Breaking: House Pro-Life Caucus co-chairs announced
A press statement has just been issued announcing the new Bipartisan Congressional Pro-Life Caucus co-chairs for the 112th Congress, which I am pleased to report.
They are U.S. Reps. Chris Smith (NJ-04) and Dan Lipinski (IL-03).
Congressman Smith is a well-known and well-loved pro-life stalwart, having served as the Republican co-chair of this caucus since 1982.
Congressman Lipinski was one of the few pro-life Democrats who steadfastly opposed Obamacare this spring for its exclusion of an amendment banning taxpayer funding of abortion.
Some may not know Congressman Lipinski serves the district where Christ Hospital is located. Congressman Lipinski certainly gets his pro-life nerves of steel from his father Bill, who as a congressman not only voted for but co-sponsored the federal Born Alive Infants Protection Act despite Christ Hospital’s opposition.
According to the press release:
“Protection of unborn children must be a legislative priority in the 112th Congress and I look forward to leading this bipartisan coalition of pro-life Members with Chris Smith as we continue our work to protect innocent human life,” said Lipinski, a long time pro-life leader in the House who is the prime cosponsor of H.R. 5939, the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act,” H.R. 877, the “Patients First Act,” and H.R. 5111, the “Protect Life Act.”
“Dan Lipinski and I have – and will continue to – work hard together to provide needed protection for unborn children and their mothers,” said Smith…. “We have an aggressively pro-life legislative agenda for the new Congress which includes rolling back federal funding for abortion and the abortion industry starting with H.R. 5939 the ‘No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act,’ which Dan and I introduced in August of 2010, and H.R. 5111, the ‘Protect Life Act,’ which Dan introduced with Rep. Joe Pitts (R-PA-16).”
The preceding Democrat chairman of the Pro-Life Caucus was Bart Stupak. I don’t need to say any more about him. Rest assured Dan Lipinski is no Bart Stupak.

This is wonderful news! Rep Smith is a pro-life warrior with extensive contacts in the House, and it was a wise idea to include a stalwart pro-life Democrat like Rep Lipinski We can be confident in our Pro-life Caucus leadership.
Rest assured Dan Lipinski is no Bart Stupak.
Grateful, are we not?
You can pass all the anti-choice legislation that you want. It still needs to go to the Senate where it won’t, I guarantee, get 60 votes.