web grab.jpgby JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat

  • Jodi Jacobson is calling Carly Fiorina a liar because Fiorina uses Barbara Boxer’s “when you bring the baby home” quote during the partial-birth abortion debates to describe Boxer’s position on abortion. You can watch it on YouTube.Jacobson also thinks Roe v. Wade “confers rights on [the] fetus at viability.” Um… wrong.

    You’d think the editor-in-chief at RH Reality Check would at least know the basics of Roe, huh?

      • British model Diane Tweedle was found dead on April 15, hanging from a hair dryer cord. An inquest into her death has found that she had an abortion a couple weeks before the suicide:One of several notes she left read: ‘I didn’t want to do it.’ The model’s boyfriend, Paul Dodd, told police she had an abortion 2 or 3 weeks earlier but was not “down about it.”
      • At Public Discourse, John Finnis (pictured below left), a law professor at Oxford and Notre Dame, writes about the moral status of the unborn:All sorts of stages have been proposed for “becoming a person” or “acquiring moral status”: implantation… sentience, quickening, viability outside the womb, actual birth, actual birth unless it was an induced abortion, formation of desires… formation of self-consciousness, valuing your own existence – but these all cancel each other out…. [W]ith the talk of the threshold being desires, or self-consciousness, or conscious concern to stay alive, we are now deep, deep into infanticide territory with Peter Singer and Jeffrey Reiman.

        These are positions that willy-nilly are incompatible with non-arbitrarily affirming the personhood of adults who are in even temporary unconsciousness. And what is wrong in principle with their positions is that they deny human equality, elevating various subrational animals of their choice above healthy young babies weeks, months, and years after birth, and above the deeply disabled mentally or physically.

        The thing about moral status is, if you believe in morality at all, that it is not a matter of choice or grant or convention, but of recognition. If you hear anyone talk about conferring or granting moral status, you know they are deeply confused about what morality and moral status are. The very idea of human rights and status is of someone who matters whether we like it or not, and even when no one is thinking about them; and matters, whether we like it or not….

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