New Stanek column, “The abortion nurse’s daughter: Inside minds at the mill”
Last week I described Abigail Seidman’s upbringing as the daughter of an abortion clinic nurse.
This week I’ll discuss what Abigail saw inside the mill where her mother worked. I have always been intrigued with the psyche of abortion workers and asked Abigail extensively about this….
I asked Abigail if the clinic aborted women who weren’t pregnant. Yes, she said, adding the clinic owner often joked “anyone who wants an abortion can have one, whether she’s pregnant or not!”
I asked Abigail if due dates were ever adjusted….
“I don’t remember a woman ever being turned away because she was too advanced in her pregnancy,” Abigail wrote me. “The latest date I ever heard was 28 weeks, although women were always told their date was 16 weeks or less.”
What did staff think of aborting mothers? “They called them ‘stupid sluts’ if it wasn’t their first abortion, or ‘brood mares’ if they chose life and left before aborting,” wrote Abigail.
There was one particular scandal Abigail recalled of a clinic worker who accidentally got pregnant but decided against abortion….
She would daily taunt pro-lifers by flashing her pregnant belly at sidewalk counselors, crowing, “Today’s the day! I’m having an abortion!”
She didn’t, of course, but continued to facilitate abortions after her daughter was born, bringing her to work so she could breast-feed. “I was charged with babysitting, upstairs in the clinic library,” Abigail wrote….
Continue reading my column this week, “The abortion nurse’s daughter: Inside minds at the mill, at
Tell me this is going to be a documentary someday.
This is so outrageous that it almost sounds fabricated or at least exaggerated.
Yes. Susie. Just keep telling yourself that. In spite of the fact that Abigail LIVED IT!!
How can I reach Abigail?
I think Susie isn’t actually claiming that it is fabricated- I think she’s just using hyperbole to try and convey her shock at this.
My only point is that I have been burned in the past by someone who took the truth and exaggerated it so much as to blemish the credibility in the first place. But Jill has been around a long time…my point is that some of the comments are so outrageous that you may wonder if she is exaggerating to make a point.
On the issue of the pregnant lobbyist for the ACLU, I have seen breast feeding mothers come to lobby for abortion. They sit and breast feed and wear pro choice buttons. They compartmentalize their thinking. This baby in my arms was wanted.
Hey Susie, I’ve had several long phone and email conversations with Abigail and am confident she’s on the up and up. Furthermore, she told me this week her mother finally contacted her – not to deny my column of last week but to say she should get a cut of any profits Abigail makes if she writes a book since if not for her Abigail wouldn’t have a story. Crazy.
Also, if you read the entire piece you know I asked her certain questions because I’d had similar experiences at my job (which I didn’t tell her beforehand) or because I’d heard of such things at other mills (which I didn’t tell her beforehand either). So she was often corroborating others’ experiences with her own.
But I want the documentary.
Carder, I do, too. She definitely needs to write a book.
Jill Stanek
October 14th, 2010 at 9:36 am
Carder, I do, too. She definitely needs to write a book.
And not give a dime to her mother!
Hi Susie Allen, I just checked out your blog; I like it.
You know, Jesus never forced healing on anyone. Especially note the story of the man at the baths, who had been there for many years. Jesus asks if he wants to be healed, because he knows what we know: some folks are deeply invested in their illness. Abigail’s mother is such a person. She seems to have become so profoundly engaged in abortion, she is not asking for healing for herself. Let us intercede on her mother’s behalf, and ask the Lord for her healing and the healing of all abortionists and their co-workers.
I don’t know if Joan, Ashley, Biggz, Cranium, etc. will read this, but I wrote their names (plus many more) in our parish book of intercessions. For those of you not yet Catholic, I’ll explain: we keep a book in the church that anyone may write in. You write for example, ‘dear god, I pray for my dad that he doesn’t lose his house’, or ‘please pray for my brother because he’s having knee surgery tomorrow’. Then, during mass, we take a few minutes to formally pray for others and at the end of the specific prayers, the priest or lector says “And for all the prayers in the parish book of intercessions, we pray to the Lord” and we respond, “Lord, hear our prayer.”
I encourage all Catholics out there to start putting your pro-life and healing intentions into the book, in writing, for God to see. When you write it down, you are performing an act, and you know, actions speak louder than just words.
Wasn’t there a magazine or newspaper that sent non-pregnant reporters into a mill (was it in California?) and the abortionist still tried to schedule them for abortions telling them they were pregnant. It was all over the news (this was years ago). Plus Carol Everett in her book “Blood Money” told of the same thing, how her boyfriend the abortionist was scheduling women for abortions and showing them grainy ultrasounds to convince them they were pregnant and a reporter called them out on it.
Plus we know that abortionists try to shave weeks off late pregnancies to try to skirt the law. Tiller was under investigation for just that. This really isn’t so far-fetched.
She should contact Grassroots Films or the fine people who did Bella – I think this makes a compelling documentary that others need to see.
If Abigail is available for speaking at a function in person or via Skype – please let her know that we would love to have her…(as I am sure other pro-life groups would…).
But the more people that knew of her story – the better. when she is ready and if she desires.
I was born at 28 weeks. Sometimes I wonder why I got to live and other babies my age and older were executed instead. They were every bit as human and worthy of life as me, and yet I ended up in a NICU isolette and was cared for by loving doctors and nurses and my family while they ended up in medical waste containers or even more horrible places.
*shakes head* Sometimes the world we live in is a thoroughly disgusting, cruel, evil place. :-(