything about me either. I have disclosed less of my records to the public than the President has.
anyway, what if we do acknowledge the humanity and personhood of unborn humans? How does that change anything? You don’t have to answer, as I won’t be around the next few days to engage in a healthy debate. Perhaps we’ll have a beer one day and you’ll convince me that abortion should be banned. And perhaps I’ll convince you gay Americans deserve full civil rights.
Hal wrote, in reply to Ken:
And perhaps I’ll convince you gay Americans deserve full civil rights.
What makes you think that Ken needs to be “convinced” of that, and that he doesn’t believe that already?
“However, you’ll have to admit that some people around here assume that pro -choicers are unintelligent, immoral, or worse.”
Hey Hal, I don’t think you (or other anti-lifers on the whole) are unintelligent. In fact, you are WAY more intelligent than myself and probably somewhat more intelligent than a few of the regular posters here.
However, most serial killers are usually intelligent as well, having IQS in the normal to bright ranges. The killers who don’t get caught more than likely fall in the upper bright ranges.
Just because the bright light is on, doesn’t mean someone is home.