Breaking, webcast tonight: How Planned Parenthood is trying to silence 1st prosecutor to ever file criminal charges against it
I’m going to be writing a lot about Phill Kline in the coming days. The bogus trial to strip him of his law license begins next Monday, February 21, and I’ll be flying to Topeka to cover the trial if it goes past February 25.
Phill Kline is the first US prosecutor to ever bring criminal charges against a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic. PP not only wants to silence Kline, it wants to make an example of him so other prosecutors around the country will back away.
Jack Cashill has written an excellent, easily readable synopsis of the saga up to this point. Read it for backdrop.
In addition, a webcast is being held tonight to shed light on what is happening. I’ll be one of the presenters. Register to come on the call at

So what can be done to defend Phil? What can us little guys do?
First of all…..PRAY!!!!!!!!
Yes, pray; then spread the truth about what’s going on through blogs, Facebook, and Twitter; then donate to his legal defense:
Isn’t Feb 21 a legal holiday?
Hi Mary(not the one who is a regular commenter here)
Your comment was deleted.
Please review the rules for commenting paying close attention to this one
No deliberate inflammatory posts.
You want to exchange ideas with others and state your point of view honestly and respectfully? Be my guest.
“Mary” is becoming a regular, having used several other names recently. Unsurprisingly, all her other comments are of the same flavor.
Right, Bobby Bamino.
Free speech is only allowed here when you agree with it.
You morons can blast Cece Richards with impugnity, but when some jerkweed like Phill Kline is done the same way by me, then it is a different story.
Yes, Jill, your website, your rules. In the meantime, I’ll mail my check to Planned Parenthood to assist them.
No Mary, just say something constructive. Give me an argument or a reason to defend your position and I would be happy to entertain it. What’s a good reason to think that abortion is a moral action or that we should not wish the ending of an organization that is the largest abortion provider in America?
Mary, it’s pro-abortion websites who continuously delete posts by pro-lifers. Jill’s site is much more open to other points of view; it is just that you have to follow the rules, like we all do.
Cecile Richards is the moron, and anyone who gives their money to an organization devoted to slaughtering babies. Hey, when Planned Parenthood stops killing babies, I will send them a check too. (Because I’m one of them pro-lifers who is non-religious and believes in birth control. Shocker? Open your eyes, Mary.)
Also…..just a thought….It’s kind of funny how all the pro-aborts think the biggest “EFF YOU” to this site is saying “I’m writing a check to Planned Parenthood.” Hey, PP is swimming in cash. Cecile Richards doesn’t drive a freakin’ Nissan. She doesn’t buy her clothes at Target. PP and all its supporters expect your checks–they live off them, while violently killing babies.
Bobby, the issue is Phil Kline and whether he abused his power. Also, whether Planned Parenthood interfered with LEGITIMATE actions of Kline. Whether abortion is moral in your view has nothing to do with Kline’s position as a prosecutor. My contention is that he overstepped his duties as a prosecutor. As a prosecutor, he has the obligation to obey the law. And, if you want to throw in “unjust laws”, then the same argument can be used for any serviceman who refused to go to Iraq in 2003 and thereafter.
Now, if you want to end Planned Parenthood, perhaps the same argument can be used to end the Catholic Church, which harbored child molesters for decades. Morally, it’s the same argument. If you want to get into the tax argument, e.g., taxes for PP stopped, then perhaps the tax exemption for the Catholic Church should be revoked, in that it condoned illegal activity (across state lines) for decades.
Just to piggyback on what Mary Lee said, just look through some of these threads to find commentator Enigma. There are very good conversations with him/her and (s)he is very much pro-choice. But (s)he makes arguments and defends his/her position very carefully. I guarantee that never has an actual argument or *legit* question been deleted here, unless there is vulgarity or blasphemy.
Mary Lee, if Cece Richards is a moron, then Sarah Palin is a vegetable. PP does perform abortions, true, but it also provides contraception, which is one of the major problems the Catholic Church has. A prudish pope and his colleagues just can’t stand that individuals who don’t follow their Neanderthal dogma use birth control.
Gee Mary, but it’s okay for Blackmun to pull a flimsy, unsupportable “right” out of thin air with no scientific and real political basis? Please. You pro-aborts turn a blind eye to pro-abortion judicial activism. But anyone who dares oppose you? Criminals! You’re all a bunch of hypocrites.
