Breaking: Censorship! YouTube threatens to will not remove Live Action investigative video
UPDATE, 4:19p: YouTube now says it will NOT take down Live Action’s video, per Kathryn Lopez at NRO. Views are up 240,000.
3:34a: In less than 2 days Live Action’s investigative video exposing a New Jersey Planned Parenthood as a sex trafficking enabler has received over 200,000 views.
Now Lila Rose has received notification that YouTube plans to remove LA’s video at 7p tonight for “violating privacy” unless changes are made. has the letter in its entirety.
YouTube didn’t specify the violation but stated it came at 10:58 on the video – the very end – when the Planned Parenthood logo is displayed. There is also speculation the complaint centers around LA naming now-fired mill manager Amy Woodruff in the video.
Stay tuned….

Violating privacy, eh? Planned Parenthood makes a business of violating privacy. The evil organization preys on young women, usurping parental authority. It tears down families and tears up wombs. It kills millions of people. Talk about straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel!
Google owns You-tube, but some say Google itself violates privacy. Its software gleans information from e-mail, for example. Hypocrites! White-washed search engine!
Whatever happens to Planned Parenthood they deserve it after killing five million people since 1970.
So Youtube (Google) is not about violating privacy? The one which collects all the information on people’s private searches?
Google is okay with under-age sex trafficking?
Friends of Polanski?
Alternatives are needed.
“YouTube didn’t specify the violation but stated it came at 10:58 on the video – the very end – when the Planned Parenthood logo is displayed. There is also speculation the complaint centers around LA naming now-fired mill manager Amy Woodruff in the video.”
If the video violates Youtubes ‘privacy rules’, then why wait to pull the video clip. Pointing out where the purported violation occurs only point the spotlight more directly upon the purported victim[s] who privacy was aledgedly violated.
Reminds me Chastity Bono publicly announcing she was going to have ‘gender re-assignment’ surgery, then asking for her privacy to be respected.
What do you really expect? The video itself is illegal. It’s against state law in New Jersey to videotape a person without their knowledge and consent.
New Jersey is a one party consent state, the videotaping was legal. The pro death crowd is angry because yet again one of their own got caught doing something illegal.
How do you know, Joan? Where exactly can we find and read that state law? –not that such a law would in any way diminish my admiration for Lila Rose and her comrades.
There are also restrictions on videotaping and photographing on private property:
If the private property is open to the public, such as retail stores, private stadiums or tourist areas, filming may be allowed unless there are signs posted that expressly forbid videotaping or photography.
I’m wondering if YouTube is buckling under pressure from Planned Parenthood. I’m wondering if some money has changed hands.
Gosh I wish stories like this didn’t bring out the cynicism in me, but I’m afraid that’s just the way it is.
YouTube’s threat to remove the video is dumb, but at least they only seem to care about the very end of it – not that they necessarily have a sound legal reason to want it changed.
[Edited by moderator]
Either the video has been changed to remove the logo or my computer is acting weird, ’cause I don’t see it anymore.
Either way, though, use of the PP logo in a critique video would fall under the category of Fair Use, wouldn’t it? Or am I mixing up copyright and trademark here?
Planned Parenthood is nothing more than an abortion clinic. They have no respect for human life! Life begins at conception and from there on its not just a fetus it is a Baby a human life! He or She deserves every right that we have also they deserve the right to grow up n make they’re own decesions go to college and get married and have there own families. Planned Parenthood desereves any and every bad rep they get!
WOW I just can’t get this off my mind!!! It peeves me to think my tax money is going to help pay for abortions and idiots like that lady who supports it and encourages it when I don’t believe that it is right myself!!!! And the fact that she was encouraging them to go to lie about information its no wonder the young people of this decade are the way they are! They r not shown right from wrong and how to tell the truth! And they support illigal immagrents!!! Grrrr I have a hard enough time paying my own bills let alone having to pay more for others who are here illigaly and all the AMERICANS who don’t have jobs because a company can hire a illigal immigrant to do the work for less money……our country needs help!!!!
(*ahem*) (*pseudo-modestly buffing fingernails on sweater vest*) You’ll notice that my stunning powers of prognostication called this one, a few days ago… :)
Seriously, though… the video is available somewhere else (e.g. ProLifeTube), right?
While there are cases where even the law recognizes an abortion as justifiable if recommended by a physician,I assert that the hundreds of thousands of abortions performed in America each year are a disgrace to civilization.
