Abby on O’Reilly, exposing Planned Parenthood
Abby Johnson appeared on The O’Reilly Factor last night. As a former director of a Texas Planned Parenthood, she knows its secrets. Great job, Abby…

Abby Johnson appeared on The O’Reilly Factor last night. As a former director of a Texas Planned Parenthood, she knows its secrets. Great job, Abby…
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Abby did an awesome job she was composed and articulate but gracious as well. I was very proud of the way she handled herself and her level of honesty about the way PP operates. God bless you Abby, I am praying for you and Lila as well.
I liked Abby’s answers. She’s very on-the-nose. I particularly appreciated her comments about PP employees and a mentality of “tolerance.” PP employees must think abortion is the non-judgmental option. Notifying an underage girl’s parents brings the matter of inappropriate sex to the front. And PP wants none of that.
Don’t get involved. Just get her the abortion and send her out the door.
Great job Abby!
On the day that Congress voted to completely defund Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry, FOX News featured Lila Rose and Abby Johnson in their prime-time news shows.
Thank you both, for your “yes” to life. You two were excellent! May the Blessed Mother protect you.
And a little late to the party, ABC News finally showed a clip from a LiveAction video with the evidence that toppled the abortion goliath. Good for them.
Not a peep yet, in Newsweek or Time Magazine. (Not that anybody reads these anymore.) Time recently celebrated “50 Years of the Pill” with a special issue/cover story. I wonder what they will make of this developmment?
Abby is a gem! I saw the interview and was so proud of her. God has great things in store for her. I love that she is now just “Abby”… no need for a last name! :)
I posted on “How Planned Parenthood talks to your teens” and was thinking of how wonderful it is that they might finally be defunded:
What a corrupt organization that is.
I am reminded of Jerry Seinfelds bit on professional sports. He said it all revolves around laundry.
He said the successful highly skilled athlete who wears the uniform of the other team is the evil enemy.
But when he dons your teams uniform he is immediately transformed into a unimpeachable hero [as long as he keeps winning.].
While it is true when someone is born again they become a new creation in Christ, it does not mean all their ‘stinkin’ thinkin’ is immediately reformed.
The re-newing of our minds is a continuing process.
Changing ones position on the humanity of the pre-natal child and the ‘wrongness’ of elective abortion/pre-natal homicide, is not synonymous with being saved by Christ.
The transformation from a pro-abort understanding to a pro-life understanding may accompany, I believe ‘should’ accompany, being a new creature in Christ, but it is not always coincidental.
Abby is now the ‘trophy’ of the pro-life movement. She will be trotted out as long as she draws a crowd. When her PR value ceases to be, she will be relegated to the sidelines.
When she becomes a new creation in Christ, HE will not use her to bring attention to HIMSELF or to ‘promote’ HIS cause. HE will treat her as his daughter and tho she may eventually experience sufferring for HE will be will be at her side and bring her through safely and the sufferring will not be in vain, because it will produce valueable fruit in her life.
It says in the ‘book’ that the angels rejoice whenever a sinner comes to Christ. It gives no indication that exchanging one earthly uniform for another results in heavenly exultation.
I welcome Abby Johnsons participation in the struggle to end child killing in america and in the world. But I will rejoice with the angels in heaven when she is baptized into the body of Christ and that thru no effor, work or labor of her own, it is the free gift of GOD to those who simply believe that JESUS is LORD.
Abby has the strength that comes with being willingly to completely acknowledge your past wrongdoings. No one can say, “You let this go on!” like it’s a big jawdropping secret exposed because it’s not a secret. She did great here.
Filmed in German with Engliish subtitles. Excellent movie. Well worth the watch.
Sophie Sholl:The Final Days
News Hounds has an interesting take on this interview.
Total pro-abort bias. They quote Amanda Marcotte, for goodness sake. They call Bill O’Reilly “unabashedly anti-choice”. (He is not, he is against late term abortion, as most pro-choicers are, but he’s not against earlier abortion.) You would know that if you watched him discussing abortion news. Too much misinformation over at NewsHounds to list here.
Too much misinformation over at NewsHounds to list here.
