Abortion clinic director charged with false bomb scare
Sunday extra from the Associated Press, September 4…
The former director of an Oklahoma abortion clinic has been charged with making false or misleading statements after telling police she’d found a bomb at the facility, according to federal court documents.
Investigators said Linda Meek reported on Aug. 13 that a bomb had been placed in a trash can at Reproductive Services of Tulsa, according to documents filed Wednesday in US District Court in Tulsa. The clinic, which was bombed twice in 1997, and an adjacent building were evacuated, but a bomb technician determined that a suspicious box in the trash can was not an explosive.
Meek, who left her position with the clinic after the incident, is charged with conveying false or misleading information, according to the documents. Meek, 63, is scheduled to make an initial court appearance in federal court on Thursday. She faces up to 5 years in prison if convicted.
Some pro-life advocates said they believe Meek may have been trying to mislead authorities and the media, to portray abortion opponents as violent fanatics who will stop at nothing to end the practice.
Republican state Rep. Mike Ritze, who supports pro-life legislation, said the bomb scare is part of a growing trend among abortion activists to represent opponents as violent and dangerous in order to divert public scrutiny from themselves.
“Either she did it maliciously to harm the opposition or is trying to draw attention away from the abortion industry,” said Ritze, a family practice physician….
[HT: LiveActionFilms on Twitter]
“Republican state Rep. Mike Ritze, who supports pro-life legislation, said the bomb scare is part of a growing trend among abortion activists to represent opponents as violent and dangerous in order to divert public scrutiny from themselves.”
We have noticed now for some time how aggressive the pro-aborts in blogs, letters to the editors, and especially in the MSM, have become in their libelous denunciations of pro-lifers. It is I suppose an act of desperation in that they see their position as increasingly losing ground. They create straw men and characterizations of pro-lifers as all supportive of “anti-choice” violence and then proceed to paint with broad strokes suggesting that all pro-lifers are tainted because of the acts of a few criminals.
The pathetic act of the former director of the clinic, if determined to be true, is an example how these people try to play upon the sympathies of an unsuspecting public.
(Thought better of my first comment.) Pray for the people who work in abortion facilities.
Oh Biiiiiggzzzz! Where are you Biggz? Care to comment on how your FBI pro-life stalking friends feel about this article? I mean, its just shocking that pro-aborts need to FAKE bomb threats right? I mean, we pro-lifers are so violent we do it daily on our own don’t we?
Not a surprize that those who murder the innocent unborn would lie just like their father, “the father of lies”. Their father, Satan, “Comes to steal, kill and destroy” but Jesus said “I am come to give you LIFE and that more abundantly”. He also said “By your fruit, ye shall know them”. You can judge a tree by the fruit it bears. The fruit of mutilating and murdering the unborn: lies, deceit, greed, false accusations against prolifers, promotion of promiscuity and perversion (remember the Take Care Down There videos by PP promoting threesomes and much more), then the ultimate sickness, the taking of innocent life in the mother’s womb. The mother’s uterus which should be the most safe, protected, loving, nurturing place on this earth (did you ever notice that the uterus is shaped like a pear, a fruit) becomes a torture and death chamber for her baby, who is sacrified on the altar of “choice”. The most awesome miracle of producing life, a beautiful newborn, becomes a despised event, the “unwanted oops” baby, a “parasite” for a woman to dispose of, (unless she happens to want him/her). Meaningless sex with disposable, meaningless partners leads to disposable babies thrown out in the garbage of medical waste containers. What was meant to be the awesome, loving ”marriage”, of a husband and wife, uniting to express their love for each other has become a game of selfish, lust and using one another with a possible baby a pawn. May God forgive and help us.
Sorry, mods for the long post but I just felt I had to vent today.
Wait long enough and one of them will find a way to blame this on pro-lifers.
Illegal abortions are our fault, because we help keep abortion illegal in places where the government realizes it is child murder.
Legal abortions are our fault, because we oppose so-called contraceptive pills that are abortions in disguise. So when a woman has (voluntary!) unprotected sex and can’t get her morning-after abortion, it’s our fault that she “needs” Mifeprex or a surgical abortion later on. She didn’t want to be pregnant, and it’s our fault she was irresponsible and either didn’t have sex or didn’t use a barrier method.
Legal but clandestine abortions are our fault, because we refuse to allow young women to get invasive surgery without parental permission. And when a young woman like Becky Bell dies, who never even had an abortion, they are allowed to lie and say she did because it helps her grieving parents to blame innocent people, and launch a crusade in her memory. Instead of recognizing her tragic death was really caused by something they can’t argue with, pneumonia, they want it to be caused by someone they *can* argue with, pro-lifers.
It’s our fault when women die in abortions, legal or otherwise, because our opposition to abortion keeps it from being treated like any other medical procedure. (It can’t possibly be treated differently because abortion is actually the murder of a human being and a crime against the woman-and NOT a medical treatment.) Yes, abortion would be perfectly ‘safe’ if only we would stop our horrendous, backwards opposition to murdering children. It has nothing to do with the fact that it is inherently unsafe (since a successful one ends in murder) or the fact that it violates a woman’s body and her dignity whether she agrees to it or not.
It’s our fault when incompetent doctors perform abortions, because opposition to abortion makes most competent doctors fearful of performing them. Even though abortion-related violence is rare. If so many doctors were so devoted to women’s health, they wouldn’t be afraid of the violence, they would provide it no matter the consequences. The truth is that they hardly ever receive any consequences at all, at least in this life. It would help if they were thrown in prison, sentenced for one count of murder and one of assault for every single abortion performed or assisted. Spending their lives in prison, they would have to face what they have done and have the chance to repent. Mostly, all they get is a horrendously burdened conscience, but they will not tolerate any prophet standing there to tell them why.
