Homosexual and AIDS activists heckled President Obama during a Democrat fundraiser in New York on Sept. 22, complaining about the military’s “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy and inadequate AIDS funding.

Obama responded that his administration had increased AIDS funding and offensively added, “The people [who] will potentially take over if we don’t focus on the election, I promise you, will cut AIDS funding,” as if that really would happen, as if Republicans really want those afflicted with AIDS to die. Obama’s comment was no different than one made by boorish Democrat Rep. Alan Grayson, who accused Republicans opposing Obamacare of wanting sick people to “die quickly.”

Here’s video of the heckling and remark…

In fact, worldwide AIDS funding increased dramatically under President Bush…. And Obama flatlined that funding.

But I digress. The point is that we know the most prevalent cause of AIDS in the U.S. is men having sex with men. The Centers for Disease Control has just released tragic new statistics

The fact is, men having sex with men is bad for their health. The prevalence of AIDS is just one indicator.

Likewise, promiscuous heterosexual sex is bad for one’s health, leading to a prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases – some incurable, like herpes; some incurable and deadly, like AIDS – unwanted pregnancies and infertility, to name just three physical consequences.

But where are the health warnings?…

Continue reading my column today, “Sex and consequences: Link between pro-gay and pro-abortion agendas,” at WorldNetDaily.com.

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