(Prolifer)ations 12-24-10
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN
As always, we welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs! Please email Susie@jillstanek.com.
- Operation Rescue reflects on their “Hottest Stories of the Year” for 2010.
- Americans United for Life has posted its 2010 State Legislative Session Report, citing this year’s pro-life and anti-life accomplishments around the country.
- Catholic Vote reports Sr. Carol Keehan, a supporter of Obamacare, has now sided with St. Joseph’s Hospital and Catholic Healthcare West against Bishop Thomas Olmsted of Phoenix.
- Culture Campaign warns readers the ACLU plan to mount a full frontal attack on Catholic hospitals to force them to perform abortions.
- Moral Outcry discusses a Spike Online article which admits but disregards the humanity of the preborn in a woman’s decision to have an abortion.
- Generations for Life reports young pro-lifer Lia Mills will be speaking in DC at the first Teen Defenders Walk for Life prior to the 2011 March for Life.
- Accepting Abundance questions the latest Guttmacher stats reporting a lower teen birth rate and wonders why they have not reported abortion figures for 5+ years.

Sick and demonic. We must never accept abortion. People are asking questions such as “Why are we hearing about more and more parents killing their children?”…Caylee Anthony, Zara Baker, The 3 MI boys missing,Polly Class, Haley Cummings, Baby Gabriel [ mother now confessing she killed him } I’ll tell you why! It’s because we accept the murder of unborn children in the womb and what more would you expect but more violence!!!!
And I heard on the news a couple months back that womens prisons are filling up like crazy. Should anyone be surprised? Mens prisons are spilling over! Violence people! If we accept the most violent act [abortion] then what kind of resolution to the violence will ever be in site? Aren’t the liberals the very people who say ‘Make Love Not War’???????????????? What about the war against the most innocent? The unborn!!!!
Susie, I e-mailed you a suggestion for Top Blogs.
Merry Christmas, Heather.
And I heard on the news a couple months back that womens prisons are filling up like crazy. Should anyone be surprised? Mens prisons are spilling over! Violence people!
By far, the biggest deal is non-violent drug offenses.