Fine, list the misinformation at News Hounds. They watch Fox so you don’t have to. I’m sure the “aborts” at News Hounds would love to engage you in witty reparte.
Abby has the strength that comes with being willingly to completely acknowledge your past wrongdoings
Absolutely Marauder. The proaborts can’t argue with someone who was there and admits to her role at PP.
The girl has a sweet gig nowadays, no doubt. Darling of Christian conservative circles, published “author” (how much was her advance for that book she “wrote”? anyone know?), regular guest on Fox “News” shows–certainly she’s taking home more now than she was as a simple Planned Parenthood employee. Of course, I’m sure her “conversion” story is totally legitimate and not contrived or made up at all; she really did have a genuine sudden change of heart, and was “moved” to sign a juicy book deal shortly thereafter.
Gee Joan – can you come up with something that is positive, and not sarcastic? Do you ever enjoy anything, except abortion? or saying something outrageous?
Is my observation really so outrageous? Is no one here in the “movement” the least bit suspicious of the motives of someone who would suddenly announce a “conversion” and immediately parlay the resulting media attention into a book deal and numerous appearances on the right-wing cable TV circuit?
It doesn’t take highly-refined observation skills and an intimate knowledge of the human condition to recognize that we may just be dealing with a charlatan who is out to make a buck here.
And you care……….because…………????
Incredible that people- esp women!- would still defend PP.
No need to report abusers, or pimps, or sex slavers. Guess rape is ok as long as abortion is there to cover up the mess. What will it take to just admit that PP is corrupt? Throwing girls and women under the bus is fine by a scary number of proaborts.
So Abby is a fake? Does it really make sense she’d be plotting for eight years, and have an abortion or two for authenticity, if she was a closeted prolifer all along?
Some real nuttiness in that idea.
I never said that she’s been “plotting for eight years”. In fact, I doubt she has ever had any genuinely strong convictions about abortion (or anything, really) either way, and I very much doubt that has since changed following her “conversion”. Her (heavily exaggerated) role at Planned Parenthood was just a paycheck, and now writing books and making the rounds on conservative entertainment media is merely a bigger paycheck. As I said earlier, she’s a hot ticket in Christian conservative anti-abortion circles right now, and so she’s leveraging that popularity in order to grab for the brass ring while she still has the opportunity. Once she milks this popularity for whatever it’s worth, she’ll probably disappear and you won’t hear from her again unless she smells another chance to hustle a few more dollars. In other words, she’s a homely version of Christine O’Donnell. Don’t expect her to be attending the “March for Life” in 10 years or anything like that.
You know, CC, I majored in history (and English), and my professors always talked about the importance of primary sources. If you were looking into, say, the Salem Witch Trials, it was important to read what the people involved said about them, in the full context of the event. If there were primary sources available and you only used secondary sources – things that people not directly involved had said about the event later – the professors considered you to have not done adequate research. You don’t even bother to watch Fox News and you think you know all about it because of what your secondary source says. If you’re going to hate it, why don’t you at least consult the primary source, watch it yourself, and have lots of juicy tidbits to add to your “NewsHounds says” posts? This “NewsHounds says” business is getting boring.
Joan, would you feel the same way if this were someone exposing corruption in the pro-life movement? Also, I think anyone who’s going to criticize how someone looks should post a picture of themselves so we can see that this opinion comes from a person who’s in a position to criticize. That is, unless you want to focus on real facts and not snide little asides.
Abby Johnson lost nearly all her friends and had to show up in court after she left Planned Parenthood. Yeah, I’m sure she did that just to make money.
Is my observation really so outrageous? Is no one here in the “movement” the least bit suspicious of the motives of someone who would suddenly announce a “conversion” and immediately parlay the resulting media attention into a book deal and numerous appearances on the right-wing cable TV circuit?
It doesn’t take highly-refined observation skills and an intimate knowledge of the human condition to recognize that we may just be dealing with a charlatan who is out to make a buck here.
I’ve heard (in person) Abby Johnson speak (in fact I went to both talks she gave at a conference I attended). I also went and talked to her personally. There’s no reason to doubt she’s the genuine article for the Pro-Life movement.
