Democrats slur women, get NOW endorsements
For the National Organization for Women “endorsement” is a 5-letter word.
CA’s democratic gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown received NOW’s endorsement literally within hours after the release of an audiotape in which he and his campaign advisers referred to Meg Whitman, his Republican opponent, as a “whore.”
Mind you, Whitman is a pro-abort.
CA NOW President Patty Bellasalma gave this ringing endorsement:
As Governor, Mayor, and Attorney General, Jerry Brown has promoted and defended women’s rights…. We have every confidence that he will do the same as CA’s next governor.
Recall FL Rep. Alan Grayson and his similar choice words for Linda Robertson, an advisor to FED Chairman Ben Bernanke:
In appreciation, FL NOW gives the “atta boy!” to the honorable Grayson:
He’s 100% on women’s issues,” Donna Slutiak, president of the FL chapter of the group, said of Grayson. “He’s never let us down yet.”
That endorsement should come in handy, since the Cook Political Report recently switched Grayson’s district from “Toss Up” to “Lean Republican”.
Reaction to NOW’s blatant hypocrisy has been swift and sharp.
From Carol Platt Liebau at Townhall:
There’s plenty of irony in all this. Given NOW’s obvious (and repeated) willingness to sell women out in the service of big government and abortion, who here is really what Meg Whitman was accused of being?
Lori Ziganto adds:
Jerry Brown isn’t alone. And it isn’t just coming from men.
Alleged feminists are some of the worst offenders, spewing sexist and outright misogynistic garbage at conservative women. Because, abortion. They have grossly tied up equality and “women’s rights” with a legal ability to kill your unborn children. Killing the unborn is a cause to them and women who dare to challenge them by pointing out the vile nature of such a thing must be gender traitors or dehumanized in any way possible.
Law professor Ann Althouse, however, sees it as much ado about nothing:
This fuss is phony. The only way it has any substance is if you think there’s something especially wrong with using the standard rough language against a woman. If you think that, you don’t believe in the full equality of the sexes. And it would mean that women don’t belong in politics or wielding great power in the public sphere.
If we can’t criticize women the same way we criticize men, then we shouldn’t trust them with power.
[Whitman/Brown photo via]
Abortion changes you. It changes the national character as well.
Peggy Noonan has an interesting article which I think is very applicable to what we see happening with the pro-abortion US population.
While the article talks about the government “elites” - it’s just as applicable to those in power who refuse to see the destruction they bring upon people by promotion of abortion and the covering over of their own guilt.
If we can’t criticize women the same way we criticize men, then we shouldn’t trust them with power.
I think I missed the part where male politicians and candidates were commonly criticized as whores…
October 11th, 2010 at 1:44 pm
This, exactly. When we criticize men in politics we criticize them for being idiots, or greedy, or corrupt, or short-sighted, or cruel. We call them morons and dictators and all kinds of names and slurs that are all targeted at their intelligence or professional skill. But with women, it’s “whores,” or “Sarah Palin put her family in the spotlight” or whattheheckever. It drives me so crazy.
I missed that too Marauder.
In case anyone else missed it:
Jerry Brown and his campaign advisors are a bunch of whores.
Oh and I hope you don’t believe anything Prof. Althouse says because everyone knows what a slut she is.
Big surprise here. We only heard a deafening silence from NOW when their boy Bill Clinton was accused of everything from exposing himself to rape. NOW was silent when Clinton’s accusers were reviled as trailer trash, bimbos, liars, obsessed with Clinton, and psychotics.
Feminists twisted themselves in knots to explain their silence over the antics of Bill Clinton, as if the public was too stupid to see the truth of their double standard and political agenda.
So, the dear ladies of NOW strike again. Let’s just hope they will eventually realize, as has the American public, how insignificant they really are. The NOW gang ranks right up there with that fossilized feminist Gloria Steinem and her “I had an abortion” t-shirt.
Has anyone heard male politicians called “pimps” or “tricks”?
Okay – went outside and raked some leaves – and thought about this post. The conclusion I’ve come to: Jerry Brown, NOW and the Democrats were actually calling Meg Whitman with a “term of endearment”.
At the top of this thread I said abortion changes you – and it really has changed the Democratic party and all those who see consequence-free sex as an overarching right. Effectively, there is no more shame – it’s with complete hubris these people continue to promote their destructive agenda, and it’s fast becoming apparent they want to race to the bottom.
Most have sold their souls for poiltical power, so the whole idea of whoredom is something they are not only familiar with, but also quite comfortable. Pathetic.
Brown didn’t call her that.
Read the article.
Jill, you’re being somewhat disingenuous.
As long as we’re talking “politics,” I found it more than amusing that Peter Diamond won the Nobel Prize for economics today.
Republicans have been holding up his confirmation for a seat on the Federal Reserve Board for months because they have “doubts” about his qualifications.
Since they now give out the award for powerpoint demonstrations and presidents with no track record of accomplishment, its about as valuable as the cheap trophies they give out at little league tournaments. No wait, that’s not fair, those little league ball players really earn it with the sweat of their little brows. So I guess that makes the nobel prize about as valuable as an old shoe. Bwa.ha.ha.ha.
Is this the same group of people who awarded Obama a Nobel Prize?
ninek and Mary,
One of my faves
Carla, I love that photo! Very amusing!
“Since they now give out the award for powerpoint demonstrations and presidents with no track record of accomplishment, its about as valuable as the cheap trophies they give out at little league tournaments.”
I think I can say, with a high degree of certainty, that they’ll be giving out Nobel Prizes far longer into the future than they’ll be giving out Susan B. Anthony Awards.
Just saying.
How funny. Thank you Carla. Does sum it up though.
mp – having children who continue to have children will outlast any peace prize.
mp, I can’t help but notice that you did not disagree with the fact that Obama didn’t deserve the prize, and neither did Al The Great Inventor of the Interwebs. Lol!
I’m sure at the next high school graduation ceremony I attend, I will hear an award given out for the Student with the Most Potential to Eventually Become Salutorian. We don’t want to single out real achievers because gosh, that would make the underachievers hurt. Gold stars for everyone since y’all showed up!
Oh, and while I’m cracking jokes, did you know scientists have finally agreed on why the dinosaurs became extinct? They joined NOW.
what, is everyone a comedian today! :-)
A light-hearted post from Cranium! Everybody dance!