My Winter/Spring 2011 speaking schedule is up. Hope to meet you somewhere!

A lot of people ask me for speaker recommendations. Ambassador Speakers Bureau has just released its list of Top 10 Scheduled Speakers for 2010, which I think will give organizations some good ideas. I was surprised to slide in under the line but not surprised to see many of my great pro-life friends listed! Click to enlarge…

ASB also listed some stats pro-life banquet organizers will find interesting:

The most scheduled day in 2010 was Thursday, November 4, with 19 confirmed events. Coming in second place was Thursday, October 21, with the remaining Thursdays in October tagging close behind.

How could this help you plan for 2011? If your event takes place on Thursday, November 3, 2011, or any Thursday in October, do not wait long to confirm your speaker for your event. Speaker calendars for these dates will fill quickly!

I was also pleased to see a couple other good friends added to the speaking roster…

Kristan Hawkins
Director of Students for Life and winner of
2010 Life Prize Award

Founder and President of Issues4Life

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