Jivin J’s Life Links 10-21-10
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- Jodi Jacobson is calling Carly Fiorina a liar because Fiorina uses Barbara Boxer’s “when you bring the baby home” quote during the partial-birth abortion debates to describe Boxer’s position on abortion. You can watch it on YouTube.Jacobson also thinks Roe v. Wade “confers rights on [the] fetus at viability.” Um… wrong.
You’d think the editor-in-chief at RH Reality Check would at least know the basics of Roe, huh?
- British model Diane Tweedle was found dead on April 15, hanging from a hair dryer cord. An inquest into her death has found that she had an abortion a couple weeks before the suicide:One of several notes she left read: ‘I didn’t want to do it.’ The model’s boyfriend, Paul Dodd, told police she had an abortion 2 or 3 weeks earlier but was not “down about it.”
- At Public Discourse, John Finnis (pictured below left), a law professor at Oxford and Notre Dame, writes about the moral status of the unborn:All sorts of stages have been proposed for “becoming a person” or “acquiring moral status”: implantation… sentience, quickening, viability outside the womb, actual birth, actual birth unless it was an induced abortion, formation of desires… formation of self-consciousness, valuing your own existence – but these all cancel each other out…. [W]ith the talk of the threshold being desires, or self-consciousness, or conscious concern to stay alive, we are now deep, deep into infanticide territory with Peter Singer and Jeffrey Reiman.
- These are positions that willy-nilly are incompatible with non-arbitrarily affirming the personhood of adults who are in even temporary unconsciousness. And what is wrong in principle with their positions is that they deny human equality, elevating various subrational animals of their choice above healthy young babies weeks, months, and years after birth, and above the deeply disabled mentally or physically.
The thing about moral status is, if you believe in morality at all, that it is not a matter of choice or grant or convention, but of recognition. If you hear anyone talk about conferring or granting moral status, you know they are deeply confused about what morality and moral status are. The very idea of human rights and status is of someone who matters whether we like it or not, and even when no one is thinking about them; and matters, whether we like it or not….

John is being too kind. The reality is, those who talk about conferring/granting moral status are merely indicating their desire to have the power to do so – that is – absolute power. The recent forced abortion in China so readily demonstrates – if they possessed that power, it would not be a topic of discussion at all.
So drawing a conclusion to what John was inferring – those who discuss the need for moral status or grants regarding humanity don’t believe in morality. (They reject “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”)
I decided I love John Finnis a lot.
What I don’t understand is the pro-abort argument that WE (pro-lifers) are arbitrarily adding value to some”thing” that doesn’t have any, when what they’re doing is arbitrarily devaluing PERSONS who deserve to be protected under law. It is not convenient for me to admit the unborn are persons; it is the truth. Why they refuse to see this completely confuses me.
And he’s Catholic, MaryLee! Pretty sweet if you ask me…
Bravo Prof. Finnis, bravo! This is superb.
I read Jodi Jacobson’s empty drivel at “RH ‘Reality’ Check” and it was just awful.
It contained numerous dodges, evasions, distortions and misrepresentations. I always get frustrated reading abortionists’ “arguments” because they are so loaded with illogic and deceit. You literally have to go line by line and refute everything they say. Theirs is a movement of people who lack understanding of logic and the difference between truth and falsehood.
Professor Finnis touches on some very important and disturbing trends. For one–the slippery slope. We are there. We have now arrived at the point where arguments supporting abortion can very easily be applied to already born infants (ala Singer) and states of consciousness in adults–can any one spell euthanasia?
The insanity of this is that those who support abortion rights reflexively will not (perhaps cannot) allow themselves to entertain even a momentary doubt about their position and all that it logically entails. They remind me of flat earthers–ignoring science and all that we have learned about fetal development even since Roe v Wade. We can now save preemies as early as 21 weeks, and yet they still insist these are not human beings worthy of protection.
Joe October 21st, 2010 at 3:23 pm
“Theirs is a movement of people who lack understanding of logic and the difference between truth and falsehood.”
John 8:38, 43-44 38 “I tell the things which I have seen and learned at My Father’s side, and your actions also reflect what you have heard and learned from your father.”
43 “Why do you misunderstand what I say? It is because you are unable to hear what I am saying. [You cannot bear to listen to My message; your ears are shut to My teaching.]
44 You are of your father, the devil, and it is your will to practice the lusts and gratify the desires [which are characteristic] of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a falsehood, he speaks what is natural to him, for he is a liar [himself] and the father of lies and of all that is false.
45 But because I speak the truth, you do not believe Me” [do not trust Me, do not rely on Me, or adhere to Me]. AMP
Re: Diane Tweedle
Abortion really helps women, doesn’t it? So sad. What a waste.
The model’s boyfriend, Paul Dodd, told police she had an abortion 2 or 3 weeks earlier but was not “down about it.”
*head meets desk*
i am dianes sister and it was proven at the inquest that she did not have an abortion and was never pregnant my sister wasnt like that she was a beautiful singer dancer and model and wouldnt be that careless to put herself in that position. the reporter just wanted her story published and so lied. the mirror news paper already removed the story due to it being untrue and the metro where this story was taken from is just waiting for the corrinors report so they can remove it too. dont believe all you read.