Thumbnail image for blog buzz.jpgby Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN

  • Our newest addition to the blogroll, The Lost Generation, features the story of a woman who aborted because she was told she would be unable to carry to term. After the abortion, the abortionist informed her she had actually had other options.

  • 40 Days for Life updates readers on events around the country including the opposition to the peaceful, prayerful presence of 40 Days. Counter protests across the country have included include signs bearing slogans such as, “Abort Jesus” and “Jesus is pro-choice.”
  • Hero Alert! Big Blue Wave features a story honoring a true saint and pro-life hero, Polish midwife Stanislawa Leszczynska, who saved thousands of Auschwitz-born Jewish newborns from the Nazis at great risk to her own life.
  • First Things has a blog about author and HuffPo contributor Valerie Tarico, Ph.D., who, aside from writing books about the horrors of being raised in an evangelical home, once wrote a column about aborting her first child to “help” her future children.
  • Culture Campaign posts a revealing CNSNews video of Rep. Jan Schakowsky (DIL), who advocates for the repeal of the Hyde Amendment, and believes “there’s no evidence” increasing access or taxpayer funding for abortion might encourage women to have abortions:

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