Who’s talking about Sarah Palin? Try to stay on point, if you can. You’re all over the map, Mary. Seriously. Cecile Richards is a moron. So is Palin. Frankly, except for her pro-abort beliefs, I rather like Hillary Clinton. (She is not as extremist as Obama, who is a disgrace in every single way as a President.)
What is your point? You have none. It’s just buckshots with you. You’re flailing wildly without actual substance to any of your claims. You have no real arguments, just emotion. That doesn’t work.
Good, see now we know where you’re coming from and what position you’re defending.
I base my desire to close down PP entirely on their involvement in abortion. Thus, as far as I am concerned, the Live Action videos are a moot point. In that sense, I do not have any response to what you have said, Mary, but others might. Good journey.
I’ll weigh in as the baby moderator here (be gentle with me, it’s my first time).
I’ll make it easy for you. “Cece” Richards (as you call her) has been pilloried here. That’s true. I confess that I have been unsparing of her, and that I’m a long way from through. In all that I have written, I have grounded my analysis in facts; facts from the CDC that point to the disparity between scientific reality and Planned Parenthood policy. I’ve made my case. Pick it apart with something more than the typical pro-abort, “Because I said so,” which is nothing more than raw narcissism.
Then please do us all a favor and indicate the SPECIFIC elements of the law and the code of ethics in Kansas that Mr. Kline has allegedly violated. Be sure to link to the specifics and be sure to state exactly how it is that you believe Kline to be guilty.
I know that fact-based arguments, complete with documentation are a high hurdle for proaborts, as your movement is founded on nothing more than the exercise of raw political power, but I believe in you Mary.
Don’t let me down.
Phil Kline showed that late tern abortionists did not go by the Kansas laws when they aborted babies. It was supposed to be a health situation of a deformed baby or a huge health problem with the mother. They found that most late term abortions were done on perfectly healthy youngsters. And no health issues with the moms…
Also the second doctor signing off on such abortions was to not have any relationship with the performing abortionists. That requirement was not met either.
So lots of problems basically of not following the Kansas law in regards to late term abortions.
And all of that has no relevance on what a person’s private ideology is. They did not follow the state law, and Kline was pursuing that.
Now if they would only follow the law here in Illinois for under-age abortions. The law here is in place, but has not been followed in 10+ years, if I remember correctly.
Now – why can not we insist that ALL of our law-enforcement do what they should? I think Phil Kline is (and was) doing the job he was supposed to do – and they put up every road block in his way.
Corruption – it goes to the highest of places where enabling abortion is concerned. Humph.
joyfromillinois, that’s your perception. I believe Tiller’s trial proved all that malarky you just posted wrong.
We also have a one moniker rule here. Please chose one name. It makes discussion easier and more well-informed.
Bobby Bambino, I believe you mean “choose”, not “chose”.
One thing that you’ll learn about me is that I am a moron, and am not ashamed to admit it.
hey – I thought there was no name-calling here or church bashing either.
Mary – orthodox Catholics are not Neanderthals – and I would like an apology.
When I was younger, I did not understand the sexual teaching of the Catholic Church- but close to over 18 years ago I was enlightened, now understand NFP and my view is 180 degrees turned around.
The Church’s teaching is beautiful, loving, complete, all directed at having sexual intimacy fall in the arena it should (marriage between one man and one woman) so that the greatest gift of sexual intimacy can be fully developed and enjoyed. in short – sexual intimacy is for babies and bonding – and no couple is obligated to make love during fertile periods and can prayerfully decide WITH GOD to procreate their family.
Before you skewer a whole population – maybe you can study the teaching instead of railing against it. I never knew how beautiful it was – in protecting relationships between husband and wife – in bringing one’s whole self (including fertility) as a gift to the other. For not using each other as sexual objects – and honestly making sexual intimacy a deep, profound unifying force between two made one.
Good golly. Just a shame. Please learn before you pillage and set fire. you may just find you can make friends with those you deem your enemy.
Peace be with you.