(That burden is also our fault, for turning most of the world’s religions against them, too. We are forcing them to reinvent new versions of those religions, versions that will allow them to ignore whatever their god or prophet was supposed to have said against murdering babies).
So, I’m sure it’s also our fault that this crazy person planted a hoax device. Obviously, she is just so devoted to the cause of freeing women from the the horrible constraints of pregnancy, that she was forced to resort to this to draw attention to the evils of the anti-choicers. Anti-choicers, of course, are such dangerous terrorists that she couldn’t even afford to wait for them to plant a device themselves. Thirteen years is such a short period of time.
So, of course, this hoax is the fault of every single pro-life individual on the planet.
Oh, how do we sleep at night, with our many nefarious deeds committed in the cause of preserving life and dignity for women and children everywhere?
Hi Sydney M
This is as laughable as that bunch in Mississippi howling about “threats” from PL people and how they needed money for lawyers to protect their only clinic in the entire state from PL people. Don’t you hire security firms for that? They’re a lot cheaper. I see them advertised on TV all the time so I’m sure they could find one.
Some “terrorist” was in their lobby and the police didn’t drop everything and race to the clinic! If you’re in such danger keep your doors locked and only admit patients with appointments, dingbats. The police didn’t arrest this “terrorist”! Probably because he/she left peacefully when asked to do so by the police and posed no threat to anyone. I’m sure the police were happy to be spared the paperwork.
Talk about theatrics.
Hi Clarice,
An outstanding post with many excellent points. Thank you.
I know an ex-abortion clinic nurse and an ex-security guard for an abortion clinic (two different clinics in different states) and they tells the story the clinic employees would “set-up” the Prolifers and call the police on a regular basis.
Yes, ann marie sounds like a plan based on LIES to me. Keep the prayers coming prolifers for the lawsuit from Thomas More Society regarding the lies PP put in the Aurora IL newspapers with pictures of burned down aborturaries accusing prolifers of being “violent”. They specialize in lying, it is a strategy from the pit of hell.
I wonder if this wasn’t a hoax, though, and she really thought there was a bomb? As Jerry observed, the abortion apologists have been telling a lot of ghost stories, lately. Maybe they’ve started believing their own lies. It reminds me of Uncle Andrew in The Magician’s Nephew who was so scared of everything in Narnia that he convinced himself that the perfectly peaceful creatures he encountered were actually threatening.
In a weird way, I kind of hope this woman is as malicious as she would need to be for this to be a hoax. The alternative is so much sadder.
Great post Clarice!
What’s the story behind the 1997 bombings? I have no doubt that some proaborts go to extremes and set innocent prolifers up for incidents they had nothing to do with.
Hi Praxedes,
There was also the PP claim that after an undercover operation at a PP clinic an innocent family and their minor daughter were visited by the police. How embarassing for the daughter and her parents. I pressed the posters making this claim for the source. Was it a police report, a police log, police spokesperson, newspaper, family lawyer, who? A police report was produced but it indicated the police took no further action after the visiting the clinic. It sounds like the police determined it was a false address, and likely a false name, so there was little else they could do. OK, so what’s the source? Turns out the “source” was Planned Parenthood who made this claim without saying who their source was. Put simply, it sounds like they made it up.
Hi Clarice,
Also, unsafe abortion clinic conditions are our fault since money must be spent defending themselves physically and legally from PL people.
There’s an abortion doctor shortage because PL people harass and terrorize abortion providers. Never mind that medical personnel take far greater risks in some of our nation’s emergency rooms and trauma centers and there seems to be no major shortage in these area.
I actually read in a news magazine that PL clinic demonstrators are likely responsible for abortion complications! It certainly can’t be the fault of the clinic personnel.
Great post, Clarice.
But didn’t we also kill the dinosaurs, or was that Bush?
The clinic, which was bombed twice in 1997, and an adjacent building were evacuated, but a bomb technician determined that a suspicious box in the trash can was not an explosive.
Yea I can’t believe a 63 year old woman would be a little nervous about a strange package in the trash when that clinic had ALREADY BEEN BOMBED TWICE!!!! There is no way they will get those charges to stick to anything since she has already lived through 2 BOMBINGS at this location… These charges are an attempt to recover city funds spent on a false alarm. Had the building not already been BOMBED TWICE by “Pro-Lifers” maybe she wouldn’t have been as nervous at 63 years of age…
By all means do go on telling everyone about the Pro-Choice violence you must cope with….
Do you know who specifically bombed the clinic in 1997? Do you know their names?
I’m old enough to distinctly remember the dinosaurs being wiped out by an asteroid.
Um it say’s so right in the article at the top of this page that this clinic was bombed twice before… I am quoting the article this thread is about. Do you not read what the thread is about before you put in your 2 cents? Let me quote it for you again…
Investigators said Linda Meek reported on Aug. 13 that a bomb had been placed in a trash can at Reproductive Services of Tulsa, according to documents filed Wednesday in US District Court in Tulsa. The clinic, which was bombed twice in 1997, and an adjacent building were evacuated, but a bomb technician determined that a suspicious box in the trash can was not an explosive.
So how many CPC’s have been bombed?
OIC you mean can I confirm it was a Prolifer who bombed them twice? No I am sure it was a Boy Scout Troop… So, how many CPC’s have been bombed by Boy Scouts then?
Biggz, Maybe you didn’t hear Mary’s question so I’ll say it a little louder.
Do you know who specifically bombed the clinic in 1997? Do you know their names?