Senator says Golden Rule is why he voted for PBA Kagan
Supposedly pro-life SC Sen. Lindsey Graham was 1 of 5 Republicans who voted to confirm Elena Kagan to the US Supreme Court. (The others being Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of ME, Judd Gregg of NH, and Richard Lugar of IN.)
In so doing, CNS News reported August 6 Graham invoked Jesus Christ and the Golden Rule…
As CNS reminded readers:
As an associate counsel in the Clinton White House, Kagan was an architect of the legal and political strategy… [he] used in vetoing the ban on partial-birth abortion. Her nomination by President Barack Obama in May was instantly endorsed by Planned Parenthood….
Sen. Graham said he expected [Kagan] to follow a voting pattern “similar” to Justice John Paul Stevens whom she will replace. In his more than 3 decades on the court, Justice Stevens persistently backed the position that there is a constitutional right to abortion.
So given his whacked out logic, I expect Graham would have opposed Jesus turning over the tables of the money changers, who He said had turned His Father’s house into a “den of thieves.”
After all, using Graham’s interpretation of the Golden Rule, what merchant would want his or her wares and cash box strewn?
In fact, by voting to confirm Kagan, Graham has further helped the United States’ den of preb0rn murderers.

What a mealy-mouthed, scared little man.
Well then, let’s do away with any and all confirmation hearings. Just rubberstamp every pick by the executive branch.
Wow, what an idiot!
How in the world did this coward get elected to office?
Someone should ask him if the Framers of the Constitution intended him, as the representative of the good people of South Carolina, to vote the will of his constituents.
In fact, while our government does not officially recognize the thousands of preborn babies killed every year in South Carolina as Graham’s constituents, Heaven certainly does.
By using your authority as a United States Senator to help confirm a known supporter of child killing to the SCOTUS, you are an accessory to her crimes of mutilation and murder against preborn children.
There is blood on your hands Senator.
Wake up, man up, and repent.
If you’re going to name the name of Christ, you must use your authority and influence to defend the weak and innocent that are being slaughtered in your state and across the nation.
Otherwise it will not go well for you on the Day of Judgment.
Wow, what an idiot!
How in the world did this coward get elected to office?
Someone should ask him if the Framers of the Constitution intended him, as the representative of the good people of South Carolina, to vote the will of his constituents.
In fact, while our government does not officially recognize the thousands of preborn babies killed every year in South Carolina as Graham’s constituents, Heaven certainly does.
By using your authority as a United States Senator to help confirm a known supporter of child killing to the SCOTUS, you are an accessory to her crimes of mutilation and murder against preborn children.
There is blood on your hands Senator.
Wake up, man up, and repent.
If you’re going to name the name of Christ, you are required to use your authority and influence to defend the weak and innocent that are being slaughtered in your state and across the nation.
One Day, you will have to give an account of your actions. Your eternal destiny hangs in the balance.
Tried to edit the above post and it did not replace the 1st post but added the second post. Probably my error.
“Criticize ideas, not people.”
“What a mealy-mouthed, scared little man.”
“Wow, what an idiot!”
I’m glad that I’m registered to vote in South Carolina so that I can help vote him out of office next term!
By their fruits shall ye know them.