Thanks for post, joyfromillinois. I read these blogs almost every day but can’t remember how long it’s been since someone actually explained the Church’s position on birth control. The fact of the matter is that Natural Family Planning is the most “FEMINIST” (for lack of a better adjective) form of birth control there is. NFP is 99% effective but with none of the side effects of birth contol pills (My God, do we even know the full extent of these side effects yet??) I have four boys and I had them exactly when I wanted them. My body is in charge and my husband has to defer to MY cycle, not his whim. I don’t swallow a pill every day so that I can be “available” at my husband’s convenience. NFP is the most empowering, most “feminist” thing I’ve ever done. As far as the Church’s stand on birth control… if you study the Church’s position carefully, you’ll see that the whole point is that they don’t want unplanned pregnancies any more than the rest of us do. And isn’t that the reason why we’re all here fighting through this abortion mess?? I think about this a lot and I know that an unplanned pregnancy has got to be one of the scariest things on Earth!! (Heck, even PLANNED pregnancies are terrifying!) And how tempting it must be to make it all “go away” with something that’s not only legal, but funded by the US Government… Problem solved!
Bottom line: SEX = BABIES. I can’t believe that it’s 2011 and we still need to teach adults this. The Church knows that no form of birth control (natural or chemical) is 100% effective, which is why it tells us to “be open to life.” Translation: “Brace yourselves. You could get pregnant.”
Thanks for all of the enlightening posts from all of you. When I climb into bed at night and am too exhausted to pray, I just tell myself: “That’s OK. I read Jill Stanek today!” : )
Gerard Nadal I appreciate you so much. Every time I read your blog or a response/comment you write here I become slightly envious and a lot encouraged by your ability to craft so beautifully with the written word. It is steel encased in velvet for the most part and your sword cuts so sharply it is almost painless, but it pierces to the heart of the matter. This is not me making fluff – I never do that. I just really, really appreciate how high you raise the bar for the rest of us. You have a gift from God and you are using it in a manner that is building a tower of crowns for you in the only place that matters.
Thank you, and the others who pay me such wonderful compliments. I must admit, however, that one performs according to one’s inspiration, and for me, that’s all of you here. The witness to life, the heart and soul among all of you is the lifeblood of my efforts.
As for building crowns in the only place that matters, I’d be happy just to get in the door!
Thanks again for the kind words and the great example. God Bless.
Thank you Martha – NFP has changed my husband and my life totally, and we are very grateful. And thank you for adding the natural problems with the unnatural pill and man-made hormones. Totally classified a Class 1 carcinogen from the World Health organization.
And NFP can be used so accurately, you can actually time a pregnancy – with your own body’s quirks and individual cycles. I learned so much – and I thought i knew my body!
And – it was my husband’s idea to learn and follow – I went kicking and screaming – but I love him and knew that he was having huge misgivings about contracepting – and it was hurting us spiritually. He was right, and we learned so much. And it keeps women much more healthy, and the relationships too…
Thanks! Hey for prayer – try ‘In Conversation with God’ by Francis Fernandez – we are about to go into Lent and Eastertide – try that volume! Lovely, for sure!
Well said Martha! And so very true!
Your comments are a good start, but you need to stop with the bad boy priest routine.
That bad boy priest chant is really getting old. There are over 39 million victims of childhood sex abuse in the U.S. ( A government audit of all Catholic priest personnel files going back 50 years revealed a total of 11,000 credible allegations (4% of all priests), or 2/100 of 1% of the 39 million victims. It isn’t the cleric that children need fear.
So now that we’ve accounted for the 2/100 of 1 % of the 39 million victims of childhood sex abuse, perhaps you can use your rhetorical skills to sniff out the perpetrators responsible for the other 99.98 % of the cases. I’m sure that your sincere desire for social justice will take you far beyond the 2/100 of 1% of the perpetrators (who have been dealt with).
As for your contention that Mr. Kline was a rogue prosecutor overstepping his bounds, overstepping the law, reason would dictate that the judge also be put on trial for allowing the case to move forward.
To your knowledge Mary, has the judge been disciplined for allowing Tiller to be persecuted so egregiously that a legal backbencher such as yourself can see it a mile away in the dark? I smell a conspiracy brewing here between Mr. Kline and the judge. Perhaps that Neanderthal Pope paid them off?!
You still have not substantiated your feelings with reference to specific statutes, leading me to surmise that perhaps those feelings are just a bad case of gas.
Nice way to detract from the question at hand, Mary. What does all this have to do with Phill Kline?
Please note that I keep a running count of all anti-Catholic statements I come across in the comments. I’ve pledged to give $1 to the prollife fund of the Archdiocese of New York for each one.
Congratulations, you’ve brought the total up to $12.
Actually, Mary, what I’m driving at is that you are a phony who doesn’t give a rat’s behind about children, and that the only reason you attack the Catholic Church on pedophilia is to attempt to shut us down on abortion.