Shawn Carney has known her for a long time and attested to her going from being pro-choice to pro-life and he’s been in the pro-life movement way longer.
She was a DIRECTOR for a Planned Parenthood (how is that a “heavily exaggerated role”?)–not some once-a-week worker/volunteer; so she obviously knew what was going on within the walls of PP. Give the woman some credit. You don’t work for a company for that long without knowing something about what they’re doing, especially in a director position.
Like what Maurader said…if someone left the pro-life movement saying “Oh the pro-lifers have this problem and that problem” you’d probably throw a party. You know that if any of you managed to get a pro-lifer to leave the pro-life movement and join your side, you’d be celebrating and they’d be YOUR “darling”.
(Oh and for the record, there have been pro-lifers who don’t believe she’s genuine, but actions speak louder than words and so far Abby Johnson’s actions have shown she’s giving the pro-life movement her full support).
“You don’t even bother to watch Fox News and you think you know all about it because of what your secondary source says.”
Right, go ahead. Watch Fox “News”. Make it into a drinking game: every time one of the hosts or guests says something that is (A) totally insane, (B) totally stupid, or (C) totally false, take a shot. Even the most hardened alcoholic would be stone-cold drunk in a half-hour.
“Joan, would you feel the same way if this were someone exposing corruption in the pro-life movement?”
Would I be smearing the entire movement with the actions of a small handful of its members? No. Of course the situation is not directly comparable, since the pro-life movement offers no goods or services beyond trying to restrict the actions of other people, and so it could never produce a large business with numerous semi-independent branches around the country, all run by individual people who are not directly controlled by the “mother ship”, like most of Planned Parenthood’s detractors seem to think.
“Abby Johnson lost nearly all her friends and had to show up in court after she left Planned Parenthood. Yeah, I’m sure she did that just to make money.”
People have done dumber things to make money.
“She was a DIRECTOR for a Planned Parenthood (how is that a “heavily exaggerated role”?)–not some once-a-week worker/volunteer; so she obviously knew what was going on within the walls of PP.”
She might have known what was going on within the walls of her own PP (and I haven’t heard of her making any claims against that PP being involved in the things that Live Action has alleged against other PP’s); I don’t see that as giving her any great insight into the inner works of the broader organization.
So, Joan, I remember you saying once that you were here to “speak truth to power.” Has that accomplished anything for you yet?
The pro-life movement sure as heck does offer services. It’s called “crisis pregnancy centers.”
Abby Johnson went to PP meetings involving the organization’s work in the state of Texas, and went with PP members from all over the country to lobby Congress. Do your research and make yourself look more educated, please.
Joan, please read Abby’s book. The least you can do is get the facts straight before questioning Abby’s motives.
No goods or services? Okay yeah whatever.
Here’s a list:
Natural Family Planning (NFP). Several methods. Among them: Sympo-Thermal, Creighton and Billings.
Catholic Charities:
The Gabriel Project:
There’s Crisis Pregnancy Centers
The Coalition For Life:
Information to help women make informed decisions for their family planning and health:
There’s pro-life medical doctors and pro-life OB/GYNs: (obviously offering health and OB/GYN services to women)
Just to name a few.
“Joan, would you feel the same way if this were someone exposing corruption in the pro-life movement?”
“Would I be smearing the entire movement with the actions of a small handful of its members? No. Of course the situation is not directly comparable, since the pro-life movement offers no goods or services beyond trying to restrict the actions of other people, and so it could never produce a large business with numerous semi-independent branches around the country, all run by individual people who are not directly controlled by the “mother ship”, like most of Planned Parenthood’s detractors seem to think.”
So Joan, what you are saying is that (Planned Parenthood is)…. ”a large business with numerous semi-independent branches around the country, all run by individual people who are not directly controlled by the “mother ship”.”?
Well that certainly would explain the alleged lack of a coordinated effort against unethical behavior in its clinics. Se la vie!
Se la vie!
Janet I hate to be nit picky (since we’re on the same side) but I believe it’s C’est la vie. (I hope I don’t offend you correcting your French).