web grab.jpgby JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat

  • Secular Pro-Life notes how the FDA is planning on putting graphic images on cigarette packages and draws parallels to the pro-life movement:
  • The parallels to pro-life images are hard to miss. Many children’s lives have been saved by images of the results of abortion. Smoking, like abortion, is a legal choice that the government seeks to dissuade in order to save lives. And, just as abortion businesses fight informed consent laws, cigarette manufacturer R.J. Reynolds is planning a lawsuit to protect its bottom line.

  • At Time, Bonnie Richman discusses George W. Bush’s account of seeing his miscarried sibling and how women react to seeing their miscarried children:Looking at the fetus, touching and holding it is healing, says [Kristen Swanson, dean of the nursing school at the U of NCChapel Hill]. Yet it’s not socially acceptable. Who would dare take issue with a parent holding a sick, dying child? Yet looking at, let alone holding, a fetus makes society cringe.

    Women who’ve miscarried aren’t repulsed, though. When Swanson has counseled them, she specifically asks whether they saw the fetus. They look at her, their eyes well up and they begin to describe what they saw — buds of limbs, miniaturized perfection — and then they start sobbing. “Every time this happens, you know they’ve invited you into a sacred space of something deeply personal that they get very little opportunity to talk about,” she says.

  • An OH man was arrested after damaging a church’s pro-life crosses display:27-year-old Robert Nicholl was charged Tuesday with disorderly conduct while intoxicated and criminal damaging.Police say he pulled up some of the 2,000 small white crosses on the lawn outside St. Cecilia Roman Catholic Church and tossed them into the street. The church told The Cincinnati Enquirer it wasn’t able to say how many crosses were destroyed.
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