That’s why you don’t get outraged over the other 99.98% (literally) of victims of childhhod sexual abuse.
That’s why you aren’t outraged at PP aiding and abetting whom they believed to be a child sex trafficker.
That’s why you don’t get outraged by the thought of babies being literally torn to shreds in their mother’s wombs.
It’s because you and “Cece”, as you call her, both occupy the same sty. You are as vicious as you are heartless, and your selective outrage will betray your black heart every time.
That’s what I’m trying to say.
Get well soon.
We are not looking the other way when sin is committed – pedophiles – no matter the time, form or place – are not welcome. Abusers are not welcome. And any place – school, church (any kind) or any institution should not aid or abet or allow that abuse to continue.
But call a spade a spade. If abuse is taking place – in ANY place – should you not say that it is bad? Needs to stop? Have measures in place to stop it? And be sure that the guilty are punished for their crimes? Why is it that people attack where it is – but only at the targets that suit them? Here in Illinois we had a school system not mandatory report when a TEACHER was abusing students. He went on to abuse more before coming to justice.
Delay = complacency; Looking at only one thing = selective help instead of broader protections… And we KNOW that people have an ax to grind with the Catholic Church – mainly due to hurt, misunderstanding and improper formation — and sometimes people – even people in the Church — sin and sin greatly – hurting themselves and others.
People can be rightly angry – and STILL have to be careful on how and when and why they displace that anger. I would hate to put my salvation in jeopardy over anger over individuals who have done wrong.
Should perpetrators be punished? Heck yes. And back to the topic – that is what Kline was doing – making it publicly known that the laws of Kansas were not being followed. He was following the law.
Please stop bashing – and I hope that you have healing for whatever upset (deserved or not) you have against the Church. I truly wish you well.
Mary, I am not Catholic. I am not going to sit here and defend the Catholic church. The Catholic church has NOTHING to do with whether abortion is right or wrong or whether Phil Kline was right or wrong. Stick to the topic at hand… unless of course you realize that you have nothing to back up your position.
Yes – all laws should be followed – unless someone’s lives are at stake – and only then to save the life – not destroy or hurt others purposely.
Since I came to the pro-life party in 2000, I do not know what specifically you are referring to. If you read any of my posts – you will know I do not condone violence of any kind (including the violence of abortion) and I will not be sucked in by any argument which has violent content.
I am still waiting for an apology – I see that you are still pointing the finger, and waging an angry word war. Please stop. I am not a control freak – and neither are my friends, family, priests or anyone else I know. Please stop – and will the moderators please get involved?
I do not condone violence in any form – including verbally. If Operation Rescue used violence, I do not condone it. If anyone hurt or killed a pro-choice person, I DO NOT CONDONE IT. It is not pro-life. If someone was hurting a human – would I defend the person being attacked? You bet. But instigating a perpetrating of hurt on another purposefully – absolutely not.
I hope that was absolutely clear.
Now please – an apology and please back off. Your anger toward the Church is insulting, demeaning and an off-putting thuggery. If you want to make your point for the pro-abortion position, use logical arguments – not attacking others.
Beating up on people is not diplomacy – not by a long shot.
Hi Joy,
We have already deleted several of “Mary’s” comments.
Okay, Mary. I gave you a chance, and you blew it.
You are no different than the garden variety trolls who come here squawking about the Pope because you are morally and intellectually bankrupt.
So here’s the incredible shrinking Mary and her one-note tune:
Gerry: Hi Mary, what brings you ti Jill’s today?
Mary: Kline bad man.
Gerry: Can you elaborate on that Mary?
Mary: Priests raped kids.
Gerry: I see. How does that relate to Mr. Kline?
Mary: Pope bad man. Pope Neanderthal.
Gerry: Mary, back on point. Can you point to any statutes or ethical norms that Mr Kline violated?
Mary: Priests raped kids.
Gerry: So you can’t point to any particulars in Kansas Law and Ethics violated by Mr. Kline?
Mary: “Cece” good. Priests raped kids.
Get the point Mary? If you went to college, I’d sue to get my tuition back. You weren’t served well.
Thank you – I can not imagine what worse she could have said.
Another thought – conscientious disobeying of the law regarding a true injustice would be warranted – like Rosa Parks not yielding her seat on the bus; Like Martin Luther King marching against racial inequality, like the Egyptian people marching in Cairo or the Chinese students protesting in Tienanmen square. All those are acts of disobedience to an unjust law.