Margaret Sanger (1920). “Contraceptives or Abortion?”. Woman and the New Race
A palpable irony – one of the guiding lights behind Planned Parenthood was opposed to abortion
FYI, by searching “New Jersey, consent recording” I found this link at #4 with the citations establishing that New Jersey is a one party consent state:
Paladin says:
February 1, 2011 at 7:27 am
Question #1: is this video posted/publicly available anywhere else (e.g. Pro-Life Tube), in preparation for the inevitable censorship by YouTube?
Paladin, you called it! It is sad to see how predictable censorship can be. I agree with NCSue – follow the money. American Life League addressed similar censorship by Google/YouTube in 2008.
Whenever I watch a youtube video, I’m always aware that it could possibly be censored or taken down at some point. I found this website a few months back:
All you have to do is copy the youtube video URL and paste it into the blank and click download, it will download the video onto your computer and it’s free. I actually downloaded the first Live Action PP one yesterday, so I’m glad I did that. Be aware that most videos will be around 10 – 30 MB depending on the length.
What do you really expect? The video itself is illegal. It’s against state law in New Jersey to videotape a person without their knowledge and consent.
Joan, given that you’ve been shown otherwise, you might want to find the source that gave you the above erroneous info and let them know they were mistaken.
“hundreds of thousands of abortions performed in America each year are a disgrace to civilization”
So Bruce, it’s your business, how? There are a lot of other things that are a “disgrace to civilization” like “corporate welfare,” and aid to countries that aren’t so democratic. How bout a war that doesn’t need fighting? But nice to know that you think that those mindless women are doing disgraceful things. Is there any doubt about the misogny of the “pro-life’ movement? Eh, Bruce?
Oh, and taxpayer money – how bout my taxpayer money for Catholic hospitals that would rather see a woman die than do an emergency abortion. Right to life – yeah! And then there’s that “voucher” thing that would give my non-Catholic money to schools under the jurisdiction of an all male, foreign country!
Your tax dollars aren’t going to pay for abortions. That would be a violation.
Your tax dollars are going to pay the salaries and overhead so all Americans can have access to family planning services. This was just one bad apple in New Jersey.
Planned Parenthood will fire her and everything will be OK. There is no way this will ever happen again. BE ASSURED, Just because they MURDER little people at these clinics and a few of the managers have been caught turning a blind eye to pedafiles and rapist doesn’t mean everyone involved are bad. Please know that these Planned Parenthood people care deeply for these young girls caught up in sex crimes. Just look at all the times rapist and pedafiles have been turned in by clinic operators around the nation. (WHAT? there are none?) Oh it must not be happening then! SEE! all good here.
BTW… How about our legislators who keep making us pay for this garbage?
So I still am payin for a service and a place that shouldn’t be. And even if they do fire her that doesn’t mean that its not still happening these people are trained to tell these young girls about abortion….why are they not allowed to tell them about God and how the BABY they are carrying isn’t just a piece of tissue but a HUMAN LIFE!!!! Why not tell them about adoption or maybe if they realize the BABY they are carrying is a real HUMAN life they will keep it…. I am adopted myself and I also have had 3 miscarriages. I would love t have a Baby but it just hasn’t happened yet..I do not understand how ANY woman could go someplace like that to KILL A HUMAN BEING LIFE….
I don’t care if I was dying if I had a chance to save my childs life if I carried it to term then I would do it! The Bible says “greater love hath no man than this than a man lay down his life for his friend”. In this case a mother for her child! There is nothing like a mothers love. This is wrong and God will judge them for these sins they have committed!
Why does my post say “edited by moderator”? It’s the exact same thing I wrote in the first place.
Edit: Wait, never mind, I remember. Although I’ll echo what Mary said before about how Chastity Bono pretty much had to tell people about the sex change.
Hi Marauder. Edited for content unrelated to the thread topic. There were also a couple of posts removed because they had zilch to do with the thread and pretty much derailed the conversation.
So kids can beat each other up, but they will take down something that brings education to the deceived.
CC – I was going to write a long post rebutting your points, but it’s off-topic and anyway you seem content to wallow in your own ignorance. It’s ironic that you do the exact same thing that you accuse pro-lifers of doing. Think about it.
how about instead of abortion clinics we have RESPONSIBILITY clinics. our society runs from responsibility, and commitment. KILL IT GET IT OVER WITH, MOVE ON, SCREW AGAIN, KILL AGAIN, STAY UNEMPLOYED.
Did you notice that Live Action has stopped using
Now they’re using