Notice – all were non-violent. And that is as it should be unless we are dealing with war.
Enough said. I am saddened by such anti-Catholic bashing. I am sorry that Mary feels so angry. And I am sorry that she has picked such a target.
Too bad her passion does not include helping those most defenseless – the unborn, or helping the poor (which the CC is the largest provider of help there is). A crying shame.
Sorry Bobby. No refunds on red meat ;-)
This is a good sign for those who want justice for the unborn. The pro-choice side loves to say that abortion will never be outlawed but as time goes by, more and more people are speaking out against Planned parenthood and laws are changing. More and more people are against abortion now and do not want to have any part in it. When groups like PP lose this support, that shows that the pro-choice group is slowly becoming the minority in this country.
Eventually women are going to have to understand that this is not an attack on women or their health care but an attempt to save the unborn. This is the only law “against women” that the pro-life side is fighting for, the law that hurts the unborn babies. I think more and more people in this country are starting to see that and soon women won’t be able to argue that they are being victimized here. We just need to keep figthing with the truth.
Oh good grief, “Bobby”, I thought we told you to “chose” one moniker.
Yes, Janet, Bobby=Mary.
You have a great name, it’s your attitude that stinks.
Stick with the name and ditch the attitude. I’ll even help you on this one.
Try to imagine that the child of the womb is as sacred as you are. Proceed from there.
Well I am certainly in favor of fair legislation but the question of who should be punished and the fairness of such is for the legislators to decide. The woman is responsible for arrainging for the procedure yet it is the doctor that is actually committing the act. Although I’m not exactly sure what the best punishment should be for each person involved the legislators should be able to make a fair decision. So yes I think we should lobby for a fair and appropriate punishment.
Amen, Larry.
However, the idea would be not so much to punish mothers, fathers and criminal abortionists after the fact. The idea would be to deter and apprehend mothers and fathers before they are able to kill their unborn.
When abortion is illegal it will deter MANY women from seeking abortion.
How about until then will deter them by telling them THE TRUTH about their unborn baby by showing the ultrasound and explaining it, sharing the risks of abortion, detail fetal development and offer all of the love and support and help we can??
I am a big fan of INFORMED CONSENT.
Larry/Mary/”Bobby” – you have been asked repeatedly to use one moniker.
You have also persisted in posting only inflammatory comments, even hijacking threads to do so, completely off-topic.
This is your final warning. If you continue this, you’ll be banned. Thanks.
Gerard, your 3:18 is laugh out loud funny!! I often Lol when I really only chuckle, but you hit that one out of the park!
If one church loses it’s tax-exempt status, then all of them lose it, including the Buddhists, Muslims, Sikhs, and everyone else. Yes, Mary even your beloved First Church of Satan will lose it’s tax-exempt status (isn’t that what Blanche and Karla were in court for? Otherwise, anyone can hold support meetings in their living room and pay taxes like the rest of us, lol!). Mary was repeatedly given chances to give us a good, fact-filled response, and her cavewymyn replies only prove how little substance there is in the anti-life camp. She likes the name calling. The facts? Not so much.
I lost track of how many pro-abortion comments there have been here and elsewhere. I’m going to round up to $180 and start from there.
I must admit that I had a little guilty pleasure in doing it. It was that, or screaming at the top of my lungs. Happy to give you a laugh today, but Mary deserves all of the credit (being the playwright’s muse).
God Bless
We just finished the live webcast. What an inspiring and awful story of courage and injustice.
We need to contribute money and prayers to Phill Kline’s defense.
The good news: The depths of PP’s crimes and political corruption (financed by our money!) to be revealed during this trial will heap more evidence on top of the Abby Johnson/Kermit Gosnell/LiveAction exposees.
The story must be kept alive, because Senate Democrats will forget it as soon as we let them.
They want to make an example of him because they love to use fear and intimidation. Lord help them if those chickens come home to roost. Well I despise their tactics but for some reason I still have faith Cecile has goodness somewhere in that heart of hers Have you ever noticed in life when your not where you should be God usually sends the right person to say the words you need to here and he always knows the type of person that will speak most effectively to your heart, that’s what I’m praying for Cecile.
Are you there?????
Do you have those statutes yet?
Don’t poke the troll.
“Mary” is some angry, greasy, pot-head guy who’s frustrated at his inability to attract women. He’ll be back when he gets bored enough, angry that the world doesn’t understand him.
“Mary” has been banned for inflammatory comments and continued refusal to use one moniker after being asked. Too bad, so sad.
You obviously must have been kicked out of law school along with Mary. I know that anything beyond polar extremes taxes your reserves, but hang in there buddy, the education I’m about to give you will come in handy one day.
Now, had you actually hung in there at law school, you would have learned all about mitigating circumstances and how they attenuate culpability for crimes committed. Since you bring up the issue of a woman who hires a hit man to kill her husband, we’ll stick with that one. There have been women who have been found not guilty by juries, because the physical abuse and psychological torture inflicted upon them by their husbands was so severe that the jury couldn’t see where the woman was able to engage logic and reason.
It’s called the insanity defense.
Insanity is a legal term, not a psychological/psychiatric one. Insanity is generally descriptive of an inability to conform one’s behavior to the requirements of the law. Note the keyword here: Inability.
Many abortion-minded women come to pregnancy centers in a state of fear and confusion because EVERYONE in her life is pressuring her to kill the child. Her mental confusion is caused by the tension created as a result of her natural desire to keep her baby and the howls of the father, her parents and friends to kill it. This describes a great many women who could not be held to the same standard as the hit man (abortionist), who does the deed for money.
That wasn’t too much red meat for the little proabort tummy, was it Marty?
Excellent webcast last night. Laughing at the bort here crying oppression and persection-maybe you ought to read up on what’s been done to Klein’s family for upholding the rule of law. Prochoice condones following a kid to school. Keepin it classy, as always (eyeroll) there’s a replay of the webcast available, go to there was a lot of info you won’t want to miss (plus you can hear Jill Stanek’s midwest accent, hee hee)
Many abortion-minded women come to pregnancy centers in a state of fear and confusion because EVERYONE in her life is pressuring her to kill the child.
I recommend that everyone on this site read the book If You Really Loved Me by Ann Rule. It has nothing to do with abortion, but it’s about a teenage girl whose father convinces her that she has to kill her stepmother to save them, and it does an excellent job of showing how people can be brainwashed into believing that they have no choice but to do something they don’t really want to do. (The judge, after sentencing the girl’s father, told him, “You make Charles Manson look like a piker.”)
Okay, I’m pro-life. I’m getting that out of the way. But Planned Parenthood shouldn’t be condemned as a terrible organization by any means. They provide several helpful services to the community OTHER THAN abortion. They help with STD treatment, birth control, male fertility, and quite a few others… PP really shouldn’t be considered corrupt.
My first husband beat me and pressured me to abort our child. But he shouldn’t be condemned as a terrible husband by any means. He mowed the grass and provided services to his community OTHER THAN beating me. He helped friends mow grass, shingle roofs, build decks, and quite a few others…My ex-husband really shouldn’t be considered a terrible husband.
FSUke… that is a joke, right? You might as well say ” I am not a racist but I support the KKK. They help raise money for good politicians and gather toys for poor white children. They plant herb gardens. They’re not corrupt” while ignoring the fact that the KKK snatched mothers and fathers whose only crime was having too much pigmentation in their skin and lynched them from trees.
Planned Parenthood is the NUMBER ONE PROVIDER OF ABORTIONS IN THE WORLD. I don’t care if they help little old ladies cross the street and each PP worker donates one kidney. THEY STILL KILL BABIES. Stop defending them.
Haha, I see what you guys did there. Substitution for abortion with the KKK and domestic violence…. cool.
Maybe you should read into what Planned Parenthood does. If it’s taken out of the community or its funding being cut-out, all what DOES help will be no more. High school pregnancies will skyrocket. Great, right?
FSUke, you are seriously misinformed. PP condoms that they hand out like candy to children were tested and found to be the WORST performing condom. BTW, sexing up children and putting them on birth control almost guarantees that these kids will have sex and birth control FAILS. I am proof of that. I was on the pill. I have a 4 year old son who was conceived while I took Yaz. When the kids get pregnant guess what else PP offers? Baby killing!
54% of women who have abortions were on birth control when they conceived. Repeat after me, birth control does not reduce abortions. Stop drinking the koolaid. Birth control gives people a false sense of security that they can have sex and avoid the natural consequence which is pregnancy. When pregnancy does occur they already have fostered this anti-child carefree mentality. Abortion becomes the next logical step.
PP has had free reign with teens for years. Now 1 in 4 Americans has an STD. Great job PP! All those condoms and education has prevented that right? You are NOT pro-life FSUke. You are a troll.